Oct. 11th, 2013


Cycle 003: Voyage of the Mare Crisium (Integration)

WHO: Everybody (this is a group plot post)
WHEN: This post actually takes place Wednesday, June 12th, but nobody knows that.
WHERE: The Hive
WHAT: This plot post IS an interactive scene, and characters can feel free to interact below and are encouraged to do so! We’re also going to take care of some of the inactive PCs with this post, as well as give people a chance to mix up their locations. Huzzah! Removes Emma, Jon, and Eden from the pool.
WARNING: Please take care not to assume with other player characters. Give others some chance to react/weigh in before rushing ahead to a finish an interaction. That’s the fun of group posts! Everyone can and should interact! But it is a little trickier because of that, so just be considerate.

Then the walls came down… so to speak. )

Sep. 23rd, 2013


Who: Susie, Mike
When: Hexagon Time
Where: The Caves
What: Susie wakes up in a very uncomfortable place (that's not the back of a Volkswagen)
Rating: Let's see!

She remembered going into the caves. )

Sep. 3rd, 2013


Who: Teagan, Susie and Mike
When: Sunday June 9th, 8:00am, shortly after the group meeting.
Where: Tentfirmary!
What: Probably a lot of chatter. Seeing how it's Teagan. Mike and O'Brien can both feel free to be conscious and awake, jump in as they like, etc!
Warning: Starts off with the assumption that both O'Brien and Mike are alone and alive in the tent. Please don't write that a character is absent, present, unconscious, picking his nose, or whathaveyou, unless you play that character.

Come on, Suze. Let's see if that guy's awake, yet. )

Aug. 15th, 2013


Cycle 003: Voyage of the Mare Crisium (June 8th)

WHO: Everyone!
WHEN: Saturday, June 8th, dawn
WHERE: Nowhere, Middle Of
WHAT: Opening another calendar day spent on the island. This post bumps the calendar forward and contains a GROUP MEETING, so feel free to reply here if you want your character to have an assigned job, share information, pitch ideas to the group as a whole or publicly interact with/argue with/question everyone else! MODNOTE: It is cool to respond to this post with short tags, like in an interview/1st person post.
WARNING: This post does assume the presence of at least most of the cast. Characters are not required to respond, but all the information shared in this post and subsequent comments can be assumed as public knowledge. As always, please don't feel like you have to jump in new scenes right away if you're working on incompletes. Finish those first, if you can, for continuity’s sake. It’s totally okay to gloss a scene ending in order to move forward!

Excuse me, can I have everyone’s attention, please? )

Aug. 1st, 2013


cycle 003: voyage of the mare crisium (june 6th-7th)

WHO: Everyone!
WHEN: Thursday, June 6th to Friday, June 7th
WHERE: Nowhere, Middle Of
WHAT: Another unexpected day in open water ends... poorly. This plot post opens the next two days in the game. Feel free to use this post to play out individual “Abandon Ship!” threads, being on the lifeboat together, or character deaths (if you’re killing someone off during this event).
WARNING: This post does make assumptions (minor godmodding below; assuming some shipwide incompetence and the number of survivors). Please don't feel like you have to jump in new scenes right away if you're working on incompletes. Finish those first if you can, for continuity’s sake.

Abandon ship! )

Jul. 29th, 2013


Who: Rob and Susie
When: Tuesday, June 4th, 9pm
Where: Back on board the Mare Crisium
What: Susanna's had a little bit too much to drink.
Warning: Pissy Rob is pissy.

They'd need to have a talk about propriety. )

Jul. 3rd, 2013


Who: Teagan (and hopefully Susie, Delaney... and open! COME IF YOU WANT TO SEE TITS! Mike? Marcus? ...Tatum?)
When: Tuesday, June 4th (starts early afternoon, presumably ends before the ship departs)
Where: A *ahem* clothing-optional hot spring area in Dominica.
What: Teagan is trying to make this trip less "honeymoon" and more "bachelorette."
Warning: Hopefully nudity, probably language.

It wasn't that Teagan was jealous, per se, but it did make her seriously consider dying her hair. )

Jun. 27th, 2013


Who: Susie Wilson and Mike McBrayer
Where: Susie and Robert's Cabin
What: The air conditioning isn't working properly.
Rating: Low. Ish. Maybe.
When: Monday, June 3, around 6 PM.

This set up really was out of an adult movie. )

Jun. 18th, 2013


Formal Dress Dinner

Who: Every guest on the ship is invited (formalwear required), except on-duty employees (celebrity/high-ranking employees are formally invited, off-duty employees can sneak in).
When: June 2nd, 6:30-8:00pm
Where: Formal dining/banquet hall
What: This is a group thread! Dakota Davenport will be sharing a table with grand prizewinner Connor Shea (they can each have up to 2 guests at the table). Ian Kingsley will be sharing a table with grand prizewinner Annie Thompson (they can each have up to 2 guests at the table). All members of the York Wedding Party are sharing a banquet table with Captain Archer. Everyone else can sit with whomever they like.
Warning: Pretentious menu! Boring chitchat! Anything high-rated should be peeled off into its own thread.

Enjoy your complimentary fancy meal. Wine and alcoholic beverage menu are separate. )

May. 30th, 2013


Cycle 003: Voyage of the Mare Crisium

WHO: Anyone/Everyone!
WHEN: Friday, May 31st, 4:00pm to Departure (5-6:15pm)
WHERE: departing from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and heading into open water!
WHAT: This post unlocks Days 1 and 2 of the Cruise! If you want to play out boarding the ship, feel free to post below, otherwise, you can go off to start your own threads (either for something listed in the itinerary here, or flashback scenes to establish character connections).
WARNING: This post isn't going anywhere, so don't feel like you must jump on it right away if you're one of the few folks working on the cycle 2 finale/incompletes. We still want to give our last story a proper close! Those of you who are antsy to get started on new stuff, however, please have at. Anything going into high-rating territory should be peeled off into its own thread.

All Aboard! )

Mar. 26th, 2013


Who: Susanna and Jon
What: Out by the wetlands, there's a lost woman walking...
Where: Buck Island Road
When: January 6th, Midnight
Rating: R for language. And feels. Lots of them.

Stop. Just stop. )

Jan. 25th, 2013


To: Residents of Crow's Landing
From: Bettie Wilson

Posted in town after Susanna's disappearance )

Jan. 6th, 2013


WHO: Susanna and Open (nudge to Jon and Marcus)
WHERE: The Brass Key
WHEN: December 20 ; evening
WHAT: Susie nurses her wounded ego and, well, wounded face.
WARNINGS: Language, as usual!

She'd been cruel, yes, but she was sick of Mike treating her as if she meant nothing. )

Jan. 2nd, 2013



Who: Rob and Susie
When: December 16th, night (after 9:30 pm)
Where: Regency Meadows, an apartment towards the back of the complex (249).
What: Rob arranges for a clandestine visit from the local prostitute.
Warning: Waltzing, foot worship... Rob is kind of odd.

Apartment 249 )

Jan. 3rd, 2013


Who: Gilman and Susie
Where: The Trailer Park.
When: Dec 17th, late morning.
What: Susie is high. Gilman says hi.
Rating: Mentions of drug use and a LOT of innuendo and crude language.
Meth was a bad idea. )

Dec. 28th, 2012


TO: Robert York
FROM: Susanna Wilson
TIME SENT: 12/14, 2:35 pm

Text Picture Message )

TO: CJ Redding
FROM: Susanna Wilson
TIME SENT: 12/14, 4:31 pm

Text Message )

Dec. 29th, 2012


WHO: Gilman and Susanna.
WHEN: Midday on the 13th.
WHERE: Out of the Woods Mobile Homes Trailer Park
WHAT: Susanna forgot her keys, again. Gilman comes to her rescue, again.
WARNING: A prostitute and a voyeur occupying the same space makes for some crude language and innuendo.

The weather was, as they said, cold as balls. )

Dec. 26th, 2012


Antique Store (12/14/2012-12/20/2012)

WHO: Anyone!
WHEN: Friday, 12/14/2012 to Sunday, 12/20/2012; between 9AM and 6PM.
WHERE: Crows Landing, OR
WHAT: This post is being put up in order to avoid a lot of identical shop posts over the next week and a half (in game). Comment here if you want to visit the shop at anytime within the above dates, with the day and time of your visit in the header of your comment. Game calendar is also now open for those days, but please keep continuity and the sanity of the thread-tracking mod in mind when posting multiple scenes. If you jump ahead to the 20th while everyone else is still playing the 14th, you're going to get bored waiting for the rest of us to catch up.
WARNING: This post isn't going anywhere, so don't jump on it right away if you're still in unfinished scenes for earlier in the month. Finish those first so you know what happens to your character, for continuity's sake.

Countdown to Christmas Eve. )

Dec. 22nd, 2012


WHO: Marcus, Suzie and Sully (Open, because it's a public venue)
WHEN: 12/13/2012, 4:40 PM
WHERE: The Brass Key
WHAT: Marcus is a magnet for the ladies in the bar!
WARNING: Language, blatant flirting, mention of early 90's cheesy hair bands.

Marcus was very fond of the Key, and it tended to welcome him with open arms, so long as he settled his tab at the end of the night. )