Nov. 1st, 2013


PART 2 OF 2.

WHO: Ginnifer and Jenny.
WHEN: The year of "The Red Door's" opening.
WHERE: The Nevada desert.
WHAT: Ginnifer plays hero.
WARNING: Attempted rape, gore, etc.

When the night came that she had finally run across someone bad, truly bad and truly well overdue, she didn’t know what to do. )


PART 1 OF 2.

WHO: Ginnifer and Jenny.
WHEN: The year of "The Red Door's" opening.
WHERE: The Nevada desert.
WHAT: Ginnifer plays hero.
WARNING: Attempted rape, gore, etc.

When the night came that she had finally run across someone bad, truly bad and truly well overdue, she didn’t know what to do. )

Jun. 25th, 2013


It don't matter how you worship, so long as you're down on your knees...

Who: Marcus and Bryant
When: May 23rd, afternoon.
Where: Bryant's home.
What: Brief scene to establish relationship with the boys.
Warning: Language. Starts off with hair-plucking, ends with Marcus wanting sex. Petty standard.

And for something like a second I was healed, and my heart was at ease. )

Jun. 23rd, 2013


WHO: Mallory Cunningham & Dr. Handsel
WHEN: FLASHBACK TIME. December 3, 2013
WHERE: Dr. Handsel's office
WHAT: Mallory's interview for his assistant position.
WARNING: Mallory being a nerd?

Mallory is a poor, stubborn grad student. Not a great combination. )

Jun. 12th, 2013


WHO: Ian Kingsley
WHAT: Last Memories/Nona's Funeral
WHERE: Portland, Oregon
WHEN: January, 2013
WARNINGS: Depressing sadness?

Not gonna work this time, Dove. )

May. 31st, 2013


WHO: Jenny & Dahlia.
WHAT: Jenny delivers Dahlia some good news a week before they leave for their cruise.
WHERE: North Kingstown, Rhode Island. Dahlia & Jenny's bedroom.
WHEN: May 24th, 2013. One week before boarding the Mare Crisium!
WARNINGS: Nothing but cute.

There were bad times, lots of them, but lots of good times as well. Enough to outweigh most of the bad, in fact. )


WHO: Jenny & Dahlia.
WHAT: Jenny tries to get firm with Dahlia, small fight ensues.
WHERE: Rhode Island. Dahlia's hospital room.
WHEN: Autumn of 2010. Set approximately seven months after Dahlia's accident, three weeks after she wakes up from the following coma.
WARNINGS: Language, feels, nothing much else.

She was tired physically, of course, but it went a lot deeper than that. )

May. 30th, 2013


WHO: Jenny & Dahlia.
WHAT: The joking sexual challenge that started it all.
WHERE: North Kingstown, Rhode Island. Dahlia's bedroom.
WHEN: Spring of 2003.
WARNINGS: Nothing much, just some kisses!

Her mom had insisted that things would be better in Rhode Island. )


Who: Emma and Tatum
What: How they met.
Where: University,
When: Spring 2011. Emma's junior year, Tatum's sophomore year.
Rating: So far just BOOBS. If you are offended by naked tits, steer clear. xD

You know how this works, right? Or do we need to go over the rules? )

Feb. 3rd, 2013


Who. Dahlia and Marcus.
When. Backdated. Two weeks after Dahlia was released from the hospital.
Where. Dahlia's house.
What. Fed up with her parents treating her like a child (and life in general), Dahlia texts Marcus and asks him to come over, igniting the one night stand that turns into an unlikely friendship.
Warnings. Avert thine eyes, those who don't want to witness the s-e-x.

Now the space felt like it was closing in on her. )

Jan. 23rd, 2013


Who: Dahlia & Jenny & Ian.
When: June of 2005, just a couple days after Chase was born.
Where: The hospital.
What: Evidently, reading books about babies isn't the same as actually having one. Sometimes you need help.
Warning(s): Nothing, unless you're afraid of cute best friends and Dahlia with her sight.

There were two things that Jenny was struggling to get past; the (almost) constant crying and the breast-feeding. )

Jan. 15th, 2013


Who. Dahlia and Marcus.
When. Backdated to when Dahlia was in the hospital.
Where. The hospital.
What. Dahlia feels like throwing a tantrum, but Marcus doesn't feel like letting her.
Warnings. There is a rather graphic/violent dream sequence behind the cut, so beware of that.

Dahlia watched the sun as it dipped behind the line of the horizon, turning the sky into a watercolor-esque canvas of brilliant yellows and deep, dusky purples. )

Jan. 12th, 2013


Who. Dahlia and Benjamin.
When. Backdated back to when Dahlia was in the hospital, a week or two after waking from her coma.
Where. The hospital. More specifically, Dahlia's room.
What. Benjamin goes to visit Dahlia, and offers some Godly advice.
Warnings. None.

It was something, and that something was everything in the otherwise powerless and helpless world she was trapped in. )


Who: Gilman & Annie.
When: Two years ago in July, late morning.
Where: Annie’s apartment.
What: FLASHBACK: Gilman and Annie’s break-up.
Warnings: A lot of rough, end-of-relationship arguing.

Her apartment was nicer than his trailer, anyway. )

Jan. 3rd, 2013


WHO: Ethan and Casper
WHEN: A random Friday afternoon, Junior Year
WHERE: Crows Landing High art class
WHAT: Flashback
WARNING: Language, Preciousness, Casper being as cuddly as she is physically capable of being.

I am a fist amidst the hands and I break it just because I can. )

Dec. 18th, 2012


WHO: Marcus Caravahlo and Jon Bennett
WHEN: In the paaaaast... summertime of '03, I do believe.
WHERE: Starts at Black Gate, ends at Ivy Lane.
WHAT: Oh, hey, Marcus is back in town. Jon helps him move a bed. Because he's a bro.
WARNING: Apparently younger Marcus is emo. Ignore him. Also, language. Because Marcus.

He decided to chalk it up to a learning experience. Mostly, he’d learned that he fucking hated apartment buildings. )


Flashback Scene.

WHO: Teagan and Charlie
WHEN: Back in the past! Fall of '04? Something like that.
WHAT: Teagan visits the weird deaf kid down the street.
WARNING: Little to see here, folks, save chatterbox!Teagan and annoyed!Charlie. They don't even get naked.

The only things Charlie knew about high school in America were the things he’d learned on after-school television programming and what Teagan told him. )