Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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Day 23 - Ice Skating [Nov. 16th, 2008|01:42 pm]
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Who: Giselle, Alex, Haruka, and Zuko
What: Ice Skating Group Activity
When: Late Afternoon
Where: Lake
Rating: PG, maybe PG-13
Status: Incomplete

Go to the frozen lake. You will be ice skating. )
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Day Twenty-Two [Nov. 7th, 2008|09:11 pm]

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Who: Andy, Giselle, and OTA
What: Having fun in the snow
When: Day 22, late afternoon
Where: in front of the Ski Resort Lodge
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

It had been God knows how long since the last time he’d made a snow angel. )
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[Oct. 26th, 2008|10:25 am]
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[Current Music |Orlean no Sei Senshi ~ Uranus to Neptune no Uragiri ~]

Who: Michiru, Giselle, Legolas, Yvaine
When: Early afternoon
What: Making music and meeting fellow musicians.
Where: Inside the theatre
Rating: PG-13 just to be safe
Status: Complete

Calling all musicians! )
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Day 19 [Oct. 17th, 2008|09:51 am]
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Who: Mal and Giselle
What: First Meetings
When: Mid-afternoon
Where: Bowling Alley
Rating: PG?
Status: Incomplete

There was some comfort in knowing that he wasn't alone, but not much. )
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[Oct. 9th, 2008|10:50 am]
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Who: Legolas, Giselle, Katara, Aragorn (Posting order too?)
What: Reuniting with friends
When: Late night, after Legolas and Katara defeat Wolverine
Where: The alter where Giselle and Aragorn are being held
Rating: PG-13 or so. Mostly just for sappiness.
Status: Complete

A happy, carefree elven song was on his lips... )
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[Sep. 19th, 2008|09:23 pm]
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Who: Aragorn, Giselle at first then later Wolverine
What: Kidnapping of the King of Men and the beautiful Giselle
When: Morning
Where: Starting at the cafe
Rating: TBA
Status: complete

as he walked in he looked at the array of food and didn't know what it was. He frowned, pursing his lips quite confused. What was a scone? )
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Oh... COME ON! [Aug. 23rd, 2008|01:30 am]
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Who: Ash and Giselle
What: The King Arrives, Baby
When: Around noon
Where: The front entry way of the resort
Rating: R, for language at least
Status: Complete

His blue eyes blazing like fire, stunning raven locks tossed back brusquely to the side, firm muscles straining at the edges of his tunic, the greatest hero that mankind would ever know stared at the carnage that a night of battle had wrought.  )
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Hurricane Party! [Aug. 8th, 2008|09:28 pm]
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Who: Ginny and the other residents of the resort
What: Hurricane Party!
When: Day 10, around 7 PM.
Where: The White Sands Resort Bar and Club
Rating: PG? I don't know what crazy shenanigans are going to occur.
Status: In progress.

Ginny hated being stuck indoors.

She almost literally been trying to climb the walls in her frustration when she'd decided to throw a hurricane party. She hadn't met many of the residents, and figured if there was anyone else as irritated at being stuck inside then they'd appreciate the change of scenery. It'd also give people a chance to mingle and meet. She wondered if there were others from her world here besides Tonks.

The planet had been most accomodating to her ideas. The club was currently themed for a luau, and small lanterns shed a soft glow over numerous smaller groupings of tables as well as over the dance floor and bar. She hadn't been sure what the other residents might eat, so she'd asked for a large selection of snacks. The bar was well-stocked as well. She didn't recognize all of the things stocked, but she did notice a bottle of Firewhiskey and what appeared to be butterbeer.

Now all this party needed was people. Maybe she'd get to see Max again.
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Day Ten [Aug. 8th, 2008|08:25 am]
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Who: Mamoru and Giselle
When: Mid Afternoon
Where: The games room
What: Teaching about video games
Rating: G, I think. This is Giselle
Status: Complete

No first person shooters, of course... )
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Day 9 [Jul. 28th, 2008|12:32 pm]
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Who: Giselle & Doc
What: Playing Games
When: Afternoon
Where: Sitting Room
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Game time! )
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Day Eight // The Best is Yet to Come [Jul. 22nd, 2008|08:59 pm]
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Who: Snake and OTA
What: David's Arrival
When: Sunset, Day Eight
Where: The Beach
Status: In Progress

It was a chilling night in the Alaskan bush. )
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[Jul. 14th, 2008|10:28 pm]
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Who: Souji and Giselle
Where: By the lake
When: Late-morning
What: Pheromone day
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Despite the fact that he was still not happy with being on the planet, nor had he quite decided his opinion as to how his current situation related to the regulations he had to abide by as a member of the Shinsengumi, he had woken in a notably good mood (although, that said, bad moods weren't particularly common when it came to him). )

((ooc: Hopefully it's ok, if not, I can change it!))
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Day Five [Jun. 27th, 2008|08:05 am]
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Who: Legolas and Giselle
What: Meeting as planned
When: Just before sunrise
Where: Giselle's room
Rating: G, because this is Giselle we're talking about.
Status: Complete

Sunrise Meeting... )
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Day 4 [Jun. 23rd, 2008|09:25 am]
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Who: Giselle and OTA
What: Perusing
When: Early Evening
Where: The Art Gallery
Rating: G, subject to change
Status: Complete

The notes from Legolas had made Giselle's whole morning. She sang louder than ever off her balcony, giggled and played with her animal friends while they tidied up her room, and dressed up in her frilliest outfit. She skipped more than ever, not to mention the extra bouncing. She clapped and then slipped into musing daydreams of their morning together tomorrow. She was so distracted by her thoughts that she was driving herself crazy.

She needed to get out... )
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Day Four [Jun. 20th, 2008|08:27 am]
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Who: Legolas and Giselle
What: A simple note, posted on her door
Where: N/A
When: Day 4
Rating: G
Status: Complete

To the Lady Giselle does Prince Legolas of Mirkwood send his greetings, )
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Day 3- Bowling [Jun. 13th, 2008|09:23 am]
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Who: Giselle, Tyler, Jun, Katara and Christian
What: Bowling
When: Late Morning
Where: Bowling Alley
Rating: TBD
Status: Completed!

Giselle woke with the pleasant thoughts of Legolas in her head. Their impromptu duet the day before had stuck with her even into her dreams. She smiled dreamily as she sat up in bed and went to the balcony doors. She leaned against the side of the balcony and sang with all her heart. When she had finished her seranade of the entire resort, she resumed waking up.

She showered and dressed with the help of her animal friends and went to get some breakfast at the restaurant. When she returned from a satisfying meal of pancakes and fresh fruit, she saw an envelope taped to her door that she had neglected to notice before. She pulled it off and tore it open. Giselle loved getting messages, and she half hoped it was from Legolas.

But it was not to be... )
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[Jun. 6th, 2008|09:17 am]
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Who: Legolas and Giselle
When: Second day, mid-morning
What: Legolas arrives
Where: Near one of the stables
Rating: PG, will change as needed
Status: Complete

Legolas had not been alive for almost a thousand years to be outwitted by a mere human, no matter that Aragorn was to be the future King of Gondor. He knew very well that the man was planning something, and a quick conversaton with the sons of Elrond told him exactly what it was. So, the Ranger-King was going to try to take on the Dead themselves, was he? And probably, going to be a noble fool about it all and try to go alone.

He had no interest in allowing one of his good friends to go off alone into hostile territory. Human dead didn't alarm him in the slightest. He couldn't die, not easily, and it was just hard for him to grasp the whole idea. But, in any case, he wasn't about to let Aragorn go alone, and he knew the dwarf Gimli was of the same mind as him. Tomorrow, when the Ranger tried to sneak out, he'd find it harder than he expected, with the sharp elvish eyes watching out for him.

A river of time and space )
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Day 01 [May. 30th, 2008|01:03 pm]

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Who: Max and Giselle
What: Max arrives
When: Evening in Roswell / Morning on ‘The Planet’
Where: Dude Ranch resort
Status: Completed
Rating: PG (I’d make it G because it’s Giselle, but Max is 16, so…)

A true alien abduction… )

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