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Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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Niki from five years in her future arrives [Oct. 17th, 2008|09:20 pm]
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Who: five years gone! Niki Sanders and OTA
When: Day 19
Where: Somewhere on the grounds
Rating: PG-13 for course language.

Niki was sitting in front of the bar, drinking one too many whiskeys as it where. She was angry with Peter, he killed Micah, it was him. He left her, angry and alone. She found solace in alcohol, something she had been finding lots of solace in, AA be damned. She watched as her tumbler hit the television and slid down, coating the t.v., wall and rug. Nathan, a man she knew biblically, was also now the president of the United States and saying something rather important was lost on Niki as she fell into a drunken stupor. She woke up hours later, in a place she didn't readily recognize as her bar, with Peter. She was not sure if she might have crawled into their apartment and just landed wherever she landed? She woke up with a major start when she noticed that she was alone, no Peter and no idea where she was?
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[Aug. 8th, 2008|02:15 pm]
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Who: Ace & Ianto
When: 5pm , Day Ten
Where: Sitting Room
Why: Ianto Needs Friends
Rating: TBD
Status: Complete

Coincidence? I think not. )
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Day 7 [Jul. 11th, 2008|10:51 am]

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Who: Bones and Ace
What: Bleeding Love
When: Early Afternoonish
Where: Courtyard, to start
Rating: TBD
Status: Complete

I keep bleeding, I keep keep bleeding love. )
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Day Six [Jul. 6th, 2008|07:24 pm]
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Who: Ace & The Doctor
When: evening
What: fireworks...
Where: by the lake
Rating: G - PG for swearing maybe
Status: Complete

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[Jun. 27th, 2008|09:58 am]
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[Current Music |hot blooded-foreigner]

WhoEdward And OTA!
When:Day 5,early morning
WhereNear the lake.
WhatEdwards arrival, what else!
RatingPg-13ish for now.

One confused,pissed off vampire. )
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Day Four [Jun. 21st, 2008|10:09 pm]
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Who: Ace & Rose.
When: Afternoon
What: The companions meet.
Where: the TARDIS
Rating: G
Status: Complete

what a surprise )
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Day 3- White Water Rafting [Jun. 13th, 2008|09:51 am]
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Who: Austin, Legolas, Ace and Brigitte
What: White Water River Rafting
When: Mid-Afternoon
Where: The Boathouse/River
Rating: TBD
Status: Complete

Austin cracked one eye open. He heard the rustle of paper on the other side of his door and his eyes shifted to the door. It was a garish mustard color, and the rest of the colors in the room were just as bad. Sitting up, he crept toward the door in a pair of red briefs with the British flag plastered across his butt. He opened it a crack and peered out from behind his thick glasses. Seeing no one, he stuck his head out and looked down the hall. He saw a golem sticking envelopes on other doors as well and looked to his and saw there was one with his name on it.

Plucking it off the door, he shut it as he slipped back inside and went to his rotating bed. It was currently rotating and as he tried to sit down his butt moved but his feet didn't and that caused him to land on the floor with a thud. Getting up quickly, he looked around, even though there was no one in his room. A fact he quite regretted. Straightening his glasses he hopped on the bed and sat down to read the enclosed message.

Go to the boat house.... )
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