Jan. 2nd, 2014


To: Koen Boulstridge
From: Anonymous
Date Arrived: November 8th, with the rest of the mail.

An unmarked package. )
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Cycle 004: Open the Red Door

WHO: Sam Belli
WHEN: From where we last off with good ol' Sam up through November 10th (opens the game up to the 10th, as well).
WHERE: Las Vegas, Nevada
WHAT: More disappearances to cull. Flashback and older scenes are still fine, but we needed to move forward. Just date/time any scenes you want to do accordingly. Annie, Ginny, and Jenny are going to go missing. Staff overturn is usually not this high. Desperation is up. Belli is on his way to town.
WARNING: This post assumes communication to Belli from various characters that would have had to happen off screen. Remaining employees of the Door can all also have knowledge of these events (disappearances/dead body/suspect). Clients need to have been clued in (either questioned as a suspect or otherwise engaged in the rumor mill). If things need to be assumed or glossed off-screen.

Cleaning house. )

Dec. 11th, 2013


WHO: Kessie and Marcus
WHAT: Marcus picks up his crazy cousin.
WHERE: Marcus's apartment
WHEN: Evening, November 1st/Possibly November 2nd
RATING: Unknown, but there's Marcus, so probably language :D

Can't see the forest for all the trees )

Nov. 27th, 2013


Who: Rachel and Open
When: Thursday, November 4th, daytime around 2pm
Where: The covered parking lot behind the Red Door
What: Discovery.
Warning: tbd

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration )

Nov. 26th, 2013



Who: Tatum & Bryant
When: Early evening of November 3rd, around 9PM.
Where: Corridor in the Red Door.
What: Tatum running into the mad doctor that lives in the basement.. except that he isn’t quite so mad, and she doesn’t quite realize it’s him.
Warnings: This is a placeholder so naturally it is TBD.


Nov. 23rd, 2013



WHO: Archer and Jenny.
WHEN: Late night November 2nd into the 3rd, few hours from dawn.
WHERE: The Red Door, Archer's quarters.
WHAT: They're friends, and have been for years now. It's simultaneously complicated and the most natural thing in the world.
WARNING: THIS IS A PLACEHOLDER AND RATING IS TBD, but we all know Archer swears like a sailor (ha).


Nov. 15th, 2013


Cycle 004: Open the Red Door

WHO: Sam Belli (Open to Mike McBrayer)
WHEN: November 2nd, 1999, early afternoon.
WHERE: Las Vegas, Nevada
WHAT: This post unlocks the next few days in-game! Tuesday, November 2nd through Friday, November 5th. Anything can be posted up to that point, though please keep continuity in mind (might not want to jump to friday night if everyone else is still playing out their monday morning hangover scenes, for instance). Flashback scenes are still very encouraged!
WARNING: This post is not a group post, but does contain pertinent information. Namely, that Avery -- an established and popular incubus at the Red Door -- vanished on October 31st.

The Situation )

Nov. 14th, 2013


Who: Hunter & OPEN (Archer? Annie? Bueller?).
Where: The Red Door, by the bar.
When: November 1st, 11pm+
What: Come shoot the shit with the bartender of the evening.
Warnings: Indefinitely some language.

Spend an hour in the bathroom, walk out lookin' like a model. )

Nov. 11th, 2013


Who: Teagan and Open
When: November 1st, Monday afternoon (around 2:30pm).
Where: Local grocery store.
What: Trying to make a return.
Warning: Frugality is not a crime! (None.)

This is a seasonal item... )

Nov. 8th, 2013


Who: T. Robert York (and open)
When: November 1st, 7:45pm
Where: The Red Door
What: A regular client appears!
Warning: Rob is probably going to be unpleasant.

Feel free to pretend to have prior engagements. )

Nov. 5th, 2013


TO: Marcus
FROM: Kessie
TIME SENT/POSTED: A little after dawn, November 1st


Nov. 1st, 2013


Who: Sebastian (Open -- literally, the door is propped open, anyone's welcome to walk in)
When: Halloween night (Sunday), ~8pm.
Where: The Red Door designated "conference" room (also known as the private party room)
What: Turning the Sunday Night group self-help meeting into a Halloween Party.
Warning: He brought refreshments.

He does this every holiday. )


WHO: Dahlia and Jenny.
WHEN: Right after sunset.
WHERE: The Red Door, of course.
WHAT: Dahlia needs a release. Enter Jenny.
RATING: Probably high. There'll be drug use and blood, for sure.

And tonight was just another night.  )


WHO: Tatum and Ricky
WHEN: Around midnight, Nov 1st
WHERE: Ricky's Room
WHAT: Ricky pays for some pot with cuddling.


PART 2 OF 2.

WHO: Ginnifer and Jenny.
WHEN: The year of "The Red Door's" opening.
WHERE: The Nevada desert.
WHAT: Ginnifer plays hero.
WARNING: Attempted rape, gore, etc.

When the night came that she had finally run across someone bad, truly bad and truly well overdue, she didn’t know what to do. )


PART 1 OF 2.

WHO: Ginnifer and Jenny.
WHEN: The year of "The Red Door's" opening.
WHERE: The Nevada desert.
WHAT: Ginnifer plays hero.
WARNING: Attempted rape, gore, etc.

When the night came that she had finally run across someone bad, truly bad and truly well overdue, she didn’t know what to do. )

Oct. 31st, 2013


WHO: Gabe, Eli, and Ricky
WHEN: After Dark about two to three hours after Marcus arrives.
WHERE: Mostly within The Red Door, briefly on the road
WHAT: New Client arrives!
WARNING: He’s starving, there will be blood. And Sexy Pole Dancing!

The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom )


Cycle 004: Open the Red Door (starter)

WHO: Marcus, Prasad, Red Door Staff
WHEN: Sunday, October 31st, 1999
WHERE: Nevada, mostly on US95 between Mina and Las Vegas.
WHAT: This post unlocks the first couple days of Cycle 4! It’s Halloween! If you want to respond to new cargo arrival (or play something simultaneous to this happening), feel free to post below, otherwise you can now go off to start your own threads for the cycle! Flashback threads to establish character connections and history solos are all A-OK, so anything from character birth through Halloween and Dia de los Muertos (so until midnight, November 1st).
WARNING: This post isn't going anywhere, so don't feel like you have to jump on it right away if you're one of the few people still working on the cycle 3 finale/incompletes. We DO still want to give our last story a proper close if we can! Those of you who are antsy to get started on new stuff, however, please have at. Anything that might go into high-rating territory should be peeled off into its own thread with appropriate warnings.

The Cargo )