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March 16th, 2015



Mothering Sunday

Who: Bryony and Marcus
What: Post-Mother's Day Comfort
Where: Pineview Hall (briefly), Marcus's flat
When: Sunday March 15th, late afternoon
Rating: SFW

Here's what she said to me )




[warded to Gwenog Jones]

Jones, did you get your clue yet?



Owl to Luna

A parcel delivered by the Chambers family owl, with a note.


I charmed it to produce green bubbles when it hits water. It should last for at least two baths.

Happy St Patrick's Day.





Who: Greg and Ron
What: The usual antagonism in an unusual venue
Where: WWW
When: Monday 16th March
Rating: NSW?

Tell me why? I don't like Mondays )



RP: I'll be right over

Who: Alicia and Adrian
What: Adrian’s had a bad day
Where: Adrian’s flat
When: Sunday, March 15 – evening
Rating: SFW?

Read more... )

Journal: McLaggen's is Hiring

We're hiring for the shoppe! Part or Full time, whatever you like, just send me a note or stop in to set up an interview time. I'd love if you had retail experience, but can also train. No one under 16, please, but if you're looking for something for this summer after Hogwarts (for your kids, I mean), send me a note and we'll see what we can do with that, too.

(PS. From a Scotsman - Happy St. Patrick's Day all you green Irish drunks out there, said with love, of course).



Journal: to Alicia

[Warded to Alicia] -- I can't wait to spend tomorrow with you and the kids (they're joining, right?) but wanted to ask... Sometime soon, can we have a night to ourselves? Not like Sunday, but one where I'm fully of my mind. There's something we need to talk about.

[Private] -- I don't know what to do. Father says I can't continue things with Alicia, that she won't understand the position he was in, that I should never breathe of a word of the truth to anyone outside the family, of course. But Alicia is family. She is the woman that I love and my best friend and I am blessed by some ridiculously gracious being to have her in my life. I won't let my father's mistakes take her away from me, especially without her even knowing why. I have to tell her. I don't know that she'll ever forgive my family, or me for keeping it from her, but I have to tell her either way. If she goes to the Ministry, it will be my fault when my father is undoubtedly brought back to London and tried, but I don't think she would. I can't see her, knowing our reasons for why he did what he did, turning him in, turning all of us in for keeping the secret, but it's a chance I need to take.

I'm not a religious man, but I'll be praying to Merlin's ghost and the Bloody Barron until the conversation, that's for sure.

Owl Delivery: Happy St. Patrick's Day, to Tristan & Melinda & Finbar (separately)

Delivered Monday evening to Tristan: a loaf of Irish Soda Bread and an attached note.
Melinda and I were reminiscing the other night about that awful time in third year when I nearly burned down the Ravenclaw common room (or at least we thought I had) trying to conjure a loaf of good soda bread, and how we'd disturbed your studying all night telling the harrowing story to anyone who would listen. I thought in honour of St Patricks, I might try to actually bake some and it was only right I send you a loaf. How are you doing?

Delivered Monday evening to Melinda: a loaf of Irish Soda Bread and an attached note.
You reminding me of that awful story the other night inspired me tonight when I couldn't sleep. I made a loaf for you and for Tristan, too (it only seemed right, considering, but I have to say I never quite know how to approach him... I've replied to his journal since running into him and I just... I don't know. Have you spoken to him? Do you want to? Plan to?).

Anyway, Happy St. Paddy's Day, lovely, hope it's not completely terrible (especially considering your talents!) ♥ Cho

Delivered Monday evening to Finbar: a loaf of Irish Soda Bread and an attached note.
My favorite Irishman -- Happy St. Paddy's. (Don't hate me if it's awful, I'm not the baker around here. Plus, I'm Scottish. Basically this was the worst idea ever, so don't hate me.)