Dec. 30th, 2012


Who: Gilman and Nona.
What: AU Prompt "Another Virgin Birth"
Rating/Warning: Gross, weird, schlocky stuff! Restraints, forced feeding, forced alien incubation, and a grisly end.
Setting: AU!Gilman is actually an alien looking to start an invasion of planet Earth. To start his invasion, however, he needs a host for his squiggly alien young, and Nona fits the bill.

Gilman had spent five years in Crow’s Landing, and two weeks before Christmas, he had finally chosen his host. )

Dec. 28th, 2012


Christmas AU: Beat That, Grinch

WHO: Bryant, with mention of the entire company
WHEN: AU Christmas Eve
WHERE: Crows Landing
WHAT: holiday crack!poetry
WARNING: I don’t... I don’t even...

Welcome to Crows Landing: a nice place to live. )

Dec. 17th, 2012


Christmas AU: Another Virgin Birth

WHO: Casper and CJ
WHEN: Early December
WHERE: Their home on Trout
WHAT: The classic tale of "a demon took over my room mate's body and knocked me up"
WARNING: Language, references to dubcon, possessed!CJ, pregnant!Casper

What to expect when you're expecting the Antichrist. )

Dec. 4th, 2012


Christmas AU: Home for the Holidays

Who: Nona and Avery
When: Christmas Eve
Where: On the road home from the airport
What: Avery picks his famous step-sister up for her visit home; things get tense
Warnings: Obsession, coercion, really bad weather, idk

Baby, it's cold outside. )