Mar. 18th, 2013


act iv

Who: Jenny & Dahlia.
What: Valentine prompt of 'Love Potion # What?'
Setting: Valentine's day in 20XX. Jenny and Dahlia have been happily married and raising Jenny's son together for six years, in love with each other even longer, but career success and stress begin causing trouble in paradise. Until Jenny takes fixing her marriage into her own hands, with disastrous results.
Warning: Language and death, y'all. Sorry we broke the posting limit four times over. :/

Act IV )


act iii

Who: Jenny & Dahlia.
What: Valentine prompt of 'Love Potion # What?'
Setting: Valentine's day in 20XX. Jenny and Dahlia have been happily married and raising Jenny's son together for six years, in love with each other even longer, but career success and stress begin causing trouble in paradise. Until Jenny takes fixing her marriage into her own hands, with disastrous results.
Warning: Language and self harm.

Act III )


act ii

Who: Jenny & Dahlia.
What: Valentine prompt of 'Love Potion # What?'
Setting: Valentine's day in 20XX. Jenny and Dahlia have been happily married and raising Jenny's son together for six years, in love with each other even longer, but career success and stress begin causing trouble in paradise. Until Jenny takes fixing her marriage into her own hands, with disastrous results.
Warning: Language & ends strong with gratuitous ladysex!

Act II )


act i

Who: Jenny & Dahlia [with small cameo by Chase].
What: Valentine prompt of 'Love Potion # What?'
Setting: Valentine's day in 20XX. Jenny and Dahlia have been happily married and raising Jenny's son together for six years, in love with each other even longer, but career success and stress begin causing trouble in paradise. Until Jenny takes fixing her marriage into her own hands, with disastrous results.
Warning: Some foul language and harsh words.

Act I )

Feb. 26th, 2013


Valentine AU: Crimes of Passion/Made My Own Valentine

Who: Teagan and Mallory
When: Valentine's Day, wee hours of the morning.
Where: Restful Pines Cemetery
What: Tired of being alone for Valentine's Day, Teagan turns to black magic! Because who wouldn't?
Warning: TBD

There were spells for that. )

Feb. 11th, 2013


Who: Dahlia and Sully.
What: AU Prompt, "So I married a ..."
Warning: Not sure! We'll see. :D
Setting: Sully and Dahlia are a "happily" married couple, but Dahlia has no idea that her beloved Sully is actually a genetically mutated creature. Dun dun DUNNNN.

It looked as though some kind of flour-filled bomb had gone off. )

Feb. 3rd, 2013


Who: Gilman and Annie.
What: AU Prompt “Haunted Honeymoon”.
Rating/Warning: A teensy bit racy then a whole lot of murdery violence.
Setting: Annie marries Gilman, but that’s not the scary part. Gilman used to be a mad scientist, and before he met Annie, was so convinced he’d be alone forever that he built himself a girlfriend. Once he found love in a living woman, he had no use for his creation and did away with her. Or he thought he did. She’s followed her creator/lover to Hawaii and she is pissed.

Gilman couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so happy. )