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Aug. 24th, 2014


A&D's Garden Party

WHO: Molly Prewett & Bill Weasley
WHAT: making s'mores and chatting
WHEN: Saturday evening
WHERE: Malfoy Garden
RATING: C for cute
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

It didn't matter to Molly that she hadn't had children yet.. )

Aug. 10th, 2014


Who: Bill Weasley and Cressida.
What: arriving!
Where: The edge of town inward.
When: Sunday Evening.

Well, this hadn't been here before. )

May. 3rd, 2013


[pretend this was delivered on time]

Left on Victoire's bed )

May. 1st, 2013


Delivery of sorts for Fleur.

No Lock Can Stop Bill Weasley )

Mar. 31st, 2013


Who: Fleur and Bill
When: Sunday Evening
Where: Their place
What: A needed conversation
Warnings/Rating: TBD but likely nothing high.

I would trade a million pretty words for one truth that’s real )

Mar. 21st, 2013


Who: Bill, Fleur, & Victoire.
What: Finally taking their daughter home!
Where: Cottage #26, and then #3.
When: Evening, just after Victoire's arrival.
Rating: E for emotional!

Bill had waited far too long to take his daughter home.

Mar. 14th, 2013


Lily Luna's Birthday

WHAT: Scorpius threw Lily a surprise party. Since he cannot post, baby brother will fill in! Go ahead and leave who showed, presents, etc.

Cut for picture )

Mar. 2nd, 2013


Ain't no party like a Gryffindor party! )

[Gryffindor banner image from MaggieJezebelWeasley @ DeviantArt!]

Dec. 27th, 2012


Backdated to Christmas day

Christmas gifts from Fred )

Dec. 25th, 2012


Christmas Gifts!

From Sirius [to James, Remus, Lily, Draco, & Lorcan] )

From Bill [To all Weasleys] )

From Trish [to George, Fred, Albus, & Arthur's Secret Santa Gift] )

Dec. 24th, 2012


Weasley-Potter Family (Including Hermione, Sirius, Remus, Teddy, and Tonks) )

Gifts for Fred )

For Helga, Trish, Alicia, Angelina, Katie, McGoogles, and Cho )

For Roxy )

For Draco )

Secret Santa for Lavender Brown )

Nov. 29th, 2012


Presents for Bill the Elder

From Ernie )

From Alby )

From Draco )

From Remus )


Left for Bill

Mini-present of sorts to start the day )

Nov. 11th, 2012


Who: Fleur and Bill
When: Early evening of Nov. 11th
Where: The bank
What: An awkward first meeting of sorts
Warnings/Ratings: TBD but likely not high

Time won't fly it's like I'm paralyzed by it )

Jun. 27th, 2012


Who: Molly Weasley and Bill Weasley
When: Monday the 25th
What: De-colouring the vegetable patch.
Where: The Burrow.
Rating: Safe.

Molly still wasn't used to change. Oh, and apparently her future twins had a reputation for explosions. )

Jun. 17th, 2012


Bill & Dominique Weasley

Who: Bill & Dominique Weasley
What: Meeting in the village not long after she arrived.
Where: The Bank
When: Not long after Dominique arrived
Rating: PG

A girl needs her father )

Jun. 7th, 2012


Who: Bill and Fleur Weasley
When: Evening of June 7th
Where: One of the Village streets
What: Fleur has just arrived and bumps into Bill
Rating/Status: Closed/Ongoing/ TBD but prob not more than PG

Nothing is coincidence )

Jun. 3rd, 2012


Who: Bill and Arthur
What: Chatting
Where: Arthur's shed
When: Saturday
Rating: IDK yet

Yesterday, Arthur had spent most of his time adjusting to this odd village by inspecting the Burrow. To his delight, it even included his shed! He planned on spending many hours there with his collection of plugs and whatever other muggle things he could get hold of in the muggle shop. It was safe to say that were only going to be two places he could be if he was ever "missing": his shed or the muggle shop.

The shed also presented itself to be an ideal place for some conversations that Molly was sure to disapprove of or just those conversations that young ears shouldn't hear. Of course, learning that his sons were older than him, what young ears were left to hear unpleasantness? Arthur was curious about the future, mostly in terms of the war, but getting to know his future children and grandchildren would definitely be more pleasant and for another time. So Arthur had asked his eldest son to meet him there for a chat.