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April 6th, 2015



Owl: Adrian Pucey

[Sent via public post owl]

Dear Adrian,

Could I please have an early refill of my usual sleeping potion, please find attached note from the healer to say this is okay and the appropriate amount. I need enough to run me until my next refill is due, and at the next refill I will be needing to switch to a daily dose amount for the first month (to be reviewed), so the same as I need for the regular (non-emergency) calming potion. Again, it's all on the healer's note.

Many thanks,

Dean Thomas.

[Attached: Note from his usual healer with details]



Delivery / Drop-Off

Bryony's owl delivered two hot cross buns to Marcus, and she left six on the table at Towpath Studios.



Journal - No scratching

I am very glad my new tattoo is healing well. I am far less glad it's reached the itching stage. It's fine when I have stuff to do but I don't have much to do today and it is SO itchy. I am avoiding scratching and all that shit, but I need to find a distraction.

That said, anyone who is looking into getting a tattoo I thoroughly recommend Pinky's Ink, mine looks amazing and Stacey was awesome and accommodating of all the weirdness that comes with tattooing an amputation site.

And now the weather is finally getting better I need to try out new things if anyone has suggestions for adventures. I can start running properly again, but that isn't exciting.



Delivery: Charlie

Owl to Charlie )



Journal: Back from My African Weekend!

[Warded to Slytherins and Rich.]

It was a wonderful birthday -- my parents gave me a weekend in Kenya, in the prettiest resort. I feel ready to take on a whole team of ogres! Or maybe just a client or two.

Spellotaped inside. )

[Warded to Dora and Pansy.]

I'm sitting down tonight with a glass of wine and some final decisions to make for my summer wardrobe. If you're not too busy, come join me!

[End privacy wards.]



[No Subject]
