August 2015




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Sep. 15th, 2013


The Dance.



Grand Reopening of the Village.


Sep. 10th, 2013


Who: Percy Weasley & the Planning Department - Daphne, Helena, Jasper, Lysander, Mike, Molly, Roxie, Victorie
When: Wednesday, September 11, 8:00 am
Where: The office where the Planning Department meets
What: At the beginning of the meeting, Percy realizes he's been pranked.
Note: I'm going to be super busy tomorrow morning so I'm putting it up tonight.

... )



Draco asked someone to deliver silk carnations (I am guessing real flowers are not blooming yet) to his favorite girls.

For Narcissa, Andromeda, Cressida, Myrtle, Pansy, Lilu, Amelia, & Roxy )

For Fleur )

Sep. 9th, 2013



Each villager receives a special invitation to the End-Of-Renovation Extravaganza on Sunday, September 15. Music, food, balloons, fireworks, let's have fun!

Sep. 7th, 2013


WHEN: Saturday Evening
WHERE: Every wireless in town.
WHAT: At a quarter to six, every wireless in town powered on with this song playing.

Look what I fixed. Did you miss me, town? I missed you. Even if I have been around and doing things with the rest of the sanitation team. Picking up after you lot is a lot of work, but I felt this was necessary. I mean, we need music to work by. If I'm wrong, then you should turn me off now, but turning me on is more fun.

I'm very impressed with the way this town has banned together to put things to right. I'm more glad to see people healing and returning. I'm still worried about some of you. You know who you are. If you don't, I'm doing something wrong, and I'll fix it. If there's anything you want to hear while you work, leave me a note in the journals, and I'll be sure to add it to the list. Your musical wish is my command, but I retain the right to veto any of your choices. You can crown me and hoist me onto your shoulders soon.


Sep. 3rd, 2013


Tuesday Food/Entertainment Meeting

[ENTERTAINMENT & FOOD WARD] Alice, Andromeda, Bee, Ginny, Hannah, Isabella, Katie, Molly I, Myrtle, Narcissa, Rose, Sally-Ann, Sally, Tonks
Note: All assignments not previously decided or requested were done via random number generator.

Assignments for the day are given out as follows.
Work Crews: Crew 1 will spend the day constructing the fire pits and kitchen area. Crew 2 will focus on transfiguring tables, chairs and other items need for the dining area.
Crew 1: Sally, Alice, Andromeda, Molly, Rose, Hannah
Crew 2: Tonks, Ginny, Bee, Isabella, Katie, Myrtle, Narcissa, Sally-Ann

Meal Crews (these assignments last through Friday)
Meal leaders will be creating their own menu starting tomorrow.
Breakfast: Hannah, Alice, Bee, Myrtle
Lunch: Sally, Katie, Narcissa, Rose, Sally-Ann
Dinner: Molly, Ginny, Andromeda, Isabella, Tonks

Tonks and Rose are given time to discuss their idea of movie night and a break area.
Ginny is given time to discuss her idea of team competitions.
All team members not heading up a meal time or an entertainment section are asked to volunteer to help with either movies, break area, or competitions.


First Planning Department Meeting - Percy, Daphne, Helena, Jasper, Lysander, Mike, Molly, Roxie & Victorie.

Held in one of the offices in the Bank, Percy arrived a half hour beforehand (with his daughter, Molly?) to set up the space with a rectangular table with chairs around. Percy expected Michael to show up at 7:45 with dessert pizzas, which would be provided during the meeting along with a fresh pot of coffee that Percy brewed himself. He came dressed professionally, freshly shaven, looking like he was coming to work at the Ministry of Magic and not some tiny village that had recently been demolished by an earthquake and attacked by monsters.

They talked about STUFF and THINGS and IMPORTANT ISSUES! I'm not entirely sure what the Planning Department is in charge of... I remember seeing on the description list 'Maps' and 'Scribes' mentioned... but I'm sure Percy knows everything that needs to be done, and then some.

The main thing people will get out of the Planning Department Meeting is that Percy is very serious about his role and doing a perfect job. Also, if this hasn't come across on the journals yet, Percy has become an uptight, smug, prick, reminiscent of how he behaved at Hogwarts as Head Boy/Prefect, and during his first year working at the Ministry of Magic. This is the kind of work he's comfortable doing, and now under these strange/stressful circumstances, it's comforting for him to start act this way, again. It's all psychological... trying to hide insecurities with feelings full of self importance, that sort of thing. Yes, he's organized and will get the job done, but he may frustrate the hell out of people. Back in the Real World, Percy had mellowed out after the War and with age, so characters from the next-generation wouldn't even be familiar with this side of Percy. He displayed a little of this behavior when he first came to the village, but when he settled into his job as Lounge Singer, he'd significantly relaxed. Characters should start wishing he was still a Lounge Singer before too long.

Sep. 2nd, 2013


Sent to Albus )



[DESIGN TEAM] Albus, Alecto, Amelia, Analisa, Arianna, Arthur, Astoria, Autumn, Colin, Gilderoy, Greg, Melinda, Pansy

During the meeting, Albus says little, but can be found near the back doodling ideas. However, his serious town idea soon becomes something else. Anyone here is free to see over his shoulder and use in game.

images under here )


Where ever someone is...

Sally passed out flyers to gain insight about food preferences and allergies. She asked that these questionnaires be returned ASAP.

Aug. 31st, 2013
