Feb. 22nd, 2013


WHO: Fauna and Max
WHEN: New Years Eve afternoon, before the Key opens for NYE celebrations
WHERE: Max's place
WHAT: As usual, Fauna brings Max some real food - Max notices something different.
WARNING: None just yet.

I know you're awake. )

Jan. 8th, 2013


WHO: Sully and Fauna
WHEN: Not sure yet! Afternoon
WHERE: Fauna's house
WHAT: Sully stops by to greet an old friend.
WARNING: Likely none

Oh... Oh my. )

Dec. 31st, 2012


To: Ian.
From: Jenny.
Time Sent: 9:00AM (December 15th)
Text to Ian. )

To: Fauna.
From: Jenny.
Time Sent: 1:45PM (December 15th)
Text to Fauna. )

To: Jon.
From: Jenny.
Time Sent: 4:30PM (December 15th).
Text to Jon. )

To: Teagan.
From: Jenny.
Time Sent: 4:35PM (December 15th).
Text to Teagan. )

Dec. 26th, 2012


Antique Store (12/14/2012-12/20/2012)

WHO: Anyone!
WHEN: Friday, 12/14/2012 to Sunday, 12/20/2012; between 9AM and 6PM.
WHERE: Crows Landing, OR
WHAT: This post is being put up in order to avoid a lot of identical shop posts over the next week and a half (in game). Comment here if you want to visit the shop at anytime within the above dates, with the day and time of your visit in the header of your comment. Game calendar is also now open for those days, but please keep continuity and the sanity of the thread-tracking mod in mind when posting multiple scenes. If you jump ahead to the 20th while everyone else is still playing the 14th, you're going to get bored waiting for the rest of us to catch up.
WARNING: This post isn't going anywhere, so don't jump on it right away if you're still in unfinished scenes for earlier in the month. Finish those first so you know what happens to your character, for continuity's sake.

Countdown to Christmas Eve. )

Dec. 20th, 2012


TO: Emma
FROM: Fauna
TIME SENT: 6:03pm, Dec 13

Texts. Many of them. )