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September 1st, 2014



[No Subject]

Who: Merwyn Finwick & OPEN

What: Alcohol makes everything okay, apparently

Where: The Common Room, Finnigan's

When: Sunday evening

Rating: Soft NSFW - drinking, language, tbd?

One too many, I reckon, feeling I got to hurl any second, want to get up but can't move, feels like I'm stuck in a groove, what the fuck was I trying to prove? )

[No Subject]

Who: Percy Weasley & Sally Smith
What: Talking entertainment, public humiliation, and interesting work stories over drinks
Where: Finnigan's, Common Room
When: September 1, 7pm
Status: Closed / Incomplete

The possibilities were endless. )



OWL: Waiting for Cho to wake up

Okay so... )

Journal post: Hannah Abbott

So many kittens abound! I'd think about getting one, but I don't think I have the time or energy for something that small. Plus, I'd worry about my stashes of yarn too much. I will enjoy the pictures and stories, however, in the meantime. I don't mind living the kitten-life vicariously.

['98 Hufflepuffs]
Alright, it's time for me to do my seasonal clean out of my pantry in preparation for fall that is nearly upon us. As such, I require your presence (yes, all of you) at my flat on Thursday, 7PM sharp. No later than 8:30, please. There will be dinner and dessert to be had.

RP: Day off

Who: Mac, Neville, OPEN
What: Cormac has a day off and runs into an old familiar face
Where: Finnigan’s - The Common Room
When: Monday, September 1 - evening
Rating: TBD

Mac ordered himself an ale at the bar in the Common Room. )



Express Day

Who: Lucy and OPEN.
What: Lucy's having a nostalgic moment.
Where: The Leaky Cauldron (at least to begin with).
When: Monday, 6pmish.
Rating: SFW.

Working my way back to you babe and the happiness that died )



Journal: Alicia Spinnet

What a day! And it’s not even over yet.

I want to thank all of you who made this morning run smoothly, for getting the students safely to the train and sent off with a proper wave. There will be a suitable gesture of gratitude later (a dinner, perhaps, or a different sort of social gathering? Ideas are welcome), but for today and tonight, I’ve asked Seamus to open a tab for you to have a well-deserved drink or three.

Thank you!



RP: Tonight We... Celebrate?

Who: Alicia and Adrian
What: Celebrating after a successful day
Where: Finnigan’s
When: Monday, September 1 - evening
Rating: SFW

To say that it had been a hectic day would be an understatement. )