August 2015




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Jan. 10th, 2015



WHO: 14+
WHERE: Strikes & Skates
WHAT: Disco Night
WHEN: Friday nine p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
RATING: PG and above.
NOTE: For shops that are normally open that late, feel free to close to attend if you like/work out shifts with other characters working same shops. Essential functions like medical personnel will still be available if needed. This is an IC/OOC thread, but feel free to post separate threads if you'd like to write out a complete scene (hint hint).

MAC planned a Disco Night at Strikes & Skates. She might hate her job there, but she loves planning events! You can read about Roller Disco here. The music will be 70s themed so feel free to pick upbeat music from that time period when discussing the event/writing threads/posting journals. PLEASE remember to tag your character's name when replying.

Dec. 15th, 2014


WHO: Molly Weasley and Colin Creevey
WHAT: Molly is having a meltdown, and Colin is witness
WHEN: Monday mid-day
WHERE: By the lake
RATING: There may be some language
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

She cried until she thought she would drown. )

Sep. 5th, 2014


Happy Birthday, Colin!

Dennis: got Colin a brand new, top of the line camera from some time into their future, he saved for weeks! He knows Colin will be able to figure it out. He also specially learned the spells (and put them on the camera) so that it could take muggle and wizard pictures whenever he felt like either. There's a special phrase he would need to say to make it switch gears, which Denny would have taught him. Also, he had a few pictures added to their collection. One is of the two of them together. One of them and their parents. And the last is a picture of Colly and Olivia that he brought with him when he was older. In the frame of the picture with Colly and Olivia, Dennis added a smaller picture of Colin in the upper corner (Cause he's watching over the kids, all the time).
He also woke up at midnight, as was their tradition back home so he could be the first to wish Colin a happy birthday, instead he wrote a note and sent it to the Inn.

Anthony: gave a role of both magic and muggle film and a gift card to smuggled.

Aug. 11th, 2014


You're invited!

DELIVERED TO: Orion Black, Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Miles Bletchley, Amelia & Gideon Prewett, Edgar, Sally, & Emmy Bones, Susan Bones, Teddy Lupin & Charity Burbage, William Coburn, Liam Connolly, Peter Corner, Colin Creevey & Mary MacDonald, Dennis Creevey, Cedric Diggory & Analisa Montgomery, Albus, Kendra, & Arianna Dumbledore, Bee Dunstan, Mike & Cece Corner, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Autumn Flint, Merope Gaunt, Anthony & Rylan Goldstein, Gregory Goyle, Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley, Daphne Greengrass, Terence  )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Jul. 13th, 2014


[Delivered to the doorstep of Cabin 40-Ernie MacMillan] )

Jun. 7th, 2014


Who: Older!Dennis and Colin Creevey
What: 13 years is a long time
When: After Denny's arrival and Ginny finds him
Where: In the village then their house.

Read more... )

Jun. 5th, 2014



Who: Draco Malfoy & his friends, family and miscellaneous loved ones. [ic/ooc]
What: It’s a birthday party!
Where: Community Center!
When: Thursday, 5pm-whenever.

Celebrate good times, come on, lets celebrate! )

Apr. 22nd, 2014


Someone is back in town.

WHO: Draco Malfoy & Colin Creevey - PART ONE
WHAT: Someone needs a little sorting.
WHERE: His "real world" cottage and then back to where it all began.
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon.
RATING: PG-13 (language & mental health issues)
WARNINGS: There is talk of mental health so it might be triggering for some.
STATUS: Completed in GDOCS.


WHO: Draco & Pansy - PART TWO
WHAT: Sending a (borrowed) owl.
WHERE: Sent from the Genealogist's Office.
WHEN After meeting with Colin.
WHY: Draco needs confirmation
STATUS: Completed in comments.


WHO: Draco Malfoy & Myrtle Mallory - PART THREE
WHAT: Reassurances
WHERE: Malfoy Manor
WHEN: Wednesday evening
STATUS: Started in GDOCS & TBC in comments.


Having a second chance makes you want to work even harder... )

Mar. 28th, 2014


Who: The village (IC/OOC)
What: Memorial Service
Where: The lake
When: Friday evening.

The weather was surprisingly nice for such a sad day. There had been a small area set up by the lake for those wishing to pay their respects. On a small table, lay a variety of river rocks of different shapes and sizes, set aside for those who wished to write something on them. Near that lay a small table with a variety of drinks, charmed to stay crisp and cool despite being out. There was also, hidden under the table by Rowena, a small case of calming draught for anyone who would need it.

The evening sun was starting to set over the water. Floating lanterns and candles hung in the air, and several clustered around the pond as a makeshift candle vigil. Soon, people began sharing stories and memories of those lost, casting their pebbles and the memories with them into the clear blue of the lake.

Mar. 20th, 2014


Who: Ginny Weasley and Colin Creevey (Open to anyone who would've been at the Manor yesterday evening)
What: Talking boys out of closets (A literal closet, we're not being deep here)
Where: Malfoy Manor
When: 3/19 because I was supposed to get this up last night and then I fell asleep. Evening hours
Why: Because Colin is having a sort of breakdown and Ginny isn't just going to let him drown in his own fear
Rating: TBD? Though I'm guessing Medium for mentions of death
Status: Incomplete

Worry is my default setting )

Mar. 3rd, 2014


WHO: Pansy Parkinson & Colin Creevey
WHAT: Being awkwardly trapped together
WHEN: Monday, March 3 — early afternoon
WHERE: Colin's art studio
RATING: Low, I imagine
STATUS: Closed/In-Progress

Pansy was really beginning to regret the spur-of-the-moment decision that she had made. )

Feb. 10th, 2014


WHO; Vicky and Colin
WHAT; Colin's coming to find her!
WHEN; backdated to Sunday night
WHERE; by the cliffs
RATING; middle for death talk?

wut wut )

Jan. 30th, 2014


Who: Rodolphus Lestrange and OPEN
Where: Botanical Garden
When: mid-afternoon
What: Trying to stave off boredom
Rating/Status: possible language, killing of bugs

He'd not tortured or killed anyone in almost six weeks and the desire to cause pain was rising up in him. )

Dec. 24th, 2013


christmas gifts!





[if it's not clear who they're for, check the cut tags in each of their journals. and if i forgot ANY i'm so sorry. if you think your character should've gotten a gift, they probably did, and i'm just a human who errs. any forgotten peeps get stuff they'd like!]

Nov. 29th, 2013


Who: Colin Creevey and Mary MacDonald
What: A date (and snogging).
Where: Her house, and then a frozen lake.
When: Friday Evening.

He wasn't about to mess it up again. )

Nov. 3rd, 2013


Happy birthday, Narcissa!

WHO: Friends & Family (minus Lucius, sorry)
WHAT: Birthday celebration
WHERE: Beau Mangerie
WHEN: Slightly forwarded to the evening of Monday, Nov. 4th.
NOTE: Pretend there were invitations. Anyone who reasonably knows Narcissa and wants to come, may do so.

....... )

Oct. 26th, 2013


Colin & Mac

WHO: Colin Creevey & Mary MacDonald
WHAT: A date? Something like that. ;D
WHERE/WHEN: At the Masquerade

Mac was getting used to the village. She even glanced through some history books finally. She still didn't know the whole story, but she was getting there. She hated being caught off guard every time someone mentioned the wars. She still didn't know what became of her, but she was scared to dig too deep. She knew most of her classmates didn't face good futures and while she didn't see herself running off to join the war effort, she had been attacked once after being labeled a blood traitor. And that? Was at school. Who knew what her mouth got her in the real world? No, no, she'd sort her future later. For now? She was happy living in this insane magical place. She loved seeing old friends and making new ones. Colin was one of those mates. They met early on and they even went to that other dance together. Alright, maybe she fancied him a wee bit. It was strange. She grew up thinking she'd get married off so she didn't pay blokes much mind. Escaping Angus? Woke something up inside her. Angus was an old man compared to Mary, but Colin? Colin was young, sweet, funny, and vibrant. She loved hanging out with him. He always made her smile.

She wasn't smiling now. It wasn't his fault, but her stomach was twisted in knots. His invitation had been super sweet, but then he had been fishing around over Mac's red-headed friend. What if she misread things? What if they were just friends? What if...where had he gotten off to?


WHO: Everyone!
WHAT: Masquerade Party!
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: Community Center
RATING: Medium to start?

Read more... )

Oct. 14th, 2013


Who: Colin and Dennis Creevey
What: Brother talking time.
When: Sunday, after the expedition.
Where: Cabin 37
Why: Colin has found the collection.

all Colin wanted to do was to make sure everything was okay. )

Oct. 11th, 2013


WHO — Everyone.
WHERE & WHEN — Friday night, All Night Long.
WHAT — Karaoke!
RATING — Medium? Feel free to do spin-off threads.

It's Friday night — what are you doing? Hopefully in town for a karaoke night at All Night Long! The mic opens up around 8, and drinks and snacks/pub food are served well into the night, although anyone under age 17 will not be served anything alcoholic. The music library had been enchanted to play songs from just about any era within the range of the characters — so basically, if your song exists between the late 1800s to the modern day, any character who knows the song would be able to find a karaoke version, no matter their original time period. (I'm sure music gets around.)

This is an IC/ooc event! If your character comes to the event, post a comment with their name in the subject line, and put in the comment box what they sing, who they're looking to hang hot with, whatever. I figure this can go for a couple days since it was a last-minute idea. Afterwards we could also do a funny pictures thread just for reasons?!

Basically: group activity, have fun, everyone's invited!

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