Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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[Mar. 13th, 2009|12:47 am]

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-Who: Gwen Cooper and Luke Smith
-What: "So your the kid!"
-When: Sometime that day
-Where: Sitting Room
-Rating: PG-13 to be safe
-Status: Incomplete

At least the weather was a little more like Wales as Gwen curled up in her now usual perch in the building sitting room. Having spent most of the prior day either fighting off lizards or tending to Gray had not left much time for anything else, so a breather was nice. As she sipped a steaming cup of Ianto's coffee she got to thinking as she jotted down some notes into her notebook (her private journal well hidden back in her room). But now she was curious, she knew via her chat with Sarah Jane that she had a son. "Maybe something will liven up my day" as she played with her pen between sips of coffee.
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[Mar. 2nd, 2009|04:29 am]

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-Who: Lizards and anyone!
-What: Lizards are swarming Mirage
-When: From morning to whenever the lizards are driven off/defeated
-Where: Location 6! Outside, between the tennis courts, sauna, and garden
-Rating: PG-13 for fighting
-Status: Incomplete

Some lizards were off in the garden, replanting the flowers however they wanted: upside down, sideways, burying them completely, or ripping the heads off and burying just the stems. Two had taken a dip in the small pond inside the garden, although they couldn't quite get in it all the way as it wasn't very big and they, well, were. Others were on the tennis court, amusing themselves with the tennis balls. A few were gleefully pelting one with them, but since they were small and fuzzy and the lizards had tough hides, it didn't hurt as much as throwing a bowling ball at it full speed would. A small group had ventured over to the outside pool, poking at the water warily. The group crowded too close, wanting to get a better view at this odd lake, that the one who had poked the water slipped and fell in with a loud squeal. It panicked for a moment before it realized it could stand up easily; it was in the shallow end.

(OOC: As the day goes on, more and more will appear. There will be about 200 total, so about four and a half for each person, including those who are staying inside, so those who are fighting will have more to take down.)

Here is a quick link to the map: Link)
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[Feb. 21st, 2009|01:49 am]

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Who: Luna Lovegood and OTA
What: Luna is on a Hunt for Moon Frogs
When: Day 33, afternoon
Where: Sitting Room
Status: In progress
Rating: PG-13 tops (this is Luna after all and allows for talk of the events of book 5)

Luna Lovegood was on a mission, to track down what she had heard overnight. "It has to be moon frogs!" the younger woman was grinning as she walked towards what she was hearing from the sitting room. The events of the day before still bothered her somewhat but she was trying to make the best of being stuck on this planet and was happy to have located one friend in Tonks. She had also heard of others her age being on planet and hoped to make a few new friends along the way. She got to thinking,*At least I know Tonks is here, we look out for each other just like the Order and the DA* as she followed the voices into the sitting room.

She could pass for much younger being only 5"0 tall but something within the younger witch shined through, the quirky sweetness and warmth. Her wand was safely tucked into the pocket of her jeans to be on the safe side but the large scar on her hand would make anyone worry.
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[Jan. 23rd, 2009|04:53 am]
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WHO: Luke Smith, Blair Waldorf, Kibeth, Sam Winchester
WHAT: Racquetball
WHEN: Day 30, afternoon
WHERE: Where ever the racquetball court is set up, lol
STATUS: Incomplete

Something new to do )
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Open RP, Day 29 [Jan. 19th, 2009|05:57 pm]
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WHO: Haruka and OTA
WHAT: Haruka's found the snowmobiles^^
WHEN: Day 29, just after lunch
WHERE: Out in the snow
RATING: PG-13, just to be safe
STATUS: Incomplete.

Something she could race )
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[Jan. 12th, 2009|04:51 am]
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Who: Luke Smith and Sarah Jane Smith
When: Day 28
What: Luke goes to visit Mum
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Guess who's your new neighbor? )
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[Jan. 8th, 2009|11:31 am]
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Who: Luke Smith and OTA
When: Day 28
What: Luke arrives!
Rating: Let's go with PG for now
Status: Complete

He was really glad he was wearing his jacket. )
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