Oct. 24th, 2013


Who: Avery (open to Teagan if she wants!)
Where: their cell
When: time has ceased to have meaning
What: Oh, shit, Avery ate the paste.
Warnings: TBD.

something was wrong )

Sep. 20th, 2013


Who: Avery and Teagan
When: late afternoon
Where: the caves of doom
What: driven by boredom and the rain, one young man descends into a complete nightmare. And he has company.
Warnings: TBD

what the hell...? )

Aug. 1st, 2013


cycle 003: voyage of the mare crisium (june 6th-7th)

WHO: Everyone!
WHEN: Thursday, June 6th to Friday, June 7th
WHERE: Nowhere, Middle Of
WHAT: Another unexpected day in open water ends... poorly. This plot post opens the next two days in the game. Feel free to use this post to play out individual “Abandon Ship!” threads, being on the lifeboat together, or character deaths (if you’re killing someone off during this event).
WARNING: This post does make assumptions (minor godmodding below; assuming some shipwide incompetence and the number of survivors). Please don't feel like you have to jump in new scenes right away if you're working on incompletes. Finish those first if you can, for continuity’s sake.

Abandon ship! )

Jun. 6th, 2013


Meet the Cast of Beneath the Veil!

Who: Ian, Dakota, and Anyone! (Open)
When: Friday, May 31st, 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Where: Cabaret Lounge
What: Meet the Cast of Beneath the Veil Q&A
Warning: These can be done in first person, rather than full prose (like the police interrogations last cycle). Please put the name of the actor the question is being addressed to in the comment header (ex: "Question for Ian Kingsley"). Questions can be addressed to any cast member (answers will be NPC'd by either Jenna or Kristin). If the question is a general one that can be answered by any cast member, put "General Question." Feel free to get personal and go completely off-topic!

Don’t be shy, ladies and gentleman! What do you want to know? )

May. 30th, 2013


Cruise Like a Norwegian. Kill Like a Frankenbrit.

PROMPT: May Day AU: Zombies, RUN!
WHO: Bryant, with mentions of Archer, Hunter, O’Brien, Walt, Avery, and Mal (in order of appearance)
WHEN: modern day, alternate universe
WHERE: on a ship somewhere in the South Pacific
WHAT: Zombies ruin Bryant’s vacation.
WARNING: character death, general crack!fic insanity, brief bad language, many apologies to an existing cruise line for this fictional situation and to writers whose characters I borrowed (in case they weren’t quite right).

for TS, just because )

May. 7th, 2013


Who: Avery and Max
Where: the Brass Key
When: January 17th, just after closing
What: Avery's newest attempt to sate the dagger
Warnings: language, blood, guts, murder

he was nothing and no one, just as he'd always felt himself to be )

Apr. 22nd, 2013


To: Avery Weston
From: Anonymous
Time Sent: January 13th, early am.

Plain white envelope, taped to his trailer door. )

Apr. 4th, 2013


Who: Avery and Emma
What: Cousin time; Avery's keeping his dagger busy (and for once that isn't a blatant innuendo)
Where: Avery's trailer
When: January 12th, evening.

It was as if he were somebody else altogether, somebody to whom only one thing was important. )

Apr. 2nd, 2013


WHO: Charlie Patenaude and Avery Weston
WHEN: January 9th, evening
WHERE: The Gas Station
WHAT: Just fillin' up before a long night of restful sleep, nothin' special. Not even important enough to use 'g's over.
WARNING: Blood, Stabbing and Death

I wake up in the morning and I wonder why everything's the same as it was. )

Apr. 1st, 2013


TO: Avery
FROM: Emma
TIME SENT: January 12, 2:12PM

Text message )

Mar. 22nd, 2013


WHO: Avery
WHEN: the wee hours of January 7th
WHERE: his trailer
WHAT: dissociative states
WARNINGS: compulsive creepiness?

the man in the bed was instantly alert and aware )

Jan. 31st, 2013


Antique Store (12/26/2012-12/31/2012)

WHO: Anyone!
WHEN: Wednesday, 12/26/2012 to Monday, 12/31/2012; between 9AM and 6PM.
WHERE: Crows Landing, OR
WHAT: This post is being put up in order to avoid a lot of identical shop posts and push the calendar foraward! Comment here if you want to visit the shop at anytime within the above dates, with the day and time of your visit in the header of your comment. Feel free to run into each other/scene with each other in the shop here! Game calendar is also now open for those days, but please keep continuity and the sanity of the thread-tracking mod in mind when posting multiple scenes.
WARNING: This post isn't going anywhere, so don't jump on it right away if you're still in unfinished scenes. Finish those first so you know what happens to your character, for continuity's sake. ^_^ I have to do the same thing, so if Belli takes a little while to respond, please be patient with me!

Oh, the joy of Boxing Day! )

Jan. 18th, 2013


Who: Marcus and Avery (Also Open to any characters not at the York Party who would rather hang out at the bar instead)
When: December 22nd, 2012, evening
Where: The Brass Key
What: Currently it's just "I didn't want to go to that stupid party anyway" drinking
Warnings: TBD (Probably at least "M" for Marcus's mouth.)

The lack of an invitation didn't offend him... )

Jan. 4th, 2013


WHO: Avery and Teagan
WHERE: the gas station
WHEN: December 16 ; late afternoon
WHAT: car pick-up ; dealing with weird mechanics

working hard, or hardly working? )

Jan. 3rd, 2013


WHO: Charlie and Avery
WHEN: December 17, about 11am
WHERE: The Gas Station
WHAT: Charlie gets an oil change for the first time

So, what exactly is an oil change? )

Jan. 2nd, 2013


To: Avery.
From: Tatum.
Time Sent: 3:36PM [December 16th].

Text to Avery [after days of having his number and fretting over how to ask a simple question]. )

Dec. 17th, 2012


WHO: Avery and Emma
WHERE: Vic's Diner
WHEN: Wednesday, 12/5/2012
WHAT: cousins ; break time
WARNINGS: None so far

ho fucking ho )

Dec. 4th, 2012


Christmas AU: Home for the Holidays

Who: Nona and Avery
When: Christmas Eve
Where: On the road home from the airport
What: Avery picks his famous step-sister up for her visit home; things get tense
Warnings: Obsession, coercion, really bad weather, idk

Baby, it's cold outside. )