Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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[Nov. 18th, 2008|05:20 pm]

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Who: Kadaj, Susan and open
When: Day 23 afternoon
What: So much snow!
Where: Outside, heading for the zip lines
Rating: G
Status: In progress
Such things as seeking time off )
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[Nov. 17th, 2008|11:20 am]
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Who: Riddick and Vaako
When: Day 23 Morning
What:Finally having that talk.
Where: Their room.
Rating: Ugh not sure yet let's go with TBA the moment it needs to be changed, I will.
Status: Incomplete, active

You can't hide forever. Now is the time to lay it out on the line with words and actions. )
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Day Twenty-Three [Nov. 17th, 2008|01:47 am]
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Who: Katara and Zuko
When: Day 23 ; Evening
What: Confrontations of a different nature
Where: Outside, somewhere between the lake and Residential Building A
Rating: PG - 13
Status: Complete

What had happened with her friends and family after she disappeared? It was another thing she would have to mention along with the apology. )
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Day 23 - Ice Skating [Nov. 16th, 2008|01:42 pm]
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Who: Giselle, Alex, Haruka, and Zuko
What: Ice Skating Group Activity
When: Late Afternoon
Where: Lake
Rating: PG, maybe PG-13
Status: Incomplete

Go to the frozen lake. You will be ice skating. )
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[Nov. 16th, 2008|02:42 am]

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WHO: Sidney Prescott and the Weasley Twins
WHEN: Day 23
WHERE: Game Room
RATING: PG13 tops
STATUS: Complete

Sidney just sat in the rec room just watching the snow fall. She was not willing to make the trip outside since the last time she went outdoors was when she was grabbed by a very large rabbit. At that moment as she sipped her coffee she had made up her mind, going outside was not on the menu. But all she needs is a gentle push and well she flat out needs to smile a little more. She got to thinking,*At least nobody minus Alex has heard me scream after a nightmare* half watching the snow and half watching people around her.
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[Nov. 15th, 2008|10:10 am]
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WHO: Marcus & Legolas
WHEN: Day 23, mid-day
WHERE: the Coffee Bar
STATUS: Complete

Marcus had spent a cold morning out in the new snowy landscape. )
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