Nov. 30th, 2012


Thanksgiving AU: Drabbles

(These are the drabbles that were sent in for Thanksgiving. If you have your own drabbles you'd like to add, you can comment with them or mail them in and I'll add them to this post.)

Guess WHAT’S Coming to Dinner? )

The Most Dangerous Main Course. )

A Scary New World. )

Nov. 28th, 2012


Thanksgiving AU: The Most Dangerous Main Course

WHO: Emma and Marcus; mention of Eden.
WHEN: Non-specific; Sometime in November.
WHERE: Emma's house.
WHAT: Emma makes a delicious stew.
WARNING: Torture ensues, and death is inevitable. Cannibalism. This shouldn't surprise anyone.

There was no method to the way Emma chose her victims. Deciding factor in Marcus' case? He looked delicious. )

Nov. 18th, 2012


Thanksgiving AU: Guess What's Coming to Dinner

Who: Marcus and Bryant
When: Thanksgiving Evening
Where: Marcus’s Apartment
What: An AU dinner scene, because I overshot drabble length by a lot on this one.
Warning: Language, childishness, unsafe knife-wielding, wtf!Marcus...

For what it’s worth, Marcus is wearing an apron in this scene. )