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December 7th, 2014


Journal: it's the most wonderful time of the year

[Public]: So word has it we might be having a Christmas get-together at the house. I'm looking for eggnog recipes that include a lot of alcohol. Send me your favorites?

[Warded to Dora]: Do you have holiday plans? My parents kidnapped me to Boston for my birthday with the family, but I won't be traveling again until the New Year. I'd like to see you. Soon.

[Warded to Bryn & Ben]: So what's the good word on this party? The 19th is a Friday. Just saying.

[Ward to Julian]: I'm looking into a couple of animal adoptions and considering your side-kick at the office, I thought I'd reach out to you. Any suggestions? I'm still re-learning my way around London (and wizarding community, if I'm honest). Thanks.

Journal: a favor & a request

[Warded to Melinda]: Neighbor, darling, how are you? I have a favor to ask...

[Warded to Lavender]: Hey pretty girl. My parents are having a Christmas to do, starting with brunch on the 21st (it's a Sunday) and then gift exchanging (some of our relatives - the Changs - have muggles in their family) and then lots of drinks and dinner and a warm fireplace and my mother might even sing. Will you be my date? I know we haven't done the 'meeting the parents' thing yet, but I thought the evening might be much more bearable with you on my arm.



Owl to Pandora Montgomery


Did some meditation after our last practice. You've done extremely well with your blade and magic work. The time has come to take the novice's knot out of your sword belt. Not much on ceremony, myself, but I thought rather than just springing things on you, I'd give you a chance to ask friends or family around if you were of a mind to. Time and place is up to you.

I've arranged for a goblin bladesmith to make you your first long and short set.
