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Nov. 14th, 2013


Who: Dahlia and Mike.
When: The week of Thanksgiving.
Where: Their home.
What: Thanksgiving AU. Though Dahlia and Mike are a happily married couple (despite her parents' protests), they decide to try and spice things up a little with a Craigslist ad.
Warning: TBD.

He'd been a jock, she the captain of the cheer squad, and she liked the idea of dating a boy who her mom wouldn't approve of.  )

Oct. 31st, 2013


Halloween AU: Masquerade Mishaps

Who: Tatum, Teagan, & Marcus (with mentions of Susie & Emma.)
When: Halloween night.
Where: High school party that is hosted at Susie Wilson's house.
What: Teagan agrees to get her little sister into a party with 'the older crowd'.. but there is, of course, a catch.
Warnings: Delicious death and subpar big sister skills.

You agreed to the terms! )

Oct. 30th, 2013


halloween au: drabbles

Who: Ricky, Rob, Archer, Tatum (with mentions of Annie, Marcus, and Christine York)
When: Halloween Night!
Where: All over!
What: Halloween DRABBLES! (If you want to post your own drabbles in the comments, feel free!)
Warning: None. Enjoy some drabbles! Happy Halloween, puppets!

2013 Halloween Drabbles! )

Oct. 23rd, 2013


Halloween AU: Full Moon and Werewolves

WHO: Werewolf!Ricky and OPEN
WHAT: Ricky is about to shift and should PROBABLY be alone.
WHEN: Full Moon, October 2013
WHERE: Northern Ohio
WARNINGS: Nudity, language, probably violence

Oct. 15th, 2013


Who: Jenny & Dahlia.
Where: Smalltown in the PACIFIC NORTHWEST (so totally not written with Crows Landing in mind).
When: During the autumn season, a couple of moons ago. They are highschool seniors (17/18).
What: AU: When the Wolves Howl, based around the lycanthrophy standards/rules of the Ginger Snaps films. Two clueless best friends (with benefits) stumble upon an unexpected and unwanted curse.. and it begins to affect both of them, while only truly afflicting one of them.
Warnings: TBA, but presumably it will go quite high! Violence and sexual content both liable to be present.

I am a wolf but I like to wear sheep's clothing. I am a bonfire, I am a vampire, I'm waiting for my moment. )

Oct. 7th, 2013


Who. Dahlia, Jenny, and Mike.
Where. Dahlia's parents' lakeside cabin.
What. AU: Last Haunted House on the Hill. Dahlia and Jenny sneak off to her parents' cabin in the woods, but unfortunately for them, they're miles from civilization and, of course, there's no cellphone service. They're also not the only ones in the woods.
When. Halloween night.
Rating. High. Probably really high, depending.

Either way, it was bound to be one hell of a weekend.  )


Halloween AU: Haunted Masquerade!

WHO: Teenager!Kessie and OPEN
WHAT: A costume party at a haunted house goes TERRIBLY AWRY.
WHEN: Halloween 1994.
WHERE: New York (the state, not the city)
WARNINGS: Unknown, but it's an AU.

I see a little silhouetto of a man )

Sep. 29th, 2013


WHO: Eli and Saint
WHAT: AU, baby! Saint is Eli's assistant. Also, a Sharknado may be eminent.
WHERE: Beaches!
WHEN: An unestablished time in either the near future or the near past!
WARNING: This is basically an excuse for Pixie and I to throw Eli and Saint together for some dirty sex and gratuitous brutal death by Sharknado. SO THAT IS WHAT IS HAPPENING.

I got a black magic woman~ )

Jul. 18th, 2013


SUMMERTIME AU: Camp Slaughterhouse

Who: Teagan, anyone else! (Open AU)
When: July 10th, 2006
Where: Summer camp!
What: It's all fun and games until someone has to break out the chainsaws.
Warning: Just campfire tales thus far. COME SEE WHERE IT GOES.

Being smart didn't help, it just made him think of all the terrible things it could be... )


SUMMERTIME AU: Bikini Beach Mayhem/Attack of the Killer...

Who: Rob York, Marcus Caravahlo, and anyone else! (Open AU)
When: July 6th, 2013
Where: An undisclosed, private beach in the tropics.
What: While filming a movie, the cast and crew are forced to fight for their lives in an environment that most definitely does not want them there.
Warning: This might go very adult or very silly... or both. Not sure yet.

Honestly, just because it was an adult film didn't mean everything had to be as pornographic as possible. )

Jun. 11th, 2013


AU: Zombies, Run!

WHO: Eli and Serena
WHAT: Zombies invade New Orleans
WHEN: Some current time
WHERE: New Orleans
WARNINGS: Low. Language, eventual zombie-smashing. That sort of thing.

Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand )

May. 30th, 2013


Cruise Like a Norwegian. Kill Like a Frankenbrit.

PROMPT: May Day AU: Zombies, RUN!
WHO: Bryant, with mentions of Archer, Hunter, O’Brien, Walt, Avery, and Mal (in order of appearance)
WHEN: modern day, alternate universe
WHERE: on a ship somewhere in the South Pacific
WHAT: Zombies ruin Bryant’s vacation.
WARNING: character death, general crack!fic insanity, brief bad language, many apologies to an existing cruise line for this fictional situation and to writers whose characters I borrowed (in case they weren’t quite right).

for TS, just because )

May. 24th, 2013


MAY DAY AU: Scariest Place On Earth

Who: Elijah and Jenny
When: Summer, Present Day
Where: Louisiana, Eli's Carnival
What: Newly graduated from high school, Jenny and some friends decide to pop 'round Eli's carnival for some fun. But all is not quite right at the FunFair...
Warning: Obligatory warning for sex and gore. I don't know if the sex will happen, but I'm sure the gore will!

There's a bad moon on the rise )


AU: Zombies! RUN!

WHO: Hunter and Casper
WHEN: The apocalypse, somewhere near the end
WHERE: fucking CANADA, where else?
WHAT: What remains of a group of survivors flee to the Territories with hopeful visions of a mythic safezone.
WARNING: Zombies, murder, insanity, violence, language, the whole buffet.

Hunter? I barely know ‘er. )

May. 23rd, 2013


AU: Aliens!

WHO: Charlie and Dakota
WHEN: Present Day
WHERE: A fucking spaceship, where else?
WHAT: The starlette and the deaf Alien
WARNING: kidnapping, awkward Charlieness and TBD!

Extraction had gone smoothly. )

May. 16th, 2013


WHO: Dakota and Tatum
WHAT: AU in which Dakota gets to hang with her number one fan
WHERE: Present day, Disney World
WHEN: Early Spring
WARNINGS: Stalking, etc... I will update this as necessary

Dakota was a big frickin' deal and nobody was going to tell her otherwise. )

May. 15th, 2013


AU: Zombies, RUN!

WHO: Mack, Tatum, and Hunter.
WHAT: AU in which Hunter & Mack are two survivors who have somehow managed to craft a small community of fellow survivors and crown themselves leaders. Tatum, who's been on her own for months, becomes their unlikely and clueless captive. (Based on Walking Dead rules! CUT IT OFF, QUICK.)
WHERE: Present day, somewhere along the eastern coast of the United States.
WHEN: Mid-November, right around when WINTER IS COMING.
WARNINGS: Kidnapping, period jokes, so far. There will be violence & gore to come! It is a WIP.

And when she stumbled, if she fell down, there were always at least two hands to grab her by the back of her shirt and haul her up to keep walking, hands still bound tightly behind her back. )

May. 8th, 2013


au: blood makes the flowers grow

Who: Dahlia and Gilman
When: Present day
Where: Crow's Landing, Dahlia's house
What: AU. Gilman, being the creeper that he is, decides to creep on poor, blind Dahlia. There will be blood.
Warning: Blood. Death. Gore. Etc.

Unfortunately for Dahlia, the grocery bag could no longer hold the weight it had been forced to carry during the walk home, and it ripped down the middle, spilling the contents all across the pavement.  )

May. 3rd, 2013


May Day AU: Scariest Place on Earth

Who: Eden and Mike (at least mentions of others? Maybe? I don't know yet.)
What: Cheating Death.
Where: At the carnival!
When: Sometime in June (school's out for summer!)
Rating: I'll put this at fairly high for the possibility of blood, gore, and death.
Status: In-progress

She wanted off the ride. )

May. 1st, 2013


Who: Max and Zoey. Guest appearances by Mike & Gilman.
What: AU: Max & Zoey are two survivors of an extinction event in the form of a deadly super-flu dubbed Captain Tripps by the media. Before the media died of Captain Tripps. (Based on The Stand)
Where: Crow’s Landing.
When: Early June, right as the school year ends.
Warnings: Violent assault, Racism.

All Zoey’s friends were dead. )

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