Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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day 31 [Feb. 11th, 2009|08:59 pm]
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Who: Max Guevara and Dean Winchester
What: Max coming back from Horseback riding
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Familiar faces, but not so familiar people )
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[Feb. 9th, 2009|03:34 am]
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Who: George Lass and OTA
What: George is sitting on the couch, looking ahead at nothing in particular, mainly musing, quite bored.
When: Day 31, afternoon
Where: Sitting Room
Status: In progress
Rating: PG just in case

Welcome to the County of Bored )
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I Left My Home, I Left My Love, I Left My Faith Back There. [Feb. 8th, 2009|07:40 pm]
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[Current Music |Casey Chambers- "Rattlin' Bones"]

[Who]: L and Laura
[When]: Day 31, Afternoon
[What]: L isn't bored, but wants to hang out with Laura anyway. She's that cool~
[Rating]: PG for now, for likely deep thoughts.
[Status]: Technically open, though they'll likely be forced!polite to anyone else who shows up, lol

Till they bury me down, beneath the ground, with the dust and rattlin' bones )
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[Feb. 8th, 2009|06:33 pm]
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Who: Spike and Open :)
When: Day 31 morning
What: Spike gets a snack..
Rating: PG or lower so far.
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )
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[Feb. 7th, 2009|07:01 pm]
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Who: Lucas Scott and Open
When: Day 31
What: Lucas goes for a swim.
Rating: Probably PG just to be safe.
Status: Complete.

Read more... )
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[Feb. 6th, 2009|06:37 pm]
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[Current Mood |busy]

Who: Layla Williams, Lucas Scott and OTA
When: Day 31
What: Layla is outside in a spring like coat, black yoga pants, sneakers and is playing with a football, aiming it at a tire swing that she thought of an it appeared. So far she has made 3 out of 5 tries. Could turn into a small football game?
Rating: Probably PG just to be safe.
Status: Incomplete.

Read more... )
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[Feb. 5th, 2009|04:23 pm]

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Who: Laura Moon and Andy Gallagher
What: Insomnia!
When: Day 31, very late night
Where: Laura's room, C112.
Rating: PG-13 for language and gory details
Status: Complete

Ease my mind. Reach out for me to find you. )
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Day 31 [Feb. 4th, 2009|09:24 pm]

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Who: Andy Gallagher, Sam Winchester, and Illyana Rasputin
What: A drink a day keeps the emo away
When: Day 31, late evening
Where: The bar
Rating: PG-13 for language
Status: Incomplete

He wasn't one to turn to alcohol or pot to drown his sorrows, but tonight, Andy could make an exception. )
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[Feb. 3rd, 2009|08:45 pm]
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WHO: Marcus & Faith
WHAT: A chance meeting
WHEN: Day 31
WHERE: Down by the dock
STATUS: Complete
RATING: PG-13 for Faith?

Marcus found this lake resort very relaxing. )
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Day Thirty-One [Feb. 3rd, 2009|02:07 pm]

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Who: Shannon Rutherford and Sam Tyler
What: You heal my wounds and I'll heal yours...
When: Day 31 after dinner
Where: The bar
Rating: PG-13 for language
Status: Complete

Fancy meeting you here... )
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Group Activity - Bowling! [Feb. 2nd, 2009|08:38 pm]
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WHO: Jareth, Severus Snape, Dean Winchester, Michiru Kaioh (posting order TBD)
WHAT: Group Activity - Bowling
WHEN: Morning of Day 31
WHERE: The Bowling Alley
STATUS: Incomplete

When Snape heard the sound outside his door, his mood sank and he fought off an urge to fling the closest beaker against the far wall. )
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[Feb. 1st, 2009|04:55 pm]

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Who: Violet Baudelaire,Illyana Rasputin, L Lawliet,Ianto Jones (Posting Order Set)
What: Group Activity - Swimming in the Lake
When: Day 31, Morning
Where: The Lake of Course
Rating: PG-13 for language at worst
Status: Open

Science and Swimming Usually Don't Mix Very Well )
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[Feb. 1st, 2009|01:26 pm]

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Who: Laura Moon, Edward Elric, Andy Gallagher, and Sarah Jane Smith (Posting Order TBD)
What: Group Activity - Skating
When: Day 31, Morning
Where: Commencing at Fitness Center
Rating: G
Status: Closed; Dropped

There was no need to put a dead woman with superhuman speed on wheels... )
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[Jan. 30th, 2009|10:10 pm]
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WHO: Faith Lehane, Shannon Rutherford, Sam Tyler, Jack Harkness (Posting order set)
WHAT: Group Activity - Boating
WHEN: Day 31, Early afternoon
WHERE: The lakefront
STATUS: Incomplete

On the plus side, she got to exercise her rather extensive collection of swear words as the thing carried her... )
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[Jan. 30th, 2009|09:57 pm]
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WHO: Yuna, Max Guevara, Gene Hunt, The Doctor
WHAT: Group Activity - Horseback Riding
WHEN: Day 31, Mid-morning
WHERE: Starting at some sort of stables or building to that effect
STATUS: Complete

Are you a 'horse'? )
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