Nov. 1st, 2013


Who: Sebastian (Open -- literally, the door is propped open, anyone's welcome to walk in)
When: Halloween night (Sunday), ~8pm.
Where: The Red Door designated "conference" room (also known as the private party room)
What: Turning the Sunday Night group self-help meeting into a Halloween Party.
Warning: He brought refreshments.

He does this every holiday. )

Oct. 24th, 2013


Who: Tatum & Sebastian.
When: After the gassing.
Where: Their enclosure.
What: Sullen ginger is not a warm roommate.
Warnings: TBA.

Every time that she closed her eyes, she saw blood. )

Oct. 8th, 2013


A terrarium!

Who: Sebastian (open if someone wants to play charades or Emma wants to hop in)
When: Shortly after arrival.
Where: South of Mike&Susie, East of Saint&Rob, West of Gilman&Serena, North of the Incubating Females.
What: Like everyone else, Seabass is naked. However, he might be less confused.
Warning: None.

A terrarium! )

Sep. 12th, 2013


Who. Dahlia and open.
When. Sunday afternoon, before the rain starts.
Where. The beach, on a log. (Descriptive, I know.)
What. While Jenny is exploring nearby, Dahlia waits not-so-patiently for her return.
Rating. TBA.

It was only after some convincing on Dahlia's part that Jenny finally agreed to go look around. )

Aug. 15th, 2013


Cycle 003: Voyage of the Mare Crisium (June 8th)

WHO: Everyone!
WHEN: Saturday, June 8th, dawn
WHERE: Nowhere, Middle Of
WHAT: Opening another calendar day spent on the island. This post bumps the calendar forward and contains a GROUP MEETING, so feel free to reply here if you want your character to have an assigned job, share information, pitch ideas to the group as a whole or publicly interact with/argue with/question everyone else! MODNOTE: It is cool to respond to this post with short tags, like in an interview/1st person post.
WARNING: This post does assume the presence of at least most of the cast. Characters are not required to respond, but all the information shared in this post and subsequent comments can be assumed as public knowledge. As always, please don't feel like you have to jump in new scenes right away if you're working on incompletes. Finish those first, if you can, for continuity’s sake. It’s totally okay to gloss a scene ending in order to move forward!

Excuse me, can I have everyone’s attention, please? )

Aug. 7th, 2013


Who: Sebastian, Kesiah, and Open (Serena, perhaps? Mental Health trippers become mental health SURVIVORS!)
When: Just before dawn, after the lifeboat landed
Where: Right at the landing site.
What: Regrouping! Decided to take it into its own thread.
Warning: None so far. I promise that Seabass will keep his dick in his striped pajama pants.

Being without clean slacks was one thing, but being without clean underwear was a whole other beast. )

Jul. 22nd, 2013


Who: Sebastian and Bryant
When: June 5th (the unplanned at-sea day), around 4 o'clock pm.
Where: One of the quieter bars/lounges on the ship.
What: Drinking away a lack of shore excursion disappointment (short starter).
Warning: Likely none.

No reason to deny himself more than absolutely necessary. )

Jun. 28th, 2013


Who: Sebastian, O'Brien
When: Monday, June 3rd, around 2:30pm
Where: A charming bistro with indoor/outdoor deck seating, overlooking one of the beaches.
What: Drinking, lunch, eyeing the boys.
Warning: Brannon O'Brien gets random nudity points!

Tourists were the bulk of the island’s economy, and so to the locals, he was sure that he looked like money. )

Jun. 23rd, 2013


WHO: Mallory Cunningham & Dr. Handsel
WHEN: FLASHBACK TIME. December 3, 2013
WHERE: Dr. Handsel's office
WHAT: Mallory's interview for his assistant position.
WARNING: Mallory being a nerd?

Mallory is a poor, stubborn grad student. Not a great combination. )

Jun. 6th, 2013


Meet the Cast of Beneath the Veil!

Who: Ian, Dakota, and Anyone! (Open)
When: Friday, May 31st, 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Where: Cabaret Lounge
What: Meet the Cast of Beneath the Veil Q&A
Warning: These can be done in first person, rather than full prose (like the police interrogations last cycle). Please put the name of the actor the question is being addressed to in the comment header (ex: "Question for Ian Kingsley"). Questions can be addressed to any cast member (answers will be NPC'd by either Jenna or Kristin). If the question is a general one that can be answered by any cast member, put "General Question." Feel free to get personal and go completely off-topic!

Don’t be shy, ladies and gentleman! What do you want to know? )

May. 30th, 2013


Cycle 003: Voyage of the Mare Crisium

WHO: Anyone/Everyone!
WHEN: Friday, May 31st, 4:00pm to Departure (5-6:15pm)
WHERE: departing from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and heading into open water!
WHAT: This post unlocks Days 1 and 2 of the Cruise! If you want to play out boarding the ship, feel free to post below, otherwise, you can go off to start your own threads (either for something listed in the itinerary here, or flashback scenes to establish character connections).
WARNING: This post isn't going anywhere, so don't feel like you must jump on it right away if you're one of the few folks working on the cycle 2 finale/incompletes. We still want to give our last story a proper close! Those of you who are antsy to get started on new stuff, however, please have at. Anything going into high-rating territory should be peeled off into its own thread.

All Aboard! )