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Mar. 31st, 2013


Fairy Tale AU Prompt

WHO: Nona and Mike, then later Nona, Mike, and Ben
WHEN: After the End of the World (or Western Society, anyway)
WHERE: The Wilds
WHAT: Post-Apocalyptic Little Red Riding Hood
WARNING: High. This ain't gonna be pretty.

Don't always trust the beaten path. )

Mar. 6th, 2013


WHO: Nona and Ben
WHEN: New Years Day, around 11am
WHERE: The Garret House
WHAT: Nona ambles home about 7 hours late, hungover, and other things. Her father reaches a new level of obsessive.
WARNING: High tensions, and some very creepy fatherly behavior. NOTE - after this thread, no one will have heard from Nona. No texts, emails, phone calls, or even school. Can anyone say Rapunzel?

Blacking out wasn't as fun as Hunter made it out to be. )


WHO: Nona & Ian (and NPCs featuring a pervy pirate riverboat captain)
WHEN: New Years Eve
WHERE: Roseburg, OR - about an hour away from CL
WHAT: Nona and Ian sneaked out of Crow's Landing to celebrate NYE as a couple. They plan on being back before anyone is the wiser. Unfortunately, lots of liquor and Nona's powerful wardrobe bring down different circumstances.
WARNING: Drunkenness, language, possible hints of violence, sudden nuptials, many many people hitting on Nona and Her Dress.

New Years Eve was supposed to be crazy. Right? )

Feb. 22nd, 2013


WHO: Nona and Ben
WHEN: New Years Eve, late morning
WHERE: The Garret house
WHAT: Nona has been noticing a change in her father, but nothing definite - until now.
WARNING: TBA - also, a placeholder.

Little angels grow up. )


WHO: Ian and Nona
WHEN: December 30th [6:17pm]
WHERE: Ian's Apartment
WHAT: Actually talking (for once) about "them".
WARNING: None as of right now

I was expectin’ to wake up alone. )

Jan. 10th, 2013


York Estate Holiday Reception

WHO: Invitees (if you are not directly invited and wish to attend, you’ll need to find someone to take you as a guest, or crash).
WHEN: Saturday, 12/22/2012, starting at 6 PM.
WHERE: York Estate Home on Northgate Ave.
WHAT: The Annual York Estate Holiday Reception
WARNING: Crashing this party may result in confrontation with one or more York. Do not force them to call the cops, especially since the Sheriff is on the guest list. This post isn’t going anywhere, and there is no time limit on this scene, so feel free to finish up other stuff before jumping on here.

There might have been more security at GENtech... )

Jan. 9th, 2013


To: Annie, Nona, & O'Brien.
From: Hunter.
Time Sent: Saturday, December 22nd [4:34PM].

Picture Text to Her Best & Brightest Friends. )

Dec. 30th, 2012


Who: Gilman and Nona.
What: AU Prompt "Another Virgin Birth"
Rating/Warning: Gross, weird, schlocky stuff! Restraints, forced feeding, forced alien incubation, and a grisly end.
Setting: AU!Gilman is actually an alien looking to start an invasion of planet Earth. To start his invasion, however, he needs a host for his squiggly alien young, and Nona fits the bill.

Gilman had spent five years in Crow’s Landing, and two weeks before Christmas, he had finally chosen his host. )


WHO: Gilman and Nona.
WHEN: Just after Nona’s shift (early evening) on the 13th.
WHERE: Outside the Hospital.
WHAT: Bored and unfulfilled, Gilman decides to stir the pot a little, and Nona is his target.
WARNING: Some prickly words but otherwise nothing too bad.

After a swing and a miss with Susanna, Gilman was bored. )

Dec. 27th, 2012


WHO: Ian and Nona
WHEN: Friday, Dec 14, late
WHERE: Ian's house
WHAT: Illicit secret dating, and whatnot. AKA, finding various places to hide and/or screw.
WARNING: Low to start, possibly high for gratuitous prettiness and nudity later

It wasn't the first time she'd lied to her parents, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. )


TO: Hunter
FROM: Nona
TIME SENT: 12/14, 2:54pm

1 New Text Message )

Dec. 26th, 2012


Antique Store (12/14/2012-12/20/2012)

WHO: Anyone!
WHEN: Friday, 12/14/2012 to Sunday, 12/20/2012; between 9AM and 6PM.
WHERE: Crows Landing, OR
WHAT: This post is being put up in order to avoid a lot of identical shop posts over the next week and a half (in game). Comment here if you want to visit the shop at anytime within the above dates, with the day and time of your visit in the header of your comment. Game calendar is also now open for those days, but please keep continuity and the sanity of the thread-tracking mod in mind when posting multiple scenes. If you jump ahead to the 20th while everyone else is still playing the 14th, you're going to get bored waiting for the rest of us to catch up.
WARNING: This post isn't going anywhere, so don't jump on it right away if you're still in unfinished scenes for earlier in the month. Finish those first so you know what happens to your character, for continuity's sake.

Countdown to Christmas Eve. )


TO: "Dove" [Nona]
TIME SENT: 6:30pm, December 12th

Text message to Nona Garret )

TO: "Periwinkle" [Jenny]
TIME SENT: 6:34pm, December 12th

Text message to Jenny Parry )

Dec. 4th, 2012


Christmas AU: Home for the Holidays

Who: Nona and Avery
When: Christmas Eve
Where: On the road home from the airport
What: Avery picks his famous step-sister up for her visit home; things get tense
Warnings: Obsession, coercion, really bad weather, idk

Baby, it's cold outside. )

Nov. 13th, 2012


Who: Marcus, Ian, Nona and Bryant
When: 10:25 PM (Almost 3 and a half hours since lights out, 20 minutes after the elevator scene)
Where: Third floor, the stairwell.
What: Marcus tries (and fails) to find his room. Ian enlists his help locating a tiny blonde... who Bryant already found! It's a madhouse!
Warning: Language.

Marcus had never reacted well to pranks. )

Oct. 30th, 2012


Halloween AU: When the Wolves Howl

Who: Nona and Marcus
When: Halloween Night, modern
Where: A cabin in the woods, sort of.
What: Marcus wakes up in a strange place, with a strange woman making him bacon.
Warnings: Blood laundering, Marcus probably being a dick, lycanthropy

You don't remember a damn thing. )

Sep. 25th, 2012


WHO: Nona and Ian (and possibly NPC desk clerk)
WHEN: Day 2, around 9:30am
WHERE: Their (original) hotel room
WHAT: After some much needed rest, Nona discovers her luggage is a little lighter than it should be
WARNING: None (yet)

You want anything, or are you still dead.? )

Sep. 19th, 2012


WHO: Charlie and Nona
WHEN: Around 2am
WHERE: Second floor
WHAT: Amateur somnambulism 
WARNING: Overwhelming tameness, girly screaming

adjective \säm-ˈnam-byə-lənt\ : walking or having the habit of walking while asleep )

Sep. 17th, 2012


WHO: Nona Garret
WHEN: Middle of the first night, wee hours of the morning
WHERE: Room 213, Nona's room
WHAT: Nightmare

He can taste the air, laced with chamomile and licorice and over-sweet. )

Sep. 13th, 2012


WHO: Hotel Manager, Tour Tag-Alongs
WHEN: 11:00 PM - midnight.
WHERE: We start in the lobby! We end... in the lobby!
WHAT: A haunted tour of The Eclipse.
WARNING: Spooktacular! Not all information provided is accurate. Feel free to chat among yourselves as the tour guide is speaking! If anyone has any questions they will be answered, but maybe not truthfully.

This all seemed very well-rehearsed... )

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