May. 20th, 2013


WHO: Ethan
WHEN: January 15th, Late Night
WHERE: Ethan’s house
WHAT: Ethan finds out about Jenny going missing and Chase dying and Adelaide. It gets a little better after he takes the bottle of pills.
WARNING: Suicide

Adelaide was gone. )

Apr. 30th, 2013


WHO: Jon and Ethan
WHEN: January 14, after school's let out.
WHERE: Crows Landing High School
WHAT: Jon informs Ethan of Chase's death and Jenny's disappearance.
WARNING: There will was supposed to be fighting, but we pitted the nice guys together, it just didn't happen. So no warnings. :(

How could genocide of an entire race be better than finding his girlfriend's dead son? )

Apr. 14th, 2013


TO: Marcus
TIME SENT: January 12, 8:15PM

Text message to Marcus. )

TO: Ethan
TIME SENT: January 13, 11:45AM
Text message to Ethan from Jon's phone. )

Apr. 10th, 2013


TO: Jenny
FROM: Ethan
TIME SENT: January 11, 10:14AM

Text message sent from Ethan's phone )

Apr. 8th, 2013


TO: Annie
FROM: Ethan
TIME SENT: January 10, 9:01PM

Text message sent from Ethan's phone )

Apr. 7th, 2013


TO: Casper
FROM: Ethan
TIME SENT: January 10, 3:19 AM

text message )

Apr. 2nd, 2013


Who: Ethan, Jenny and a special guest
When: January 9th
Where: Ethan's house
What: Ethan finally finds somebody for his ghostly girlfriend.

Read more... )

Mar. 20th, 2013


To: Ethan.
From: Jenny.
Time Sent: Sunday, January 6th. 12pm onward.

Text to Ethan. )

Mar. 3rd, 2013


Who: Jenny & Ethan [and Jon eventually!]
When: Friday, January 4th; Lunchtime [12pm+].
Where: Crows Landing High School.
What: Jenny brings Jon some lunch at school, but runs into an old friend from her own high school days instead.
Warnings: Presumably just some upping of the creep factor for now.

The fact that Jon didn't get embarrassed when she dropped in to visit him, to bring him lunch or something equally silly, was one of the things that she enjoyed most about him. )

Feb. 25th, 2013


WHO: Ethan unexpected ghostuest
WHEN: New Years Eve, late night
WHERE: Ethan's place
WHAT: The voice he's been hearing all week is explained.

What do you want me to do? )

Jan. 25th, 2013


To: Annie
From: Ethan
Time Sent: December 24th 6:01 PM

Text message sent from Ethan's phone. )

Jan. 16th, 2013


Antique Store (12/21/2012 - 12/24/2012)

WHO: Anyone!
WHEN: Friday, 12/21/2012 to Monday, 12/24/2012; between 9AM and 6PM.
WHERE: Crows Landing, OR
WHAT: This post is being put up in order to avoid a lot of identical shop posts (and also to break up the last one a bit). Comment here if you want to visit the shop at anytime within the above dates, with the day and time of your visit in the header of your comment. Game calendar is also now open for those days, but please keep continuity and the sanity of the thread-tracking mod in mind when posting multiple scenes.
WARNING: This post isn't going anywhere, so don't jump on it right away if you're still in unfinished scenes for earlier in the month. Finish those first so you know what happens to your character, for continuity's sake. ^_^

The First Weekend of Christmas. )

Jan. 7th, 2013


TO: Ethan
FROM: Casper
TIME SENT: December 21st, around 12:30 am.

Text to Ethan )

TO: Ethan
FROM: Casper
TIME SENT: December 21st, around 2:30 pm.

(Text to Ethan)


To: Ethan.
From: Annie.
Time Sent: Thursday, December 20th @ 7:02 pm.

Text to Ethan. )


Party Invitation.

To: All characters with current ties to the Yorks. (members of The Garret Family, Archer Avery, Suyin Foster, Eden Williams, Jon Bennett, members of The Fox Family, members of The Thompson Family, Dr. Wren Spengler, surviving members of The Cunningham Family.)
From: Christine York
Time Sent: Arriving by December 16th by regular ol' post.

An embossed paper invitation, hand-addressed, delivered to each mailbox by the postman. How very quaint! )

Jan. 3rd, 2013


WHO: Ethan and Casper
WHEN: A random Friday afternoon, Junior Year
WHERE: Crows Landing High art class
WHAT: Flashback
WARNING: Language, Preciousness, Casper being as cuddly as she is physically capable of being.

I am a fist amidst the hands and I break it just because I can. )

Dec. 26th, 2012


Antique Store (12/14/2012-12/20/2012)

WHO: Anyone!
WHEN: Friday, 12/14/2012 to Sunday, 12/20/2012; between 9AM and 6PM.
WHERE: Crows Landing, OR
WHAT: This post is being put up in order to avoid a lot of identical shop posts over the next week and a half (in game). Comment here if you want to visit the shop at anytime within the above dates, with the day and time of your visit in the header of your comment. Game calendar is also now open for those days, but please keep continuity and the sanity of the thread-tracking mod in mind when posting multiple scenes. If you jump ahead to the 20th while everyone else is still playing the 14th, you're going to get bored waiting for the rest of us to catch up.
WARNING: This post isn't going anywhere, so don't jump on it right away if you're still in unfinished scenes for earlier in the month. Finish those first so you know what happens to your character, for continuity's sake.

Countdown to Christmas Eve. )

Sep. 8th, 2012


Group Starter - Arrival

WHO: Everyone.
WHEN: Anytime before 11pm. Saturday, 9/8/2012
WHERE: The Eclipse Hotel, in Cantonville, Indiana
WHAT: To avoid a slew of very similar arrival posts, characters should arrive at the hotel here - however and whenever they like (please, to avoid confusion, put what time you're getting in somewhere in your comment... preferably the subject line XD). Weirdness Magnet and Honeymooning Couple are already present on the grounds, but they can interact with or comment on the new arrivals as they see fit.
WARNING: As a group introductory post, anything too mature should be taken to its own thread. This is all public, so don't make me call the police out here in the middle of the storm to make arrests for indecency. They've better things to do.

Tonight's Forecast: Dark, and did I already mention stormy? )