Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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Day Twenty-One [Nov. 1st, 2008|07:06 pm]
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Who: Katara, Toph Bei Fong, and Zuko
When: Day 21 ; Late Morning
What: Confronting Zuko once again
Where: Building E first, then to the meadow
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

The entire thing was so absurd that she could completely understand Zuko’s unwillingness to believe her, even if she knew she was right. )
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Day Twenty-One ; Group Activity [Oct. 31st, 2008|04:48 pm]
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Who: Yvaine, Andy Gallagher, Ayla, and Severus Snape ((Posting Order))
When: Day 21 ; Early Morning
What: Group Activity ; Picking and Stomping Grapes
Where: First to the Winery, then to the grape fields, then back to the winery
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete

Her gaze was drawn toward a white envelope that had been stuck to her door. )
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Day Twenty One [Oct. 31st, 2008|11:09 am]
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Who: Armand and Lestat
What: Time for the kidnapper to be rescued
When: Day 21, Early evening
Where: The mountains, where Lestat went to ground
Rating: At least R just cause it's Lestat and Armand.
Status Incomplete

Do the devils in hell put their arms around each other and say 'Ah, you are my friend, I love you'? )
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