August 2015




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Aug. 11th, 2014


WHO; Gideon and Fabian
WHAT; Gid finding his bro
WHEN; backdated to 8/3
WHERE; le park --> Gid and Mel's
RATING; language?
STATUS; closed/incomplete

Finding the right dragon bush wasn't difficult. )

Aug. 6th, 2014


Who: Arabella and Fabian (OPEN to anyone who wants to drop in!)
What: Chess
When: August 6, afternoon
Where: Arabella's home
Rating/Warnings: PG?
Status: In Progress | Closed.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea )

Mar. 21st, 2014


Delivered to Gideon & Fabian Prewett )

Mar. 9th, 2014


You'll have to face the future when the truth comes out

WHO: Fabian Prewett / Peter Pettigrew
WHEN: March 8th, after the Dolohov encounter
WHERE: Goods & Stuff
NOTE: Considering the amount of noise they made, other G&S employees may have heard the shouting and banging and crashing of things from the back room. By the time they got there, however, Fabian was storming out, Peter was gone and the room was an absolute mess.

Sounds to me like the full truth hasn’t come out yet )

Mar. 8th, 2014


WHO; Gideon Prewett, Fabian Prewett, NPC!Dolohov
WHAT; a patrol and a fight
WHEN; March 8th
WHERE; the woods~
RATING; high for violence
STATUS; Gdoc/complete

Oh, there were others. )

Mar. 6th, 2014


Who: Megan Jones and Fabian Prewett.
What: Family comforting.
Where: Just around the outside of the food court.
When: Shortly after getting unstuck.
And it’s hard to dance with the devil on your back, so shake it off. )

Feb. 10th, 2014


Who: Megan Jones and Fabian Prewett.
What: Megan is curious
Where: The Gym
When: Monday evening.

But Megan was curious. )


kids like me should be against the law

Who: Harry & Open (to Remus or whoever)
Where: The Gym
What: Harry needs an hour or two to get out some issues
When: After this

Mum says I'm a good case for population control )

Feb. 3rd, 2014


Who: Hestia Jones & Fabian Prewett.
What: Hestia is having a breakdown, and has something to tell Fabian.
Where: The Hospital-- Megan’s room.
When: Very early monday morning/very late sunday night.

Read more... )

Jan. 26th, 2014


Who: Fabian Prewett & Hestia Jones
What: A welcoming party, of sorts?
Where: Botanical Gardens to start
When: Sunday Evening

Play it again Sam. )


Who: Harry Potter & Fabian Prewett
What: Fabian got to punch a demon, and wants to meet the guy that punched Voldie.
Where: The rode between the cave and the village.
When: Sunday afternoon, on the way back from Demon-Slaying.

I'm on a horse. )



Who: Expedition team - no order, free for all
When: Saturday 7.30-10.00
Where: Thestral feeding spot

These magical creatures can be found in dark environments, and the forest is their natural habitat. They communicate with each other through a shrill and strange shriek that resembles some sort of monstrous bird... Thestrals are carnivorous animals and are attracted to the smell of blood. Professor Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank mentions that they often attack birds. This indicates that, naturally, they hunt not only for food in the ground, but also pursue flying prey.

They appear to be loyal creatures, able to discern a friend from an enemy. Thestrals would forcefully attack anyone or anything they see as a threat and, in the unusual case of domesticated Thestrals, any enemy of its owners.


They got to a point where the forest became thick and hard to get to. Unsurprisingly, there were no paths through the thick undergrowth, man-made or otherwise, and several people tripped awkwardly over roots lurking innocently under piles of leaves and other debris. Harry privately thought the place needed a good forest fire, but didn't say it out loud. That would be too much like tempting fate.

They saw very little animal life as they moved deeper into the wild. There were definitely creatures around, from the rustlings and gruntings they heard from all directions, but the thick tree canopy left little light to see by.

Harry looked up as he heard a strange, shrieking noise. A bird, he thought. A few seconds later a handful of stray feathers drifted down through the trees. Hunting bird? His instincts nagged at him, but he didn't want to stop the party unnecessarily. Instead, he moved forward a little so that he was leading.

Something caught his eye up ahead and he put out a hand. Dark sinewy bodies were moving through the trees not far away - either that or he was losing his mind. Dragons? It was too far to tell. Did dragons eat birds?

Jan. 21st, 2014


WHO; Gideon and Fabian Prewett (and mentions of Amelia Bones)
WHAT; Gid's informing Fabian of things
WHEN; backdated to 1/20 after Fabian arrived
WHERE; All Night Long
RATING; pg-13 for language, death talk

insert food reference here )


who: Roxanne Weasley and OPEN
what: trying to get out of a slump
where: Mike’s corner.
when: mid-afternoon

And there was nothing she could do. )