August 2015




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Sep. 12th, 2014


Who: Terry, Peter & Rosie!
When: forward-dated to Saturday lunchtime
Where: Terry & Rosie's house
What: Peter finally meets his bf's bb
Rating: Low?
Status: WIP / Closed

surely nothing could go wrong )

Sep. 1st, 2014


WHO: Terry and Peter
WHAT: Terry is having parenting jitters
WHEN: September 1st, mid morning
WHERE: Peter's
STATUS/RATING: In Progress / PG (?)

Read more... )

Aug. 25th, 2014



Rainy Days

Who: Peter and Terry again
When: Sunday evening
Where: Somewhere in the village > Terry's house
Status: Completed in GDocs (again)
Rating: SFW, dark themes, cuddling :)

Note: Plot specified a 12 hour period for the rain, I've chosen 8am-8pm

What a glorious feeling, I’m happy again )

Aug. 23rd, 2014


WHO: Draco Malfoy & Terry Boot
WHAT: A talk.
WHERE: Draco's office
WHEN: Thursday afternoon (backdated)
RATING/STATUS: PG/Complete via gdocs

Terry had always considered himself to be a logical man capable of making his own decisions )

Aug. 22nd, 2014


Who: Terry and Rosie Boot
What: Terry's trying to figure out this dad thing, Rosie just wants to fly
Where: Boot family backyard
When: August 22nd, mid morning
Rating: G
Status: Threaded, Incomplete

Read more... )

Aug. 21st, 2014


Left on Terry's doorstep )

Aug. 17th, 2014


Who: Terry and Sally-Ann
What: Birthday celebrations
Where: Around town
When: Backdated to day after Tethered
Rating: PG-13
Status: Incomplete/Ongoing/Some GDocs

could have danced all night )

Aug. 14th, 2014


Who: Peter, Terry & then Sirius
When: Thursday morning
Where: From Terry’s old house to Terry’s new house
Rating PG (some minor language but Sirius mostly behaves himself)
Status: Completed in GDocs

He should have known it would all come back to bite him in the form of a big black dog. )

Aug. 12th, 2014


Who: Terry and Peter
When: Monday Night
Where: The pub
What: Terry is in need of a drink or several and Peter is in need of a reality check...
Rating MA15 for adult themes (!)
Satus: Completed in GDocs

This is who you are, Peter Pettigrew )

Aug. 4th, 2014


WHO: Terry Boot, Alice Longbottom I, Rosemary Boot
WHAT: Finding a kiddo
WHERE: All around time
WHEN: Sunday, after Rosemary's first journal

I didn't sign up for this )

Jul. 28th, 2014


Who: Belle & Terry (potentially open to other members of Cabin #3)
Where: Cabin #3
When: Sunday

only sixteen after all... )

Jul. 23rd, 2014


Who: Lorcan Scamander & Terry Boot
What: A run in
Where: Cabin three
When: Wednesday afternoon

Lorcan didn’t mind being trapped in the house. )


WHO: Terry Boot and Gregory Goyle
WHAT: Awkward run in with an ex-bully
WHEN: July 23, around 7AM
WHERE: Cabin 3

I don't have any lunch money )

Jul. 20th, 2014


WHO: Terry B. & Peter P.
WHERE: Goods and Stuff
WHEN: July 20th, 4pm
WHAT: Terry wants some fruit, but the stand is closed

awkward is as awkward does )

Jul. 14th, 2014


Who: Anthony Goldstein and Terry Boot (Mike Corner later?)
What: Getting Terry out of the house and getting some food
When: After Terry's arrival
Where: House 27, then the food court

Planned on inviting himself in often )

May. 26th, 2014


Who: Sally Ann Perks and Terry Berry Boot
Where: His room.
What: Checking in
When: Monday evening, May 26th
Rating: PG13 bc Sally has a mouth

She knew how crazy this entire place seemed )