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October 6th, 2014



Journal Post-Astoria Greengrass

It seems if it isn't one thing it's another in the shop. First it was boggarts during inventory, now we have an infestation of doxies! There were so many and they were going quite wild trying to eat all the fabric that we had to call in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures and the shop is closed all day.

Sorry if that means I have to reschedule an appointment. I think perhaps I need a drink.

Private to Rolf

Care to join me? I had a horrible day and I could use some positive energy. Or just, at least tell me about your life. I hope everything is well with you.

Journal: To Lavender

[Warded to Lavender] -- I had such a good time chatting with you, and I remembered just today that we talked about the new stock coming in.

Not sure what you're in the mood for, but we've got these great warming charms for... anywhere you might like to use the for up to three bodies at once, at that! We're open minded here at Quickpulse!

They're totally safe and come with an end spell that includes clean up - they're really pretty nifty. If you come by while I'm in the shop, I'll even take 15% off for you, being Housemates and all ♥



RP: None of That!

Who: Orla Quirke and Roger Davies

What: Snarking and wedding present shopping

Where: London

When: Monday 6 October, Morning

Rating: SFW

Read more... )




Who: Anyone who is queer, or questioning. (No allies, please!)
What: Q-Topia!!
Where: The Roost, Finnigan's
When: Sunday night, starting at 7pm
Rating: SFW as far as I know?

Romeo was excited for the first meeting of Q-Topia. )

OOC Note: Anyone is welcome to join the thread. Romeo has requested that allies respect this queer safe space, though obviously he has no way of enforcing this, so characters are on the honor system. Feel free to start your own threads under the headings in the comments!

Journal: to Roger

I swear, one of these days I really am going to stop reading the blasted gossip pages. I swear. Some day.

[Warded to Roger]
-- What do you know about Finbar Quigley?



Journal: Emma Dobbs

For the last TWO DAYS my flatmate has woken me up by burning her breakfast. Therefore, as today is my day off, I have confiscated the last of her bacon. Because if you keep burning it, you do NOT deserve to have bacon.

And obviously by confiscate it I mean I've eaten it and it was actually yummy since it wasn't setting off the smoke detecting charms!



RP: Reflection

Who: Bryn Cadwallader, Vikesh Moon
What: Stopping and staring in the middle of the street
Where: Monument Alley
When: Monday afternoon
Rating: SFW

Sometimes Bryn got distracted walking down Monument Alley. )



Owl to Susan Bones


I have a question for you. I was wondering who I would go to if I had suspicions that something.. shady.. was going on somewhere.

Hope you're well.




Journal: Alicia

Cut for image )

I’m sure that by now you’ve seen these around, well, just about anywhere, but I thought it could bear repeating here. Sign-ups and donations have been steadily streaming in the past couple of days, and what can I say? There are some brilliant dates being put into play here, but that is all I can say right now.

One of the donations/show of support that I CAN reveal here came in just this morning: The British and Irish Quidditch League have offered to move the matches on October 11, from their regular afternoon slots to 9:00 am, and are encouraging the players to participate in any way they can, an offer we have accepted with gratitude.

[Private to Adrian]
So, telling the twins went alright, didn’t it? Aside from the Fawleys and my parents, are there anybody else who should know before Saturday? Your family, for instance?




WHO: Justin and Ernie
WHEN: Sunday Night after Queer-Topia
WHERE: Ernie's flat
WHAT: Justin and Ernie chat about recent developments.
RATING: R. Might mention sex.

I wish there was an easy way )