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October 13th, 2014


[No Subject]

I'd love to thank Alicia and the Fawley Foundation for a fabulous night Saturday. I had a lot of fun, and I'm glad that the foundation raised so much money. It's a wonderful cause that we should all support.

And of course yours truly won a 'date' with the most eligible war hero in Great Britain - not too shabby for twenty galleons!

I'd also like to remind everyone that it's the fall, which can be a very triggering time for many people. Don't forget to take care of yourself, eat well and excercise, take time for yourself on a regular basis, and watch for sources of stress. When in doubt, consult with your local healer.

[Private to Harry]
I swear I tried to switch dates but couldn't find any takers! It seems like it's you and me and a boring museum. I promise I'll try to make it fun - there must be lots of exhibits to take the piss out of, right?




Delivered by owl to Marcus Flint


I've just been informed that I will be required to attend mother's dance after all. I tried to tell her I already made plans, but she reminded me that birthdays are for family to celebrate and that I would be most ungrateful to refuse when she's gone to all this effort on my behalf.

I hope you'll accept my apologies for having to cancel our dinner plans on such short notice. Can we reschedule for next week?




Cooking Class!!

WHO: Justin and Romeo
WHEN: Sunday October 12th
WHERE: Justin's flat
WHAT: First cooking class!

Of course Justin had every high end cooking items )



Journal: Blaise Zabini

I look forward to spending the evening with you. I'd like to ask that we attend the Friday night showing of the production with dinner before hand. I am expected in Rome by ten Saturday morning. I do not wish to rush the event however I cannot rearrange my schedule as we are on a rigid time line. That said, if you desire to accompany me to make up for my minor attention to the evening I can easily arrange for a second room.

I enjoyed the event this past weekend. Allow me to reiterate what others have already said, Alicia you put on a marvelous show. Well done and I hope you are able to complete whatever projects you have coming up over the next few months.



Journal: Adrian Pucey

[Warded to Alicia] -- Have I told you yet today how proud I am of you? And how badly my mother wants to meet you? And the twins? I told her it might be a bit early for that, but she's relented that maybe after Sera & Will's baby comes, we can all go over together?

Is it too soon to ask something like that?

I can't wait to see you Wednesday. Are you all set with a sitter? It might be a long evening, you know how these functions can go on.

[Warded to Wood] -- I know I don't know you well, accept maybe from when were on the pitch at school, but just wanted to remind you how precious Alicia is to both of us. Won date or not, be careful where your hands up while ballroom dancing, no?



Journal Justin

[Warded to Seamus]
I didn't manage to catch you after the raffle because I needed to go to work, but it looks like you won me after all.

And I should tell you that you have an amazing chef at Finnigan's and should not let him go. He's incredibly sweet, funny, passionate, a great chef and a very talented teacher. He's actually teaching me how to cook and even Mother's personal chef isn't that good.

[Warded to Wayne]
Are you doing better?

[Warded to Ernie]

Journal: Romilda Vane

Good gods, how can today only be Monday? And how was last night Sunday? I sat down with a glass of wine at nine or so and next thing I know I've drunk two bottles. Surely I have an older, more responsible roommate for a reason, right?

Thank Merlin Quickpulse is closed on Mondays. Then again, I guess as the boss, I could have just called myself in sick. Any good hangover cures besides a pepper-up, folks? I hate that stuff.

[Warded to Romeo] -- I hear I've won a hot date with a chef. I hope you like Halloween?

Owl: to Marietta & Emma

[Scrolls warded so as to only be read by Marietta & Emma, each of whom have personal unlocking incantations] --

Ladies, I hope you've had a nice weekend. Let me know if there's anything to report.

Marietta - you've got your usual Tuesday night, right? I'd love for you to take Thursday and Friday if you can, as well. Thursday, you'll meet your date at the Bloomsbury, front entrance, at 9pm. He'll be a tall dark Kenyan wizard, hard to mistake, but he'll approach you. Classy attire. Friday, be at Bar Soho at 10pm, buy an appletini, he'll approach you. If you can't make either, let me know via owl.

Emma - You've got Wednesday night and Friday afternoon, and you're closing at the shop Thursday night. Wednesday you'll meet a business associate of mine at the Leaky for a drink and discuss Quickpulse inventory details, when you leave he'll bring you to your date. Friday be at Ministry of Sound - jeans and t-shirt, but look good - at 11pm. He'll be waiting outside with tickets for the show, he has green hair and a black beard, fit body.

Hope this works for you ladies, let me know via owl otherwise.
<3 Romi