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Nov. 23rd, 2013



WHO: Archer and Jenny.
WHEN: Late night November 2nd into the 3rd, few hours from dawn.
WHERE: The Red Door, Archer's quarters.
WHAT: They're friends, and have been for years now. It's simultaneously complicated and the most natural thing in the world.
WARNING: THIS IS A PLACEHOLDER AND RATING IS TBD, but we all know Archer swears like a sailor (ha).


Nov. 1st, 2013


Who: Sebastian (Open -- literally, the door is propped open, anyone's welcome to walk in)
When: Halloween night (Sunday), ~8pm.
Where: The Red Door designated "conference" room (also known as the private party room)
What: Turning the Sunday Night group self-help meeting into a Halloween Party.
Warning: He brought refreshments.

He does this every holiday. )

Oct. 24th, 2013


Who: Hunter & Archer.
When: After the gassing.
Where: Their enclosure.
What: Ain't nothing like an unnatural attraction.
Warnings: TBA, but you might as well be warned there will at least be creepy (unwanted) incestuous thoughts.

She'd been watching him plenty, after all, and she knew him. )

Oct. 11th, 2013


Cycle 003: Voyage of the Mare Crisium (Integration)

WHO: Everybody (this is a group plot post)
WHEN: This post actually takes place Wednesday, June 12th, but nobody knows that.
WHERE: The Hive
WHAT: This plot post IS an interactive scene, and characters can feel free to interact below and are encouraged to do so! We’re also going to take care of some of the inactive PCs with this post, as well as give people a chance to mix up their locations. Huzzah! Removes Emma, Jon, and Eden from the pool.
WARNING: Please take care not to assume with other player characters. Give others some chance to react/weigh in before rushing ahead to a finish an interaction. That’s the fun of group posts! Everyone can and should interact! But it is a little trickier because of that, so just be considerate.

Then the walls came down… so to speak. )

Sep. 30th, 2013


Who: Hunter & Archer.
What: Much more familial closeness than Hunter ever signed up for. She expected pants.
Where: Their cell.
Warnings: TBA.

Hunter's initial thought upon waking had been about the dolphins. )

Aug. 15th, 2013


Cycle 003: Voyage of the Mare Crisium (June 8th)

WHO: Everyone!
WHEN: Saturday, June 8th, dawn
WHERE: Nowhere, Middle Of
WHAT: Opening another calendar day spent on the island. This post bumps the calendar forward and contains a GROUP MEETING, so feel free to reply here if you want your character to have an assigned job, share information, pitch ideas to the group as a whole or publicly interact with/argue with/question everyone else! MODNOTE: It is cool to respond to this post with short tags, like in an interview/1st person post.
WARNING: This post does assume the presence of at least most of the cast. Characters are not required to respond, but all the information shared in this post and subsequent comments can be assumed as public knowledge. As always, please don't feel like you have to jump in new scenes right away if you're working on incompletes. Finish those first, if you can, for continuity’s sake. It’s totally okay to gloss a scene ending in order to move forward!

Excuse me, can I have everyone’s attention, please? )

Aug. 1st, 2013


cycle 003: voyage of the mare crisium (june 6th-7th)

WHO: Everyone!
WHEN: Thursday, June 6th to Friday, June 7th
WHERE: Nowhere, Middle Of
WHAT: Another unexpected day in open water ends... poorly. This plot post opens the next two days in the game. Feel free to use this post to play out individual “Abandon Ship!” threads, being on the lifeboat together, or character deaths (if you’re killing someone off during this event).
WARNING: This post does make assumptions (minor godmodding below; assuming some shipwide incompetence and the number of survivors). Please don't feel like you have to jump in new scenes right away if you're working on incompletes. Finish those first if you can, for continuity’s sake.

Abandon ship! )

Jul. 30th, 2013


Mechanical Error

WHO: Archer and O’Brien
WHEN: Wednesday, June 5th, night
WHERE: captain’s quarters
WHAT: Archer masks concern and confusion with anger. It’s up to O’Brien to either talk him down or to commiserate. Either way, the captain needs his best friend to help him make sense of what’s going on.
WARNING: bad language, scene in progress

Barbados didn’t just fucking disappear. )

Jun. 18th, 2013


Formal Dress Dinner

Who: Every guest on the ship is invited (formalwear required), except on-duty employees (celebrity/high-ranking employees are formally invited, off-duty employees can sneak in).
When: June 2nd, 6:30-8:00pm
Where: Formal dining/banquet hall
What: This is a group thread! Dakota Davenport will be sharing a table with grand prizewinner Connor Shea (they can each have up to 2 guests at the table). Ian Kingsley will be sharing a table with grand prizewinner Annie Thompson (they can each have up to 2 guests at the table). All members of the York Wedding Party are sharing a banquet table with Captain Archer. Everyone else can sit with whomever they like.
Warning: Pretentious menu! Boring chitchat! Anything high-rated should be peeled off into its own thread.

Enjoy your complimentary fancy meal. Wine and alcoholic beverage menu are separate. )

Jun. 5th, 2013


Family Time

WHO: Archer and Hunter
WHEN: 31 May, morning, long before guests are set to arrive
WHERE: starts off in the captain’s quarters
WHAT: Uncle Archer’s genuinely glad that Hunt’s here for another summer. And no, not ‘cause now he’s got someone to go running with him.
WARNING: dunno yet; scene in progress... though they’re probably gonna use Bad Words

She’d done good. He was proud of her. )

Jun. 3rd, 2013


Shooting the Breeze

WHO: Archer and Max
WHEN: 30 May, evening
WHERE: the lounge
WHAT: The night before they’re set to depart, the captain makes an effort at relaxation... since he probably won't have much time for that once the cruise gets underway. He visits a friend.
WARNING: Do I have to keep warning about Archer’s bad language or can we all take it as a given at this point that he’s basically incapable of cleaning it up?

He was a man who woke up early and went to bed late. )

May. 30th, 2013


Cruise Like a Norwegian. Kill Like a Frankenbrit.

PROMPT: May Day AU: Zombies, RUN!
WHO: Bryant, with mentions of Archer, Hunter, O’Brien, Walt, Avery, and Mal (in order of appearance)
WHEN: modern day, alternate universe
WHERE: on a ship somewhere in the South Pacific
WHAT: Zombies ruin Bryant’s vacation.
WARNING: character death, general crack!fic insanity, brief bad language, many apologies to an existing cruise line for this fictional situation and to writers whose characters I borrowed (in case they weren’t quite right).

for TS, just because )

May. 23rd, 2013


The Drawing of the Three (...or We’re Not Gonna Take It)

WHO: Annie, Archer, Max... Team Survivor
WHEN: 17 January, afternoon
WHERE: the hospital
WHAT: Dead, they’re all turning up dead. The end of days was upon Crows Landing. There are three people in particular in a unique position to band together and share information.
WARNING: mentions / reactions to a previous character death, language, frustration, anger... might be some grabbing of torches and pitchforks.

The logical part of Archer knew he was already too late. )

May. 22nd, 2013


Live with Honor...

WHO: Archer... and whatever's left of Michael Donnelly
WHEN: 16 January, after 6PM in the evening
WHERE: the Donnelly home
WHAT: There's blood being spilt all over his town; there's so little the sheriff can do. But he can do this.
WARNING: NPC death, Archer's usual bad language

...die with dignity. Well, that was out the fucking window now, wasn’t it? )

May. 17th, 2013


Who: Robert York, Marcus Caravahlo, any witnesses (this is right in the parking lot of Regency Meadows Apartments, so public space), cops, etc.
When: January 17th, 11:35AM
Where: Regency Meadows Apartments, Crows Landing Police Station
What: Effectively taking Robert York out of the cycle.
Warning: Violent character death, ruined clothing.

It couldn't really be argued that he'd be missed. )

May. 9th, 2013


TO: Archer Avery.
FROM: Hunter Sommer.
TIME: January 15th, late afternoon.

'You gotta come now.' )

Feb. 26th, 2013


Screw that Guardian Angel Crap

WHO: Archer (and O’Brien...?)
WHEN: 1AM, 3 January
WHERE: police station
WHAT: Either Archer is losing his mind -- he’s not discounting this possibility -- or he’s seeing a ghost. He thinks he might actually prefer to lose his mind. Maybe.
WARNING(S): Archer feels emotions. Actual emotions. And they show on his face, sometimes.

It was all too much. )


TO: Hunter
FROM: Archer
TIME SENT: 1 January, noon

text message to Hunter )

Feb. 22nd, 2013


Rob gets interviewed.

Who: T. Robert York and Sheriff Archer Avery
When: December 31st
Where: Crows Landing Police Station
What: Questions
Warning: None.

One’s reputation in this town is paramount. )

Jan. 10th, 2013


York Estate Holiday Reception

WHO: Invitees (if you are not directly invited and wish to attend, you’ll need to find someone to take you as a guest, or crash).
WHEN: Saturday, 12/22/2012, starting at 6 PM.
WHERE: York Estate Home on Northgate Ave.
WHAT: The Annual York Estate Holiday Reception
WARNING: Crashing this party may result in confrontation with one or more York. Do not force them to call the cops, especially since the Sheriff is on the guest list. This post isn’t going anywhere, and there is no time limit on this scene, so feel free to finish up other stuff before jumping on here.

There might have been more security at GENtech... )

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