August 2015




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Jun. 23rd, 2014


Who: Harry Potter & Draco Malfoy
Where: The road towards the gardens
When: Sunday lunchtime
What: A slightly different meeting than the first

I would run away )


Age Plot: Harry & Rodolphus

Who: Harry Potter & Rodolphus Lestrange
Where: Woodbridge Rd
When: Sunday lunchtime
What: Rod isn't afraid to speak the unpleasant truths

You think your cat's a meanie but your tiger's tame )

Jun. 22nd, 2014


AGE THREAD - Arthur & Molly

WHO: Arthur & Molly Weasley
WHERE: The Burrow
WHAT: Arthur is twenty again, but Molly is still older.
WHEN: Sunday afternoon

The village excited Arthur even with all its drawbacks. Really, the magic was insane. How could anyone resist that thrill? He guessed the novelty could wear off eventually, but for the moment? He was choosing not to let the craziness get him down, even though Bill still wasn't around and Molly was now thirty-something instead of sixteen.

He wondered how his wife would feel with him aging down. He spent most of his time at the Burrow since Ron was a kid for the moment so he knew he'd see her quickly enough.

Jun. 19th, 2014


Who: Ernie and older!Analisa
What: Analisa is getting her hopes up.
Where: TBD - maybe the shoppe or one of their houses
When: Friday 20 June
Rating: Low
Status: Locked // in progress

If there was one thing Analisa had learned when she had arrived here, it was to keep the journal she had been supplied with close by, and to check it often. (Well, the other thing she had learned was that there was crazy magic here and it tended to have its way with the villagers.) She definitely recognised her hand in the book, though she did not recall the life experiences to go with it. (Especially dating Cedric Diggory - maybe this was a village for second chances.)

She was sitting in the shoppe her younger counterpart had established (re-established, from the looks of it) and flipping through her book when she saw a hand she recognised -- Ernie. He wasn't a child anymore, thank goodness. She wrote him back quickly, asking if they could see each other, and that she would meet him soon. He could be any age, she supposed, but she needed to see him. It was hard being away from him and Camden.

Jun. 18th, 2014


AGE THREAD - Ernie & Justin

WHO: Ernie MacMillan & Justin F-F
WHAT: Getting to know each other!
WHERE: Their cottage.
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon

Only a few days ago, Ernie's parents promised they'd bring him home if he hated Hogwarts. Unfortunately, neither Jean nor Ernest could rescue their little boy from a magical village suspended in time. Poor Ernie was trying not to be a nuisance for those taking care of him, but he missed his family. He could at least write from Hogwarts! Still, he was putting on a brave face to please not only the adults, but for Justin too. Justin was younger, after all. He was also muggle-born, which meant he didn't know much about magic so Ernie was determined to be useful for the little boy, even if Ernie didn't really know how to control his magic yet.

"This is my wand" he told Justin, "At home, we are not supposed to do magic outside Hogwarts, but I am not sure we'll ever get back so..." He shrugged. "Maybe we can teach ourselves." He was attending classes in the village, but those were nearly over. He flicked it. "Let's get a book of spells," he suggested. "I think I saw some laying around upstairs."

Jun. 17th, 2014


Age Plot: Harry & Lily

Who: Harry & Lily
Where: Lily's house
What: Meeting ma mum... again
When: Monday afternoon

....his hair was still a mess as usual )

Jun. 14th, 2014


age plot thread!

Who: Amelia and Susan
What: Susan sees her auntie for the first time since she changed ages
Where: Amelia's place? (#14)
When: Saturday 14 June
Rating: Medium, maybe.
Status: Locked // in progress

a big part of her needed to know, to see for herself if she had the chance to get to know her family again. )

Jun. 13th, 2014


AGE THREAD - Arthur & Molly

WHO: Molly Prewett & Arthur Weasley
WHAT: Molly wakes to find Arthur much older
WHEN: Early morning 6/13.
WHERE: Her room in the castle.
STATUS: Mostly completed via gdocs.

And in a wide sea of eyes, I see one pair that I recognize )

Jun. 12th, 2014


WHO: Nymphadora Tonks (age 18) and Remus Lupin
WHERE: #38
WHEN: Thursday morning
WHAT: Tonks has absolutely no idea where she is
RATING: Language

I don't know where I'm going / But I don't think I'm coming home )



Who: Moony Wormtail and Prongs... Sorry Padfoot!
Where: The Food Court
When: Thursday lunchtime

you remind me of someone I knew long ago )

Jun. 11th, 2014


Who: bb!Helena and Open.
What: arriving and being lost
When: Sometime after dark on Wednesday
Where: In the residential part of the village

Mummy, I'm lost )


Who: Polaris and Regulus
What: Making friends again
Where: The Blue Cow
When: Later Wednesday evening, June 11th
Rating: PG13?

Hair of the dog )


Who: Older!Po and Al
What: Arriving!
Where: The Manor
When: The weeeeee hours of the morning on June 11th.
Rating: PG13 at most, and that's only for language but it might just be PG
Status: Started in GDocs and continued here...

Read more... )


WHO: Bee Dunstan & OPEN TILL FILLED Sally Ann Perks
WHAT: Random run-in as Bee tries to escape from things for a moment.
WHEN: Wednesday Afternoon
WHERE: A grassy hill outside of the village
RATING: Low/Med-low; definite language possible
STATUS: Ongoing

He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life. )


Come a Warm Rain

Who: Frankie & OPEN (Hannah, little Justin, Susan, anyone walking past) (Justin, Frankie promises to be nicer lol)
Where: Front garden of the Longbottom/Bones house
When: Wednesday
What: Frankie has a plan to protect what's left of his family

when a thing is wick it has the will to grow )

Jun. 10th, 2014


AGE THREAD - Zacharias & Ernie

WHO: Ernie MacMillan & Zacharias Smith
WHAT: Ernie needs a familiar face...even if it isn't that familiar.
WHERE: Ernie's place.
WHEN: Tuesday afternoon (way after any journal conversations)

Little Ernie was quite confused, which he didn't like one bit. He was usually better at piecing things together. He was smart. His parents and his tutor said so. His sisters called him a pest, but they didn't count.

He was supposed to go to Hogwarts. He last remembered his father promising that he could stay home after Christmas if he hated Hogwarts, but now he was somewhere else entirely and could not get home at all! He had been afraid of leaving his family and getting split up from his mates (they all wanted Slytherin), but at least he could write his parents from school!

Liam and Rabastan were nice, but they weren't his parents and he wanted to go home so he curled up in his room and refused to leave. His dad would find him. Ernie didn't even care if he'd get punished for wandering.

Jun. 9th, 2014


Age Plot

WHO: Scorpius and Cressida Malfoy
WHEN:Monday Morning
WHERE: Village
SUMMARY: Cressida goes to get a de-aged Scorpius
WARNINGS: Adorableness
STATUS: [Incomplete | Cressy]
I am lost )


Age Plot: Harry/AlSev

Who: Harry & AlSev
Where: Town Square
When: Sunday afternoon
What: In which Harry meets one of the people in the village who look like him

Ding dong, the clock struck one )


age plot

WHO; baby!Justin and Hannah
WHAT; Hannah's coming to fetch Justin
WHEN; Monday morning
WHERE; #40
RATING; low?

there were dragons )

Jun. 8th, 2014


Who: Myrtle Mallory & Dominique Weasley
What: Myrtle is looking for her family
Where: Wandering the town.
When: Early Monday Morning.

Had her mummy sent her to an orphanage like she'd always said she would? )

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