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March 2nd, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Blaise and Millicent
What: Dinner
Where: Local Moroccan resturant
When: Backdated to Friday evening (sorry my life is being controlled right now by cookies)
Rating: TBD nothing likely worse than language

Ready to enjoy a relaxing evening with a good friend )



Journal: Aidan

Monday already. I thought I was coming down with the flu this past weekend, but it disappeared seemingly enough.

Thankfully the Kestrels didn't lose this week. Then again, they didn't win either. It's so hard being just a spectator now.

What's going on?



Journal - Smug

I do love a Monday morning these days. No work. Plenty of sleeping time. Warm cat-shaped companion for company and no responsibility all day.

Feel free to hex me now, but remember I work late hours and weekends so I get Mondays free.



Assorted Deliveries

An assortment of deliveries from Dean. Monday morning.

Left for Braith and Bryony in the room they share:

Carrot and Oatmeal Cookies )

Owled to Susan:

Bacon-JalapeƱo-Peach cupcakes with spicy frosting )

Owled to Seamus.

Crumpets for breakfast )

Owled to Hermione (and Harry)

Lime and Basil cookies )



St David's Day

Who: Lucy and Open (to anyone at Bryn's party)
What: Lucy needs a night off from thinking.
Where: Bryn's party
When: St David's Day - 1st March
Rating: SFW?

Ar hyd y nos )



[No Subject]

I'm afraid that my father passed away yesterday. There will be a funeral on Thursday, at 1pm for anyone who wishes to attend.

The vets will be closed until Friday probably. Thank you for understanding.

RP: A night with Mum & Dad

Who: Cho, Kelly, and Rui Chang
What: Cho goes and spends the night at her parents' house
Where: The Chang home in Glasgow
When: March 2, 2005
Rating: SFW

Scotland in the Winter could be pretty but was mostly just wet and cold. )