Jan. 3rd, 2014


WHO: Ricky and Gabe
WHAT: Ricky is pretty sure she's at least partly responsible for Avery's death, so she's making a run for it.
WHERE: Gabe's car, the road
WHEN: Early evening (while Gabe is with Koen) moving to late evening, the 5th of November
WARNINGS: Language. Lots of it

Go big or go home )
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Nov. 22nd, 2013


Thanksgiving AU

Who: Ricky and Gabe
Where: The Red Door to LAX
When: November 28th, late night to early morning
What: Thanksgiving AU, Ricky and Gabe are taking a vacation
Warnings: Language, drug references

Fuck Tradition )
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Oct. 31st, 2013


WHO: Gabe, Eli, and Ricky
WHEN: After Dark about two to three hours after Marcus arrives.
WHERE: Mostly within The Red Door, briefly on the road
WHAT: New Client arrives!
WARNING: He’s starving, there will be blood. And Sexy Pole Dancing!

The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom )