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Aug. 23rd, 2013


Vessels are en route!

TO: Rob York
From: The US Coast Guard
Time Sent: Saturday, June 8th, around 4:55pm

Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. )

TO: Everyone
FROM: The US Coast Guard
Time Sent: Saturday, June 8th, around 6:20pm

Visual Confirmation... )


From: Rob York
To: The US Coast Guard
Time Sent: Saturday, June 8th, around 6:55pm

Please confirm that you saw us. )

Aug. 20th, 2013


Who: Dakota and Rob and maybe Susanna?
What: Dakota makes a new friend
When: Saturday, June 8th, early evening
Where: Near the landing site
Warnings: None so far.

It wasn't like she could flip out about not receiving the VIP treatment when they were stranded on an island. )

Aug. 15th, 2013


Cycle 003: Voyage of the Mare Crisium (June 8th)

WHO: Everyone!
WHEN: Saturday, June 8th, dawn
WHERE: Nowhere, Middle Of
WHAT: Opening another calendar day spent on the island. This post bumps the calendar forward and contains a GROUP MEETING, so feel free to reply here if you want your character to have an assigned job, share information, pitch ideas to the group as a whole or publicly interact with/argue with/question everyone else! MODNOTE: It is cool to respond to this post with short tags, like in an interview/1st person post.
WARNING: This post does assume the presence of at least most of the cast. Characters are not required to respond, but all the information shared in this post and subsequent comments can be assumed as public knowledge. As always, please don't feel like you have to jump in new scenes right away if you're working on incompletes. Finish those first, if you can, for continuity’s sake. It’s totally okay to gloss a scene ending in order to move forward!

Excuse me, can I have everyone’s attention, please? )

Aug. 12th, 2013


First night... And another castaway.

Who: Teagan Connor, Mike (and still open)
When: June 7th, dusk (7pm) going into dark. NIGHTTIME.
Where: By the signal fire, at the original landing site.
What: Inventory, staying put, keeping warm, etc. A wild Mike appears, beat up from the ocean. (Does fall in love with someone a la Blue Lagoon? Read and find out!)
Warning: Nothing graphic. Language, ome reference to the shipwreck, chaos, previous character death.

That was the shittiest part, next to being in her underwear. )

Aug. 10th, 2013


WHAT: Eli stumbles upon the survivors left on the beach
WHEN: About 12-16 hours after they first land
WHERE: The beach
RATING: Low for now
STATUS: Incomplete.

I'll send an SOS to the world )


Who: Emma & Tatum & OPEN.
What: Very, very mild exploring along the shore of the island.
When: Mid-day, on June 7th.
Where: Twenty-or-so minute walk from the original landing site.
Warnings: None so far.

She'd gotten her cry out on the boat, fluctuating between sobbing and sniffling on Emma for most of the way to the island. )


Who: Jenny & Dahlia & OPEN.
What: Sadsack!Jenny theorizing the worst about the situation.
When: Shortly after dawn, on June 6th.
Where: Shore of the island, not too far from the landing site and with pockets of survivors in sight.
Warnings: None so far.

Help would come soon, that was the consensus. Jenny didn't buy it. )

Aug. 7th, 2013


Location Point #2

To: Beach wanderers/island circumnavigators/explorer types!
When: Possibly found on June 7th, between mid-afternoon and dark (so ~4pm to 7pm, as visibility is hurt after sunset), or on June 8th. By the time this location point is found, the Mare Crisium will be completely vanished from the horizon, without so much as a trace. No debris will remain visible in the water, due to the strong currents.)
What: Another location point that you can reference in your scenes. Signs of... death! Another boat! Holy crap, you guys are boat-rich. Please comment below letting us know if you move or alter anything at this site, so that this description can be changed. Comments are screened to allow for anonymous tampering.

Eastern point of interest. )


Who: Sebastian, Kesiah, and Open (Serena, perhaps? Mental Health trippers become mental health SURVIVORS!)
When: Just before dawn, after the lifeboat landed
Where: Right at the landing site.
What: Regrouping! Decided to take it into its own thread.
Warning: None so far. I promise that Seabass will keep his dick in his striped pajama pants.

Being without clean slacks was one thing, but being without clean underwear was a whole other beast. )

Aug. 5th, 2013


Location Point

To: Beach wanderers/island circumnavigators/explorer types
When: Probably found on June 7th, between dawn and dark (so ~6am to 7pm, as visibility is hurt after sunset)
What: Signs of life! Another boat! Please comment below letting us know if you move or alter the boat, so that this description can be changed. Comments are screened to allow for anonymous tampering.

Southern point of interest. )



To: Everyone on the Lifeboat, but especially Captain Archer Avery
When: You can get these things when you reach the island! They are in the boat for anyone who thinks to look. So just before dawn, June 7th
What: Lifeboat's Supplies (comment below if you want to hoard more than your share)

This is a list of supplies from the Marx Legacy Official Lifeboat. )

These are the supplies on the Captain's Skiff. )

Aug. 3rd, 2013


Who: Dakota and Ian and open
When: June 7th, near sundown
Where: The Island o' Doom
What: Dakota is great to have around in a crisis. /sarcasm
Warning: None yet.

In your version of this world you're everybody's favorite girl. )

Aug. 1st, 2013


cycle 003: voyage of the mare crisium (june 6th-7th)

WHO: Everyone!
WHEN: Thursday, June 6th to Friday, June 7th
WHERE: Nowhere, Middle Of
WHAT: Another unexpected day in open water ends... poorly. This plot post opens the next two days in the game. Feel free to use this post to play out individual “Abandon Ship!” threads, being on the lifeboat together, or character deaths (if you’re killing someone off during this event).
WARNING: This post does make assumptions (minor godmodding below; assuming some shipwide incompetence and the number of survivors). Please don't feel like you have to jump in new scenes right away if you're working on incompletes. Finish those first if you can, for continuity’s sake.

Abandon ship! )

Jul. 30th, 2013


Mechanical Error

WHO: Archer and O’Brien
WHEN: Wednesday, June 5th, night
WHERE: captain’s quarters
WHAT: Archer masks concern and confusion with anger. It’s up to O’Brien to either talk him down or to commiserate. Either way, the captain needs his best friend to help him make sense of what’s going on.
WARNING: bad language, scene in progress

Barbados didn’t just fucking disappear. )

Jul. 29th, 2013


Who: Marcus and Serena
When: June 5th, around 3:00pm
Where: Athletics deck/gym
What: Exercise! It's fucking healthy.
Warning: None, atm. Just internal bitching.

Relationship advice was easy to dish out when it wasn't his fucking relationship. )


Who: Rob and Susie
When: Tuesday, June 4th, 9pm
Where: Back on board the Mare Crisium
What: Susanna's had a little bit too much to drink.
Warning: Pissy Rob is pissy.

They'd need to have a talk about propriety. )

Jul. 23rd, 2013


TO: Jon Bennett, Marcus Caravahlo
FROM: Rob York
TIME SENT: June 4th, 12:37pm

Text message from Rob's phone. )

TO: Eden Williams
FROM: Rob York
TIME SENT: June 4th, 12:45pm

Text message from Rob's phone. )

TO: Susanna Wilson
FROM: Rob York
TIME SENT: June 4th, 1:20pm

Text message from Rob's phone. )

Jul. 22nd, 2013


Who: Sebastian and Bryant
When: June 5th (the unplanned at-sea day), around 4 o'clock pm.
Where: One of the quieter bars/lounges on the ship.
What: Drinking away a lack of shore excursion disappointment (short starter).
Warning: Likely none.

No reason to deny himself more than absolutely necessary. )

Jul. 18th, 2013


SUMMERTIME AU: Camp Slaughterhouse

Who: Teagan, anyone else! (Open AU)
When: July 10th, 2006
Where: Summer camp!
What: It's all fun and games until someone has to break out the chainsaws.
Warning: Just campfire tales thus far. COME SEE WHERE IT GOES.

Being smart didn't help, it just made him think of all the terrible things it could be... )


SUMMERTIME AU: Bikini Beach Mayhem/Attack of the Killer...

Who: Rob York, Marcus Caravahlo, and anyone else! (Open AU)
When: July 6th, 2013
Where: An undisclosed, private beach in the tropics.
What: While filming a movie, the cast and crew are forced to fight for their lives in an environment that most definitely does not want them there.
Warning: This might go very adult or very silly... or both. Not sure yet.

Honestly, just because it was an adult film didn't mean everything had to be as pornographic as possible. )

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