Oct. 31st, 2013


Halloween AU: Masquerade Mishaps

Who: Tatum, Teagan, & Marcus (with mentions of Susie & Emma.)
When: Halloween night.
Where: High school party that is hosted at Susie Wilson's house.
What: Teagan agrees to get her little sister into a party with 'the older crowd'.. but there is, of course, a catch.
Warnings: Delicious death and subpar big sister skills.

You agreed to the terms! )

Oct. 30th, 2013


halloween au: drabbles

Who: Ricky, Rob, Archer, Tatum (with mentions of Annie, Marcus, and Christine York)
When: Halloween Night!
Where: All over!
What: Halloween DRABBLES! (If you want to post your own drabbles in the comments, feel free!)
Warning: None. Enjoy some drabbles! Happy Halloween, puppets!

2013 Halloween Drabbles! )

Oct. 23rd, 2013


Halloween AU: Full Moon and Werewolves

WHO: Werewolf!Ricky and OPEN
WHAT: Ricky is about to shift and should PROBABLY be alone.
WHEN: Full Moon, October 2013
WHERE: Northern Ohio
WARNINGS: Nudity, language, probably violence

Oct. 15th, 2013


Who: Jenny & Dahlia.
Where: Smalltown in the PACIFIC NORTHWEST (so totally not written with Crows Landing in mind).
When: During the autumn season, a couple of moons ago. They are highschool seniors (17/18).
What: AU: When the Wolves Howl, based around the lycanthrophy standards/rules of the Ginger Snaps films. Two clueless best friends (with benefits) stumble upon an unexpected and unwanted curse.. and it begins to affect both of them, while only truly afflicting one of them.
Warnings: TBA, but presumably it will go quite high! Violence and sexual content both liable to be present.

I am a wolf but I like to wear sheep's clothing. I am a bonfire, I am a vampire, I'm waiting for my moment. )

Oct. 7th, 2013


Who. Dahlia, Jenny, and Mike.
Where. Dahlia's parents' lakeside cabin.
What. AU: Last Haunted House on the Hill. Dahlia and Jenny sneak off to her parents' cabin in the woods, but unfortunately for them, they're miles from civilization and, of course, there's no cellphone service. They're also not the only ones in the woods.
When. Halloween night.
Rating. High. Probably really high, depending.

Either way, it was bound to be one hell of a weekend.  )


Halloween AU: Haunted Masquerade!

WHO: Teenager!Kessie and OPEN
WHAT: A costume party at a haunted house goes TERRIBLY AWRY.
WHEN: Halloween 1994.
WHERE: New York (the state, not the city)
WARNINGS: Unknown, but it's an AU.

I see a little silhouetto of a man )

Nov. 2nd, 2012


Halloween AU: Drabbles

(These are the drabbles that were sent in for Halloween. If you have your own drabbles you'd like to add, you can comment with them or mail them in and I'll add them to the post.)

Tricks-or-Treats )

Last Haunted House on the Hill )

Attack of the Killer Kids )

Masquerade Mishaps )

Oct. 31st, 2012


Halloween AU: Attack of the Killer Kids

Who: Charlie and Marcus, cameo by Emma
When: Halloween Night
Where: Shit Town. Starts in the park, goes to the gas station.
What: Marcus has a bad night. Takes others down with him.
Warning: Evisceration. Language.

Death-by-costumed-midget-demons hadn’t really been on his agenda for the night, but if it was inevitable, Marcus would be damned if he wasn’t going out an alpha. )


Halloween AU: Season of the Witch

Who: Tatum and Teagan
When: Halloween Night
Where: Teagan's late grandmother's home.
What: Demonic literature which, of course, Teagan reads out loud.
Warning: TBD (unfinished)

I mean, last I checked, Jesus didn’t eat babies. )


Halloween AU: Group Post!

Who: T. Robert York, Eden Williams, ANYONE ELSE (OPEN to dead and inactive characters, as well... everyone's invited to frolic in the comments below)
When: October 31st, Halloween Night
Where: The York Estate Home
What: Fifth Annual York Masquerade Ball and Fundraiser
Warning: Zombies
Rules: Anyone can hop in, as infected or uninfected. Fresh zombies can be sentient and verbal, but must hunger for human flesh. Feel free to be silly. Kill each other, loot the place, dance with the dead. Whatever you want to do. It's AU! Have fun with it!

Whether it was fear of embarrassment, or just early onset curmudgeonliness, Rob wasn’t the sort of person who enjoyed dressing up. )


Halloween AU: Last Haunted House on the Hill/Attack of the Killer...

Who: Kostya and Rob
When: Halloween Night
Where: In a dilapidated house out in the middle of nowhere.
What: Rob loses an Eden, finds a Kostya, wishes he hadn’t done either.
Warning: Unexpected sociopathy. Language. Blood. Etc.

You're not making a word of sense. )

Oct. 30th, 2012


Halloween AU: When the Wolves Howl

Who: Nona and Marcus
When: Halloween Night, modern
Where: A cabin in the woods, sort of.
What: Marcus wakes up in a strange place, with a strange woman making him bacon.
Warnings: Blood laundering, Marcus probably being a dick, lycanthropy

You don't remember a damn thing. )