Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Mirage: A Panfandom Resort RPG

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[Jan. 30th, 2009|09:57 pm]
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WHO: Yuna, Max Guevara, Gene Hunt, The Doctor
WHAT: Group Activity - Horseback Riding
WHEN: Day 31, Mid-morning
WHERE: Starting at some sort of stables or building to that effect
STATUS: Complete

Are you a 'horse'? )
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[Jan. 23rd, 2009|12:28 pm]
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WHO: Snape & Yuna
WHAT: A chance meeting
WHEN: Day 30 while everyone else is out at group activities
WHERE: The library
STATUS: Complete

Thank Merlin he hadn't been summoned to another of those horrible group activities. )
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[Jan. 17th, 2009|02:05 am]
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WHO: Snape & Yuna with a brief appearance by Tonks
WHEN: Day 29 afternoon
WHERE: In the bar
STATUS: Complete

Though he had to admit this establishment served a remarkable butterbeer, Snape was in a foul mood, and scowled at the serving golems nevertheless. )
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Twenty Seven [Jan. 2nd, 2009|08:51 pm]
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WHO: Yuna and Snape
WHAT: The lady summoner arrives
WHEN: Day 27, morning
WHERE: By the ski lift
RATING: Nothing above a G in this one
STATUS: Complete

Where was she? What was going on? Where were Rikku, Lulu, Auron, Wakka, Kimahri and... Tidus? )
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Party thread! [Jan. 2nd, 2009|09:59 pm]

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-Who: Everyone!
-What: Party time!
-When: Day 27, from 5 in the morning carrying on until 5 am the next day when everything will get cleaned up by the golems
-Where: Ballroom, club, bar, places around there
-Status: Complete
-Rating: Who knows! Could go from anywhere between G and R!

If one were to walk into the ballroom after 5 am, they would find brightly colored streamers hanging across the walls and from the ceiling. Confetti was constantly fluttering down from the ceiling, as if the tiny pieces were snow themselves. Tables had been set up along the wall with plates, silverware, and all sorts of food imaginable. The Planet had made sure to include everyone's favorite food on the menu. The dessert table was huge. There was also a drink table nearby, complete with a bar and a few golems manning it to monitor the intake of drinks as well as serve them up. The Planet seemed to be either apologizing for all the people missing or wanting the remaining people to get together and meet each other again.... or perhaps it was a little bit of both.
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