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Nov. 14th, 2013


Who: Dahlia and Mike.
When: The week of Thanksgiving.
Where: Their home.
What: Thanksgiving AU. Though Dahlia and Mike are a happily married couple (despite her parents' protests), they decide to try and spice things up a little with a Craigslist ad.
Warning: TBD.

He'd been a jock, she the captain of the cheer squad, and she liked the idea of dating a boy who her mom wouldn't approve of.  )

Nov. 1st, 2013


Who: Sebastian (Open -- literally, the door is propped open, anyone's welcome to walk in)
When: Halloween night (Sunday), ~8pm.
Where: The Red Door designated "conference" room (also known as the private party room)
What: Turning the Sunday Night group self-help meeting into a Halloween Party.
Warning: He brought refreshments.

He does this every holiday. )


WHO: Dahlia and Jenny.
WHEN: Right after sunset.
WHERE: The Red Door, of course.
WHAT: Dahlia needs a release. Enter Jenny.
RATING: Probably high. There'll be drug use and blood, for sure.

And tonight was just another night.  )

Oct. 15th, 2013


Who: Jenny & Dahlia.
Where: Smalltown in the PACIFIC NORTHWEST (so totally not written with Crows Landing in mind).
When: During the autumn season, a couple of moons ago. They are highschool seniors (17/18).
What: AU: When the Wolves Howl, based around the lycanthrophy standards/rules of the Ginger Snaps films. Two clueless best friends (with benefits) stumble upon an unexpected and unwanted curse.. and it begins to affect both of them, while only truly afflicting one of them.
Warnings: TBA, but presumably it will go quite high! Violence and sexual content both liable to be present.

I am a wolf but I like to wear sheep's clothing. I am a bonfire, I am a vampire, I'm waiting for my moment. )

Oct. 11th, 2013


Cycle 003: Voyage of the Mare Crisium (Integration)

WHO: Everybody (this is a group plot post)
WHEN: This post actually takes place Wednesday, June 12th, but nobody knows that.
WHERE: The Hive
WHAT: This plot post IS an interactive scene, and characters can feel free to interact below and are encouraged to do so! We’re also going to take care of some of the inactive PCs with this post, as well as give people a chance to mix up their locations. Huzzah! Removes Emma, Jon, and Eden from the pool.
WARNING: Please take care not to assume with other player characters. Give others some chance to react/weigh in before rushing ahead to a finish an interaction. That’s the fun of group posts! Everyone can and should interact! But it is a little trickier because of that, so just be considerate.

Then the walls came down… so to speak. )

Oct. 7th, 2013


Who. Dahlia, Jenny, and Mike.
Where. Dahlia's parents' lakeside cabin.
What. AU: Last Haunted House on the Hill. Dahlia and Jenny sneak off to her parents' cabin in the woods, but unfortunately for them, they're miles from civilization and, of course, there's no cellphone service. They're also not the only ones in the woods.
When. Halloween night.
Rating. High. Probably really high, depending.

Either way, it was bound to be one hell of a weekend.  )

Sep. 30th, 2013


Who. Dahlia and Max.
Where. The cell, as per usual.
What. Just some cellmates chatting, yo.
When. A few hours after their last scene.
Rating. Low.

Dahlia didn't sleep that night. )

Sep. 25th, 2013


Who. Dahlia and Max.
Where. The cell.
What. Dahlia and Max wake up.
When. Early Monday morning.
Rating. Low.

The last thing Dahlia remembered was holding fast to the material of Jenny's shirt. )

Sep. 12th, 2013


Who. Dahlia and open.
When. Sunday afternoon, before the rain starts.
Where. The beach, on a log. (Descriptive, I know.)
What. While Jenny is exploring nearby, Dahlia waits not-so-patiently for her return.
Rating. TBA.

It was only after some convincing on Dahlia's part that Jenny finally agreed to go look around. )

Aug. 10th, 2013


Who: Jenny & Dahlia & OPEN.
What: Sadsack!Jenny theorizing the worst about the situation.
When: Shortly after dawn, on June 6th.
Where: Shore of the island, not too far from the landing site and with pockets of survivors in sight.
Warnings: None so far.

Help would come soon, that was the consensus. Jenny didn't buy it. )

Jul. 18th, 2013


SUMMERTIME AU: Camp Slaughterhouse

Who: Teagan, anyone else! (Open AU)
When: July 10th, 2006
Where: Summer camp!
What: It's all fun and games until someone has to break out the chainsaws.
Warning: Just campfire tales thus far. COME SEE WHERE IT GOES.

Being smart didn't help, it just made him think of all the terrible things it could be... )

Jul. 14th, 2013


Who: Jenny & Dahlia.
When: Night of Wednesday, June 5th.
Where: Their cabin.
What: Jenny does not like being off course. Jenny wants off.
Warnings: Just some mild panic!

In the last twenty-four hours, Jenny's short-lived enjoyment of the cruise had all but dried up entirely. )

Jun. 24th, 2013


Who. Dahlia and Ian.
When. June 3rd, around 3 pm.
Where. The hall, deck, etc.
What. While taking Lucy on a walk, Dahlia runs into Ian Kingsley.
Warnings. TBD.

By the time they made it back to the room, Dahlia's feet ached and her shoulders stung from the light sunburn. )

Jun. 18th, 2013


Formal Dress Dinner

Who: Every guest on the ship is invited (formalwear required), except on-duty employees (celebrity/high-ranking employees are formally invited, off-duty employees can sneak in).
When: June 2nd, 6:30-8:00pm
Where: Formal dining/banquet hall
What: This is a group thread! Dakota Davenport will be sharing a table with grand prizewinner Connor Shea (they can each have up to 2 guests at the table). Ian Kingsley will be sharing a table with grand prizewinner Annie Thompson (they can each have up to 2 guests at the table). All members of the York Wedding Party are sharing a banquet table with Captain Archer. Everyone else can sit with whomever they like.
Warning: Pretentious menu! Boring chitchat! Anything high-rated should be peeled off into its own thread.

Enjoy your complimentary fancy meal. Wine and alcoholic beverage menu are separate. )

Jun. 6th, 2013


Meet the Cast of Beneath the Veil!

Who: Ian, Dakota, and Anyone! (Open)
When: Friday, May 31st, 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Where: Cabaret Lounge
What: Meet the Cast of Beneath the Veil Q&A
Warning: These can be done in first person, rather than full prose (like the police interrogations last cycle). Please put the name of the actor the question is being addressed to in the comment header (ex: "Question for Ian Kingsley"). Questions can be addressed to any cast member (answers will be NPC'd by either Jenna or Kristin). If the question is a general one that can be answered by any cast member, put "General Question." Feel free to get personal and go completely off-topic!

Don’t be shy, ladies and gentleman! What do you want to know? )

May. 31st, 2013


WHO: Jenny & Dahlia.
WHAT: Jenny delivers Dahlia some good news a week before they leave for their cruise.
WHERE: North Kingstown, Rhode Island. Dahlia & Jenny's bedroom.
WHEN: May 24th, 2013. One week before boarding the Mare Crisium!
WARNINGS: Nothing but cute.

There were bad times, lots of them, but lots of good times as well. Enough to outweigh most of the bad, in fact. )


WHO: Jenny & Dahlia.
WHAT: Jenny tries to get firm with Dahlia, small fight ensues.
WHERE: Rhode Island. Dahlia's hospital room.
WHEN: Autumn of 2010. Set approximately seven months after Dahlia's accident, three weeks after she wakes up from the following coma.
WARNINGS: Language, feels, nothing much else.

She was tired physically, of course, but it went a lot deeper than that. )

May. 30th, 2013


WHO: Jenny & Dahlia.
WHAT: The joking sexual challenge that started it all.
WHERE: North Kingstown, Rhode Island. Dahlia's bedroom.
WHEN: Spring of 2003.
WARNINGS: Nothing much, just some kisses!

Her mom had insisted that things would be better in Rhode Island. )


Cycle 003: Voyage of the Mare Crisium

WHO: Anyone/Everyone!
WHEN: Friday, May 31st, 4:00pm to Departure (5-6:15pm)
WHERE: departing from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and heading into open water!
WHAT: This post unlocks Days 1 and 2 of the Cruise! If you want to play out boarding the ship, feel free to post below, otherwise, you can go off to start your own threads (either for something listed in the itinerary here, or flashback scenes to establish character connections).
WARNING: This post isn't going anywhere, so don't feel like you must jump on it right away if you're one of the few folks working on the cycle 2 finale/incompletes. We still want to give our last story a proper close! Those of you who are antsy to get started on new stuff, however, please have at. Anything going into high-rating territory should be peeled off into its own thread.

All Aboard! )

May. 8th, 2013


au: blood makes the flowers grow

Who: Dahlia and Gilman
When: Present day
Where: Crow's Landing, Dahlia's house
What: AU. Gilman, being the creeper that he is, decides to creep on poor, blind Dahlia. There will be blood.
Warning: Blood. Death. Gore. Etc.

Unfortunately for Dahlia, the grocery bag could no longer hold the weight it had been forced to carry during the walk home, and it ripped down the middle, spilling the contents all across the pavement.  )

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