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November 19th, 2014



Journal - Potions stuff?

So, it's been a long time since I've been in these parts.

Where are the best and worst places to get potions ingredients and supplies?

Affordability is also important.



Journal - New Project

Spellotaped in )

So the shop bought this cabinet in a lot from an estate sale recently. I'm not sure I was ever told whose it was, but there was a fair amount of nice things with minimal spells on them that are now gracing the shop with some good strong charms, for sale.

This cabinet, however, has thus far resisted most diagnostics.

It also tries to bite if you examine it too closely. I haven't even managed to get into most of the drawers. I have a feeling it's a lot older than it looks, and that it's one of those objects that acquires a... personality of its own over time. You know the sort. Those heirlooms things many families have and don't know what to do with.

So I bought it from the shop and it's in my personal workshop, where I get to start poking at it as soon as a few other small things are out of the way.

I don't recommend touching it if you come by, just saying.



Owl to Hyperion Montgomery

Dora charmed the quill to write in different writing than her own. Hers and Hyperion's interactions always seemed to go more smoothly when she wasn't herself, which both made her sad and mad. She used the shop owl. It wasn't the first time she had done this, unfortunately.

Dear Mr Montgomery,

Your peacock has disappeared from the work room again. I thought you should know.

If you find it again, feel free to bring it by. It would be done now except it keeps disappearing despite the charms being stripped.

We apologize for the continued inconvenience, though we don't believe any of this is our doing.

Thanks for your patience,

Inside and Out



OPEN THREAD: Interview Day

Who: Charlie Weasley, NPC Bobbi & OPEN
What: An assortment of interview candidates
Where: Wingbeat
When: Wednesday 19th November
Rating: SFW (potential for language)

Working 9-5 (or not) )