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Oct. 2nd, 2013


This Is a Perfectly Acceptable Time to Panic

WHO: Bryant and Eden
WHEN: Sunday? Monday? Five minutes after he entered the caves? Bryant has no clue, really.
WHERE: the love shack their cell
WHAT: The huge naked Briton is just a teensy bit terrified of their new accommodations. Actually, he’s terrified of just about everything.
WARNING: TBD, scene in progress

It’s fairly bloody difficult to draw your knees up to your chest if you’ve only got one ruddy knee. )

Sep. 30th, 2013


Who. Dahlia and Max.
Where. The cell, as per usual.
What. Just some cellmates chatting, yo.
When. A few hours after their last scene.
Rating. Low.

Dahlia didn't sleep that night. )


Who: Hunter & Archer.
What: Much more familial closeness than Hunter ever signed up for. She expected pants.
Where: Their cell.
Warnings: TBA.

Hunter's initial thought upon waking had been about the dolphins. )


Who: Tatum & Marcus.
What: Hanging with the roomie, plenty of time to get acquainted (before he gets distilled).
Where: Their cell.
Warnings: TBA.

Once in her entire life, she had volunteered to be the brave one, to go ahead first. )

Sep. 29th, 2013


WHO: Eli and Saint
WHAT: AU, baby! Saint is Eli's assistant. Also, a Sharknado may be eminent.
WHERE: Beaches!
WHEN: An unestablished time in either the near future or the near past!
WARNING: This is basically an excuse for Pixie and I to throw Eli and Saint together for some dirty sex and gratuitous brutal death by Sharknado. SO THAT IS WHAT IS HAPPENING.

I got a black magic woman~ )

Sep. 25th, 2013


Who. Dahlia and Max.
Where. The cell.
What. Dahlia and Max wake up.
When. Early Monday morning.
Rating. Low.

The last thing Dahlia remembered was holding fast to the material of Jenny's shirt. )

Sep. 24th, 2013


WHO: Eli and Jenny
WHAT: Cellular Interactions
WHERE: The cells, yo.
WHEN: Late Sunday/Early Monday

Hush now baby, baby, don't you cry )

Sep. 23rd, 2013


Who: Susie, Mike
When: Hexagon Time
Where: The Caves
What: Susie wakes up in a very uncomfortable place (that's not the back of a Volkswagen)
Rating: Let's see!

She remembered going into the caves. )

Sep. 22nd, 2013


Who: Kesiah and Jon
What: Waking up.
Where: The Caves
When: Late Sunday/Early Monday
Warnings: Probably some language on Kessie's part, possibly other things. TBD

Study me then, you who shall lovers be )


Who: Gilman & Serena.
What: Gilman get’s a new roommate. Serena has a bad day.
Where: Gilman & Serena’s cell, down in the caves.
When: Very late Sunday/early Monday?
Warnings: Swears, gross behaviour from Gilman, but nothing too awful.

It would be easier this time, for him. )

Sep. 20th, 2013


Who: Avery and Teagan
When: late afternoon
Where: the caves of doom
What: driven by boredom and the rain, one young man descends into a complete nightmare. And he has company.
Warnings: TBD

what the hell...? )

Sep. 19th, 2013


Who: Gilman.
Where: The Caves.
What: Gilman is observing the new inmates (GET IN THE CAVES YOU BUTTS).
Rating: Very vaguely creepy? It's just a narrative.

They had taken her away. )

Sep. 12th, 2013


Who. Dahlia and open.
When. Sunday afternoon, before the rain starts.
Where. The beach, on a log. (Descriptive, I know.)
What. While Jenny is exploring nearby, Dahlia waits not-so-patiently for her return.
Rating. TBA.

It was only after some convincing on Dahlia's part that Jenny finally agreed to go look around. )

Sep. 9th, 2013


Squaring Away Ravi.

WHO: Nobody (this is an exposition post)
WHEN: Sunday, June 9th, 2013, 2pm
WHERE: Island weather announcement. And the Cave System!
WHAT: This is an exposition post establishing conditions on the island, what happened to a certain missing survivor, etc. in the hopes that these facts will help players decide how to proceed in this plot!
WARNING: This is not an interactive scene, and characters (other than Ravi and Gilman) will NOT have all of this information, of course.

The cave system was interconnected and temperature-controlled. )

Sep. 8th, 2013


WHO: Tatum & Emma (and OPEN).
WHEN: Sunday (the 9th) morning, very shortly after the group meeting.
WHERE: Along the beach, within sight of main camp/signal fire.
WHAT Can't deal with a confrontational meeting, must escape.

It was no surprise that people were beginning to snap under the pressure. )

Sep. 4th, 2013


Who: Eden, Eli, and Jenny (naturally open, of course)
What: Insomnia + helicopter not seeing them + Rob screaming at the radio = wandering black lady...with a broken shoe.
Where: Along the beach.
When: Sunday June 9, 3am or so?
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

She wasn't sure how many of the party of survivors had been roused by the radio conversation aside from herself. )

Sep. 3rd, 2013


Who: Teagan, Susie and Mike
When: Sunday June 9th, 8:00am, shortly after the group meeting.
Where: Tentfirmary!
What: Probably a lot of chatter. Seeing how it's Teagan. Mike and O'Brien can both feel free to be conscious and awake, jump in as they like, etc!
Warning: Starts off with the assumption that both O'Brien and Mike are alone and alive in the tent. Please don't write that a character is absent, present, unconscious, picking his nose, or whathaveyou, unless you play that character.

Come on, Suze. Let's see if that guy's awake, yet. )


Cycle 003: Voyage of the Mare Crisium (June 9th)

WHO: Everyone!
WHEN: Sunday, June 9th, dawn
WHERE: Nowhere, Middle Of
WHAT: Opening another calendar day spent on the island. This post bumps the calendar forward and contains a GROUP MEETING, so feel free to reply here if you want your character to share information, pitch ideas to the group as a whole or publicly interact with/argue with/question everyone else. MODNOTE: It is okay to respond to this post with short tags, like in an interview/1st person post.
WARNING: This post does assume the presence of at least most of the cast. Characters are not required to respond, but all the information shared in this post and subsequent comments can be assumed as public knowledge. As always, please don't feel like you have to jump in new scenes right away if you're working on incompletes. Finish those first if you can, for continuity’s sake. It’s totally okay to gloss a scene ending in order to move forward.

Sir, it’s a felony to make a false distress call. )


Body Drop

Who: A corpse (open to Bryant, Max, and anyone who'd like to accompany Bryant and Max!)
When: Early Afternoon, Saturday, June 8th
Where: Location Point #2, where Eli found the tent.
What: For now, just a dead dude hanging out next to his broken boat. Chillaxin' as only corpses can.
Warning: None.

It almost seemed as though the thing would laugh when approached, or perhaps break out into song. )

Aug. 24th, 2013


Who: Serena and Marcus and OPEN
When: Around 6:20pm, Saturday June 8th, when the helicopter flies overhead.
Where: Presumably near the signal fire/tentfirmary.
What: Noticing the helicopter.
Warning: None.

Hard to fucking miss. )

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