August 2015




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Mar. 28th, 2014


Who: The village (IC/OOC)
What: Memorial Service
Where: The lake
When: Friday evening.

The weather was surprisingly nice for such a sad day. There had been a small area set up by the lake for those wishing to pay their respects. On a small table, lay a variety of river rocks of different shapes and sizes, set aside for those who wished to write something on them. Near that lay a small table with a variety of drinks, charmed to stay crisp and cool despite being out. There was also, hidden under the table by Rowena, a small case of calming draught for anyone who would need it.

The evening sun was starting to set over the water. Floating lanterns and candles hung in the air, and several clustered around the pond as a makeshift candle vigil. Soon, people began sharing stories and memories of those lost, casting their pebbles and the memories with them into the clear blue of the lake.

Feb. 6th, 2014


Who: Hestia and Megan Jones.
What: Getting Megan settled in her room and talking…
Where: The castle
When: Thursday Evening.

Read more... )

Feb. 3rd, 2014


Who: Hestia Jones & Fabian Prewett.
What: Hestia is having a breakdown, and has something to tell Fabian.
Where: The Hospital-- Megan’s room.
When: Very early monday morning/very late sunday night.

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Jan. 26th, 2014


Who: Fabian Prewett & Hestia Jones
What: A welcoming party, of sorts?
Where: Botanical Gardens to start
When: Sunday Evening

Play it again Sam. )

Sep. 15th, 2013


The Dance.


Sep. 8th, 2013


Who: Hestia Jones and OPEN
What: eating lunch.
Where: The table area that the food team laid out.
When: Lunch time.

--- )

Aug. 19th, 2013


Who: Ginny Weasley and OPEN
What: Blind rage and swordplay
Where: Not far from the Community Center
When: Late afternoon/Early Evening on the Fifth Day
Why: Because Ginny has a lot of feelings she needs to deal with. Violently.
Rating: Medium for violence
Status: Open/Incomplete

Hell hath no fury )

Jul. 13th, 2013


Who: Rabastan Lestrange and Hestia Jones
What: Rabastan is not a happy camper
When: Sunday evening
Where: The pub
Rating: TBA

He knew the answer was not at the bottom of a bottle )

Mar. 10th, 2013


[Presents given to Remus throughout the day, or at his little surprise party.]
From Lilu )
From Teddy )
From Hestia )