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July 27th, 2015


RP: Monday Day Drinking

Who: Ginny + OPEN
What: Ginny has decided to stop being afraid; she goes to the Pub to get back to sorts.
Where: Finnigan's Pub
When: Monday July 27th, Afternoon
Rating: TBD

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Journal -- Zacharias Smith

I don't know how we're supposed to

Sometimes, I wish I could

I'd be alright with it if Monday morning decided not to come. Too bad Time-Turners Think it might be a curry kind of night by the end of the day.




I am never drinking again Who am I kidding, really?

Ever have one of those moments when you go "Oh sweet Circe, why?"

Yes. I've had one of those.

Apparently the result of me trying to drink my friend under the table this weekend was cats. Everywhere. In my apartment.

They seem litter box trained, and at some point I was smart and conscious enough to put out food for them (Where did I get food?) along with water. They really aren't bothering me, but they need new homes.

I've counted ten so far.

I think my sister may end up with nearly a dozen cats at her house. She's in the country. She'll thank me.




Early Deliveries: Susan (and Lucy), Seamus and Hermione

For Seamus )

For Susan (and Lucy) )

To Hermione )



Journal: Ron Weasley

As I managed to buy birthday presents with several days to spare, I count that as a win for me.

A certain brother of mine kind of has magenta hair at the moment. But that is definitely his own fault.