August 2015




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Dec. 29th, 2014



WHO: Draco Malfoy, Remus Lupin, Ted & Andromeda Tonks
WHAT: Draco is a little younger today.
WHERE: The bakery followed by Ted & Andromeda's cottage.
WHEN: Monday, 12/29
STATUS: Completed via GDOCS

Draco's stomach sunk when he realized he wandered too far... )

Dec. 23rd, 2014


Village Holiday Celebration

Happy Holidays! )

Dec. 5th, 2014



"After all, to the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."

-J.K. Rowling

.......... )

Nov. 9th, 2014


Happy Birthday, James Sirius!

[backdated to 11/5]

ALBUS woke his brother up by jumping on him, BUT don't worry. He has a full breakfast from the bakery complete with candles in the muffins. James received a hand-drawn card, several DVDs, and a gift certificate to Mike's Corner.

ARTHUR visited his grandson! He got him a bunch of trinkets from Smuggled along with a better gift that Nikki promised to help him pick out :p. No, really, Jamie also got a bunch of Quidditch stuff.

REMUS gave him a sweets basket, several books, and a gift certificate to Smuggled.

With the plot, my others really wouldn't know/realize so they offer a rain-check for when they remember!

Oct. 7th, 2014


Baby News!

WHO: Andromeda/Ted, James/Lily, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Rowena/Edwyn, Eddie/Sally, Teddy, Bee, Sirius, Draco, Lea, & Remus/Tonks
WHAT: Baby News!
WHERE: Their cottage
NOTES: PG, informal dress, OOC notations

Remus and Tonks threw the previously mentioned dinner party tonight! During dinner, the guests were told Remus and Tonks are expecting a second child. Remus let Tonks deliver the news and kept his promise not to light fireworks or anything similarly loud and obnoxious! He did, however, have confetti ready. He promises not much…just a little. He is really happy and determined not to let the fears he had with Teddy haunt him this time around. After dinner, he made sure to try and spend some extra time with his oldest too (if Teddy would have him).

WHO: Gideon, Amelia, Liam, Arianna, Kendra, Helga, Rabastan, Narcissa, Gilderoy, Alice, Frank, Neville, Luna, Cressida, Charlie, Dorcas, Minerva, Albus, Lily Luna, James Sirius, Molly, Arthur, Helena, Severus, Lisa, Alicia, Dominique, Fleur
WHAT: Those secretive owls!
WHERE: The recipients’ various homes.

Elsewhere, some other special people are getting very important letters! They will not open until 7:00 p.m. Once opened, a stream of sparkles and confetti pop out and the letter sings “We are having a baby!”


Welcome to the world, baby Elijah!

SALLY is over the moon about the baby! She was in the waiting room fussing the whole time. She kept visitors fed and checked in on Melly/Gideon often. Elijah gets plenty of knitted hats, booties, and blankets. Think of things like this. He also gets this stuffed monkey. Amelia gets a spa kit and Gideon gets his favorite baked treat. There are also several meals charmed to stay warm/fresh for a few weeks.

ARTHUR is happy to get another family member so soon! He is extra excited to meet a nephew. The baby gets this bear (I think one of mine gave Alex the same one, but there are very few things with the word ‘nephew’ on it). The happy couple get crazy things from Smuggled with the words “mum” and “dad” on them.

DRACO is super excited for his godson. He took up residence on a sofa in the waiting room. Elijah gets this bear (see note above –finding stuffed animals with “godson” is difficult too). The stuffed animal is only one of MANY toys for the baby. Amelia and Gideon get his and her rocking chairs.

REMUS popped in and out regularly until Elijah was born. Baby Prewett! The baby gets books to grow into, clothes, and toys. Remus gives Gideon/Amelia a gift certificate to the various food places so they don’t need to worry about food for a while.

ALBUS was in and out until he got the chance to finally meet his cousin! The baby gets a pint sized art set that he can grow into and a few stuffed animals like this cutie.

ERNIE will not crowd the hospital, but he will visit once the family is home. He sent some cute bibs like this one

MAC will pop in once the family gets home. The baby gets adorable outfits and Amelia gets cute nail polish with a note that Mac will help her with her nails.

[I hope the links work! I am at work for a while longer and felt badly I hadn't posted yet!]

Oct. 3rd, 2014


Happy Birthday, Arianna.

ALBUS would have liked to visit Ari on her birthday. Either way, she received this plant pot (the aqua one), seeds, and a photograph of Albus/Ari together.

REMUS also would have liked to visit! Either way, she received several books he thinks she might like along with these wind chimes. She also gets a tea and chocolate basket.

SALLY is yet another who would have liked to visit. She gave Arianna a tray of home-baked sweets and this knitted set.

MAC is the last one who wants to see her at some point around her birthday! Either way, Ari received this dress with a note they'd find use for it. She also got a gift certificate to the clothing shop.

DRACO sent a potting scoop with her name inscribed and this plaque.

Oct. 1st, 2014


Welcome to the world, baby Alex.

DRACO waited throughout the whole labor. He found a comfy spot on the couch & visited Cressida as much as she wanted (or as little). He had these flowers delivered. She also gets this locket with space inside for Alex's photograph. Charlie gets a wallet with his name stitched inside and plenty of space for photographs. Alex gets this stuffed bear (although Draco has a stock of toys for the kid that he has been collecting for ages - clear a room!)

ARTHUR was there as much as possible, but he stepped out to spend time with Bill too. Alex gets this stuffed lion. He was there to give Charlie pep talks and brought food for everyone waiting!

ERNIE wants to see Cressida/Charlie/Alex, but will wait until they get home to avoid crowding them. However, he sent this flower/balloon display along with a baby basket (the blue one).

REMUS would have visited at the hospital if allowed! Charlie, Cress, and baby get these shirts. Cress gets these flowers. Charlie gets a tea basket with LOTS of caffeinated choices.

SALLY sent a spa basket for Cressida along with several meals charmed to stay fresh for several weeks. And don't forget the booties.

MAC sent these booties and these bibs.

MIKE sent a "gift certificate" that allows Charlie/Cressida to eat free for a month and this onesie.

ALBUS is OVER THE MOON about being a godfather! He was in and out of the hospital while he waited for the baby to be born. Alex got this bear. He also got a baby appropriate art set he can grow into and baby books. Cress, Charlie, and Alex got these.



ERNIE sends these flowers along with an invitation to dinner at a place of her choosing for whenever is convenient.

REMUS sends a book of evolved defense spells past Alice's current time, a sweets & tea basket, and an invitation to lunch.

SALLY sends this knitted scarf and a tray of Alice's favorite sweet treat.

MAC sends these boots (player's choice for color) and a gift certificate to the clothing shop (and a note she needs to go shopping with Mac).

DRACO sends these flowers and a card.

ALBUS sends a sketch of Neville, Hannah, and the kids (done from a photograph), which is placed in a hand-decorated frame.

ARTHUR sends several Smuggled items that he thinks are treasures.

Sep. 25th, 2014



MIKE: Mike wants to spend time with Rolf, but would wait until Rolf got to celebrate with Luna/the boys. Rolf gets free food for the week, but also gets a wizarding equivalent of a "toolbox" designed especially for those who work with animals. Oh, and there is alcohol.

ALBUS: Albus gives Rolf another "issue" of Muttman along with this & this.

ERNIE: Ernie sends a basket of sweets and a general gift certificate.

REMUS: Remus sends a basket of assorted teas and chocolate and a gift certificate to the pet shop.

Sep. 20th, 2014


Who: Peter & Remus
Where: The pub!
When: Saturday night
Rating: Low
Status: WIP / Closed

Nothing has been changed, and never will
Just rearranged, and yet we're still
Such grand old friends, such devoted and
Old friends  )

Sep. 19th, 2014


Happy birthday, Hermione!

REMUS sends Hermione several books he thinks she might like and a sweets basket.

ALBUS sends her a sketch of something she'd like (player's choice). She'll also find this little guy. The note says Al knows he took a risk with getting the pet and if she doesn't want one, he will find another home for the little kitten.

ERNIE sends a gift certificate to the book shop and a knitted hat/scarf set he purchased at the clothing shop.

MIKE sends a card and Hermione eats free at Mike's Corner for a week.

ARTHUR sends trinkets from Smuggled that he thinks are awesome, but probably really aren't. He tried!

DRACO sends these and sweets.

[Remus/Al/Ernie/Arthur would have gone to any sort of celebration for Hermione as well]

Sep. 4th, 2014



MAC planned a special evening for Colin. She arranged for them to spend a night at the inn on 9/4 so she could kiss him right at midnight. She wore this that night. Instead of a fancy dinner, she ordered pizza, wings, and alcohol. She gave him this cute bear along with a new fancy camera. The strap has his name on it.

DRACO hung out with Colin the night of 9/5. He brought a birthday cake, films he knows Colin likes, carry-out from Mikes, and their staple (ice cream and alcohol, thank you). Dennis definitely was invited for movies/food if he wanted (but not privy to the ice cream/alcohol fun). If Colin wanted to go out after Dennis was in bed, Draco would have done whatever he wanted (even roller skating...). ETA: I left out the actual gift, oops. Draco gave Colin this and one of these, but pretend it is all on one chain. His name is engraved on it. He also got this pillow and sugar quills.

ERNIE sent a sweets basket along with film and a photo album. The note says Ernie wants to take Colin to lunch to celebrate at Colin's convenience.

MIKE sent a card. Colin eats free at Mike's for a week.

REMUS sent a tin of biscuits and a gift certificate to Smuggled.

ALBUS sent Colin a drawing of something he'd like (player's choice) and a book detailing all sorts of photography lessons.

[unless otherwise noted, the gifts are sent 9/5]

Sep. 1st, 2014




The students are welcomed back to school with a celebratory breakfast. It is a feast similar to that of Hogwarts. Classes are generally relaxed as students and teachers get acquainted (or reacquainted). Students are taught in a "round robin" style with lessons tailored to age and ability. Similarly aged students are grouped together when work is completed in pairs.

Aug. 31st, 2014


Who: The whole town [IC/OOC]
What: Shenanigans Grand Opening.
Where: In front of Roxy’s new store!
When: Most of Sunday.

Read more... )


Happy birthday, Astoria.

DRACO sends her cake shaped flowers as well as this birthstone bracelet. He also liked Cressida's idea so let's say that is planned for sometime this week. He'd try to stop by at some point (he knows the shower is also today).

ALBUS drew/painted a picture of something that would mean something to Astoria (player choice) and also gave her these balloons. He'd try to stop by some point today for a hug.

ERNIE sends her a gift certificate to the clothing shop, several books, and these flowers. He invites her to dinner at her convenience.

ARTHUR sends some items from Smuggled. Think batteries, small toy robots, etc. He thinks they are awesome...

REMUS sends a sweets basket and gift certificate to the book shop.

MAC sends her several outfits from here (player can pick) (disclaimer: I didn't make this one).

Aug. 23rd, 2014


Dinner Party - Remus & Teddy

WHO: Teddy & Remus Lupin
WHAT: Father/son time at the party.
WHERE: Malfoy Manor Gardens
WHEN: Saturday 23 August

It was his right to be the embarrassing dad. )

Aug. 17th, 2014


Who: Evan Rosier and Remus Lupin
What: Brunch and school discussions. Possibly unintentional catching up? We'll see what all happens!
Where: The Cafe
When: 15 August. [Backdated.]
Rating: PG?
Status: Incomplete/Ongoing

Evan hadn't wanted to be late, and so, instead, he was early. )

Aug. 11th, 2014


You're invited!

DELIVERED TO: Orion Black, Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Miles Bletchley, Amelia & Gideon Prewett, Edgar, Sally, & Emmy Bones, Susan Bones, Teddy Lupin & Charity Burbage, William Coburn, Liam Connolly, Peter Corner, Colin Creevey & Mary MacDonald, Dennis Creevey, Cedric Diggory & Analisa Montgomery, Albus, Kendra, & Arianna Dumbledore, Bee Dunstan, Mike & Cece Corner, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Autumn Flint, Merope Gaunt, Anthony & Rylan Goldstein, Gregory Goyle, Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley, Daphne Greengrass, Terence  )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Aug. 10th, 2014


Happy Birthday, Ginny

[all occurring on the 11th, but tomorrow looks like a long day so posting now]

ALBUS: He wants to do something with his mother in honor of the day. If not today, definitely another day. He is thinking a special mother/son flight and lunch/film (his treat). He also gives her a similar gift that he gave to Harry, but with different photographs of him, Jamie, and Lilu growing up. It is a photo album instead of a collage and done like a scrapbook so there are tons of little hand-done decorations that Ginny would like (hopefully).

ERNIE: Ernie would try to catch her in person if he could. He gives her a whistle with her name engraved on it and a gift certificate to the shops in the village.

MIKE: Mike sends a card along with some Quidditch related gear. She eats free for a week at Mike's Corner.

REMUS: Remus would have tried to give his in person too. Ginny gets books, sweets, and a paid weekend for two at the Posy Inn.

SALLY: Sally sends cupcakes and several scented candles.

MAC: Mac sends several outfits because she likes dressing people, but keeps in mind Ginny is not a general fan of heels!

DRACO: Draco sends these flowers and a bottle of wine.

ARTHUR: Arthur found an ipod! And sends it. Because. And plugs. He would have stopped by for hugs too.

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