Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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Day Twenty-One ; Group Activity [Oct. 31st, 2008|04:48 pm]
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Who: Yvaine, Andy Gallagher, Ayla, and Severus Snape ((Posting Order))
When: Day 21 ; Early Morning
What: Group Activity ; Picking and Stomping Grapes
Where: First to the Winery, then to the grape fields, then back to the winery
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

Her gaze was drawn toward a white envelope that had been stuck to her door. )
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Day 15 [Sep. 15th, 2008|04:51 pm]

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Who: Kadaj and Ayla
When: Day 15 evening
What: Seeing A Familiar Face
Where: A bench looking toward the vineyard
Rating: G
Status: In progress
Like all the stolen people )
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Day 14 [Sep. 5th, 2008|09:03 am]
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Who: Ayla & John
What: Go-Carting!
When: Morning
Where: Cafe- then Go-Carts
Rating: PG, if that
Status: Incomplete

She recognized the broad, dark-haired man... )
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Day 10 [Aug. 9th, 2008|09:53 am]
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Who: Yvaine & Ayla
What: Healing Session
When: Mid Morning
Where: Yvaine's Room
Rating: G
Status: Finished

With soaked leather, gauze and tea in hand she left her room. )
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Hurricane Party! [Aug. 8th, 2008|09:28 pm]
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Who: Ginny and the other residents of the resort
What: Hurricane Party!
When: Day 10, around 7 PM.
Where: The White Sands Resort Bar and Club
Rating: PG? I don't know what crazy shenanigans are going to occur.
Status: In progress.

Ginny hated being stuck indoors.

She almost literally been trying to climb the walls in her frustration when she'd decided to throw a hurricane party. She hadn't met many of the residents, and figured if there was anyone else as irritated at being stuck inside then they'd appreciate the change of scenery. It'd also give people a chance to mingle and meet. She wondered if there were others from her world here besides Tonks.

The planet had been most accomodating to her ideas. The club was currently themed for a luau, and small lanterns shed a soft glow over numerous smaller groupings of tables as well as over the dance floor and bar. She hadn't been sure what the other residents might eat, so she'd asked for a large selection of snacks. The bar was well-stocked as well. She didn't recognize all of the things stocked, but she did notice a bottle of Firewhiskey and what appeared to be butterbeer.

Now all this party needed was people. Maybe she'd get to see Max again.
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Kadaj Arrives Out of the Light into the Storm [Aug. 4th, 2008|03:25 pm]

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Who: Kadaj, Anakin and Ayla
When: Day Nine, evening?
Where: Begins in the Lifestream, then by the welcome tablet, then inside...
Why: Kadaj arrives (Worship Him, haha)
Rating: G (I guess)
Status: Complete

Out of the light into the storm )
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Day Eight - Yvaine's Arrival [Jul. 19th, 2008|07:08 pm]
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Who: Yvaine & Ayla
Where: The Meadow
When: Day 8; Evening, just after the sun has set
What: Yvaine’s Arrival
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

High in the sky, the Evening Star glittered and shined brightly as she watched the humans and the beasts. The creatures below interacted as they had a tendency to do. Yvaine sighed as she watched a traveler begin his journey through Faerie. Oh what it would be like to go on adventures of her own. She loved her sister Stars and her mother Moon very much, and life was never unbearable for her, but she wanted to experience life down below her sometimes. If there were a way back up home, she thought she wouldn’t mind heading down there for once.

One star fell. Tertius thought, although he was not certain, that it was the first star of the evening, the one that his brother Septimus had remarked upon. )
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Day 7 [Jul. 11th, 2008|10:27 am]
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Who: Rusty & Ayla
What: Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop
When: Morning
Where: The Coffee Bar
Rating: TBD
Status: Complete

I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you... )
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[Jun. 28th, 2008|11:20 am]
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Who:Riddick and OTA
What: Plotting to escape Exploring the planet
When:Day 5:: Early morning
Where: The Mountains for starters
Rating: TBA for now I will go with PG-13 for language at the very least. Will change as needed, if needed.
Status: Complete
In his mind there is always a way to escape, one just has to find it. Even if it means having patience. )
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[Jun. 20th, 2008|01:18 pm]
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Who::Scott evil and OTA
when:Day 4,afternoonish
what:The arrivial of scott!
where:The lake

Oh its such a drag,what a chore, everythings a stress, and once more its all somebodys fault! )
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Day 3- Fishing [Jun. 13th, 2008|09:35 am]
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Who: Ayla, John, The Doctor and Miguel
What: Fishing
When: Morning, after breakfast
Where: The Dock/The Lake
Rating: R for nudity
Status: Complete!

Ayla had decided to stay away from the foyer this morning. She didn't want the responsibility of greeting anyone else. It was too hard to explain to new people what had happened to them. There were others that did a much better job of it. Giselle made it look downright easy. So, Ayla figured if she didn't see the flashing light of the new keys, she didn't have to greet anyone.

She went through the back door of the kitchen for some breakfast, and then headed out to see about Whinney and Racer. Both horses nickered when she neared and she began to speak to them in a combination of verbal and sign language. "Good morning, Whinney." When she said the mare's name word, it came out as more of a horse whinney than a name. "Good morning, Racer." She patted the dark steppe horse on his neck and hugged both animals. Whinney was Racer's mother, and Ayla had raised them both.

She finished her breakfast... )
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Day two. [Jun. 6th, 2008|07:01 pm]
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Who: Christian &OTA
What: Arrival of Christian
When: Late Morning
Where: Near the stables.
Rating: PG for now
Status: complete.

My gift is my Song,And This one's for You )
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[May. 30th, 2008|04:34 pm]
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Who: Doumyouji and Ayla
When: Day 1, Midday
What: Doumyouji's arrival and subsequent greeting
Where: Foyer of the resort
Rating: PG? (Subject to change)
Status: Complete

This, Doumyouji thought as he stared at the building, his expression one of a well-practised glare, was most definitely not where he had intended on being. He didn't even know what or were this was. He had carefully (or rather, as carefully as he was prone to doing) instructed his driver as to where he had wanted to go. He'd wanted to visit Tsukushi (it had seemed necessary at the time, but all thoughts relating to that matter had more or less abandoned him once he'd got out the car and found himself facing some kind of... place). Turning back to where the car should have been - he'd just got out of it, after all - he found himself facing absolutely nothing. (Well, 'nothing' wouldn't have been entirely accurate; he just wasn't facing what he had intended to face).

Expression flickering for a moment, he glanced around somewhat wildly, looking for any sign of the car; he hadn't heard any tell-tale sign of an engine starting and running, or the sound of tyres against... Some kind of loosely stoned ground. Kicking at the stones irritably, he reached a hand into a pocket, withdrawing a phone. Flicking it open, he cycled through the numbers before finding the one for his driver (he didn't care if the man was driving. There would be hell to pay if he didn't pick up).

'The phone you have tried calling appears to be outside your current net-'  )
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