Posts Tagged: 'character:+bailey+emerson'

Jan. 5th, 2016



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : 1/5, mid-afternoon.

I am sure you've all heard by now about the recent stepping down of your Ancient Runes Professor and so I was just hired to fill that spot. I’m Theo Emerson, and if you know Bailey, she’s my baby cousin. You can call me Professor Emerson, Professor Theo, or just Theo. It all works for me!

I have a great deal of knowledge and experience in the area, as I have spent the past seven years in Egypt working as a curse breaker. Long story short, I will be finishing out the year with you all. Thankfully I have detailed notes on everything you’ve covered so far, so I should be able to avoid repeating anything you already know.

Jan. 1st, 2016



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 1 January, midday

Happy New Year everyone! I spent mine in Boston with Daddy. I love New Year's Eve in Boston. We always go to the Peabody family party and I was able to wear the new Dior dress I got with mom on Boxing Day. I love staying at the Boston Harbor Hotel - the views of the bay at night are incredible and we were able to watch the fireworks from the hotel. And this year they had a sushi chef in addition to everything else which was a nice bonus. The champagne breakfast here makes we wish I hadn't eaten so much sushi last night!

Dec. 29th, 2015




Type: Journal
Time: December 29th/Evening

I'm a little annoyed that my comment was twisted so far off course. I did not say a single word about certain pureblood families, nor their new positions in the Ministry until someone used it as a means to elevate themselves above me. Jack doesn't do well with that. I'm not sorry. I only meant that it is insensitive to offer condolence to those who lost lives and then congratulations for those who took their places right after in the same post. Have some compassion. Find your couth, and if you can't I know at least one lovely person that could help you in that department.

[Private to Sera]
Is it ok I volunteered you, right? JUST KIDDING. But seriously, you are like the classiest, nicest - proper pureblood ever. They could learn a thing or two from you. I hope this doesn't affect our lessons. Because I would hate to think that.

[Private to Bucky/Roarke]
Thank you for understanding where I was coming from. I know we don't talk much, but I would love to start. When things settle, butterbeer and a guys night is in order.

Nov. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 29 November, before the train, after the scribbler

Again my intelligence can't be my own. At least I am not seducing my professor this time. I am thankful for small graces. Or not, but still. My skills in arithmancy must be remarkable if the 'real' source of my skills is always so in question. It can't possibly be that I am just a nerd who studies this stuff for fun outside of class.

Speaking of, I wonder if a node-network model would reveal anything? It has been used to map social networks. Although it is unlikely to reveal more than trends among the rumors, of which some are obvious. And I imagine I would feel dirty should I delve too deeply into the gossip rag.




Type: Journal post
When: November 29th, Morning

I'm fine. Anyone that thinks I'm having an off couple of months has never gone through NEWTs preparation then. I'm just trying to get good marks next year so I have options because I have no clue what I want to do.

[Private to Lily]

[Private to Derek]
Did you tell someone? Speak about it out in the open? You are the only one that knows, Derek!




Type: Journal post
When: November 29th, afternoon

Well my rumour continued to be about sex or boys or both. I'm not at all surprised. They need to come up with something original. I'm more concerned about the hurtful rumours that others seemed to get. Unless stated otherwise please don't believe anything that is in the Scribbler. It is full of hate and they are just looking for attention or to cause drama or something.

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Any interesting stories? Is the train ride still as long and boring as it always is as everyone returning home would be on it right now.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: Nov. 29, Morning.

How long does it take to freeze to death? I thinking that might be a good way to go.

[Private Bella]

Do you think it true? That we might not be twins?

[Private Ophelia]

So it is true? Are you going to be finally rid of me?



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: 11/29, afternoon

Cough cough, cough cough, dying, dying, dead.

Please, I'm too shitty to die. Satan wouldn't accept me. I'm just going to have to live forever. Woe is me.

Angel, did you run out of your vegan cruelty free fair trade bullshit soap or something? You smell fine to me. Unless my nose is broken. Which it might be because I'm dead.

Nov. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When: 11/29, afternoon

Got something right... Suppose can't all be made up.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal.
Date: 11/29/2015, Morning following the Scribblr

Let me make sure to correct any ridiculous allegations the Scribblr might make of me; first off, the demon in question is silver-eyed, don't be so bland Scribblr. Furthermore, he hardly is used to give me any sort of 'wants'. I have never truly been without what it is I desire, and would like to think my ambitions have been quite good at helping me to obtain this.

Really, if I were to conjure a demon it would be simply to provide me amusement, and I hardly would need to attend school here.

And really, as if Catherine the Great's exploits were relegated to her encounters with a horse. It is no surprise a woman of her stature, strength, and prowess, would not be satisfied by mere mortal men. And she was one of the single greatest leaders in the long history of Russia and the world. She is hardly defined by her sexual exploits, and frankly... Russian horses are rather impressive steeds.

[Filter to Belle]

I would take offense to them, once again, objectifying you in a sexual manner. Yet, comparing you to Catherine the Great is still a rather large, and worthwhile comparison. She may have had her issues, but what great leader hadn't? She issued the Russian Empire into the Industrial age, and forced it out of the dark ages into a the beginnings of a truly great world power.

Nov. 24th, 2015




Type: Journal post
When: November 24th, afternoon

I am for one grateful that the magic is back and I realize how much I am looking forward to never being without it again. Christmas can not come soon enough. Apollo and Artemis are back in the castle and doing much better. Calcifer of course noticed nothing different. Silly cat.

What are people's plans for Thanksgiving? How many of us are staying and how many of us are going home?

[Private to Nico]
I know you got a letter from father because I got a letter from him demanding that I come home. Are we going home or are we going to stay? I want to spend the holiday with you, fratello.

[Private to Misha]
What are your plans for Thanksgiving, Professor? Will you be going home or staying?

[Private to Ash]
I've gotten a letter from my father demanding me to come home for Thanksgiving. Do you think he has been able to talk your family into an early marriage? What are you plans? And you've been very quiet since the dance, Ash.

Nov. 23rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: November 23, afternoon

I may not actually celebrate Thanksgiving, but I'm glad that we get some time off for it.

I still want to make sure I have all my schoolwork done before then so I can enjoy it.

Nov. 20th, 2015




Type: Journal post
When: November 20th, Morning

I didn't do it. Even though I did do it. We definitely fucked up Michael. What the hell are we going to do. Does any know anything?

[Private to Derek]
I might have done something... but that doesn't matter. How are you feeling?

[Private to Michael]
We fucked up big time.




Type: Journal post
When: November 20th, morning

No one in Ravenclaw can seem to do magic and the rumour in the common room it is the whole school? What is going on? Is this some sort of weird test? Artemis and Apollo are acting weird but Calcifer doesn't seem to have changed at all. Is something going on with the magic? Have the teachers said anything?

[Private to Misha]
Do you know what is going on?

Nov. 19th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Thursday 19 November, after classes

I think I might be one of the only ones looking forward to a nice quiet weekend this weekend – before we have to go home for the chaos. Thanksgiving is always such a whirlwind for me. Dinner with my dad and all of my Boston relatives on Thanksgiving itself, with more than a few family traditions… and then Black Friday shopping with my mom starting at 3AM Friday morning until dinner time… I need to catch up on my sleep and get ahead in my schoolwork before I go home next week and enjoy the snow while I have enough time to see it.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: late evening 11/19

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[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : Around lunchtime, 11/19

I have been rereading a good number of my history books from home, and I am finding the varying appraisals of female leaders of the past as intriguing as always. Why is it that one can call a woman a whore while others consider her a saint? Is there no in-between for us?

Nov. 3rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Tuesday 3 November, afternoon

Anyone else getting bombarded with Owls from home about the USA today article? My father sent me one yesterday to reassure me. I've gotten five from my mother. Apparently she's worried that the escaped Deatheaters are all coming to Hogwarts. Or else they are going to attack her in her sleep. Or steal the groceries from her cupboard? Or read her mail? Or... I'm not sure actually what she is going on about anymore.

Oct. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : lunchtime 10/28

Musical hallways. Interesting.

Oct. 27th, 2015



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: 10/27, Morning

I hate to be the one mood killer in the group, but I'm actually not a big fan of Halloween. People go out of their way to be scary and cause mischief. I don't see why we all cant just try to have fun costumes and a good time with no tricks, only treats.

That being said, I am kind of excited for the dance. It's going to be a lot of fun to just enjoy ourselves. I think I might dress up as my namesake for it.

[Private to Hunter]

How are you feeling my darling? Do you want me to help with your homework for tonight while you're... taking care of yourself?



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: October 27, afternoon

I'm bored out of my fucking mind and can't study another minute or I'm burning this book.  What are some good hands-on hobbies that don't necessarily require two hands?

Alternatively, what are the club options?  How do I go about joining one?

[Private to Steve]

What do you want to do?  With your future.

[Private to Gracie]
Hey.  Do you get tired of people asking you questions?

[Private to Skye]
Euugh.  Thanks for poking me awake during class.

[Private to Ophelia]
Have you been okay?

[Private to Mariko]
Our eight-legged friends giving you anymore troubles?  I haven't heard your banshee wailing.

[Private to Raava]
Okay, I have sort of a stupid question.  I don't think it's your area, but I'm not sure who else to ask.



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: 10/27, afternoon

Oh man! this week is dragging on for freaking ever! I just want to have the dance, do some fun stuff and enjoy my Halloween. Fuck, cant we just skip classes for the rest of the week? None of us are going to be focusing on them anyways.

[Private to Misha]

Dude, we need to hang out. I'm missing my best bro and I wanted to go over some ideas I had for quidditch plays with you and get your opinion.

[Private to Luke]

Hey... so I miss you and wanted to know two things. One, can I bring Abacus over to hang out with your kids on Halloween, and two, can I come out and hang out with you on Halloween? No one will notice me around with all the people in costume.



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: 10/27, afternoon

Right... halloween.... I guess I could wear something my parents gave me, but it's not right to use cultural outfits as costumes. Think people will think it's stupid to cut some holes out of a sheet and go as a ghost?

Marie? Wanna help me not look like an idiot?

Oct. 26th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : 9am, 10/26

It is the privilege of men to be wanted and prized for what they can do, create, achieve. Women, through time, are prized for being pretty, petite, pliable, and submissive. We are recognized not for who we are, how smart we are, how powerful we are, but for what designers we wear and who we have married. It is enough to make me wonder sometimes how I, and those around me, will fit in the world where intelligent and capable women are so often put down, negated, spoken over and ignored. The top of the chain is white, male, heterosexual and cisgender. Where is the place for the rest of us, and when will intelligence be enough?

In the same vein, when will it be okay for males to be weak? Why can they not show real emotion without being labeled and ignored? Why can we just not all find an accord?

Sexy Halloween costumes just continue this oppression - seeking attention for our bodies and not our minds. I hope some outside of me will seek out more unique and interesting themes than sexy animals and such. We are so much more.

Oct. 25th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When: 10/25, 8pm

Allowing Professor Stark to upgrade this was probably a terrible idea. Not having to carry around my books all the time and still being able to annotate whatever I'm reading is amazing, but I don't think I've pulled myself out of those books for more than an hour or two the whole weekend.

Oct. 23rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Friday 23 October, lunchtime

I find it disturbing that, in order to explain my skill in arithmancy, someone believes I must be blackmailing the professor. Last time I was supposedly using my sexuality - which of course as a woman is my only skill - to earn my grade. Now it is outright blackmail. Perhaps for having seduced him last month? It is not of course at all reasonable to believe that I could possibly just be good at such a 'difficult' subject as a woman on my own merits.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: 10/23, afternoon

I'm kind of glad that I only have one assignment to do over the weekend so I can enjoy it.

How is everyone today?




Type: Journal post
When: Oct. 23rd, Morning

Is to late to comment on the Scribbler rumours? Oh well.

My name is Marie Knight and I'm addicted to dragon dildos. I have 10 with 2 on the way. Please send help.

I guess the guys I've been with just aren't cutting it.

Oct. 22nd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: October 22nd; evening

[Filtered to the Hogwarts Professors]

I wanted to apologize for not attending my classes today. I was feeling under the weather.

I've spoken with my classmates and gotten the assignments and will make sure that they are turned in by their due date.


Can it be the weekend already?



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: October 22nd, morning

Oh, apparently I haven't done a good enough job at not existing to get an honorable mention in the Scribbler.  I was hoping I'd make it to at least after the holidays before anyone picked up on my nonexistence.  So glad to find out I don't have a secret child with a professor who is actually a werewolf and we're both cheating on each other with half the school, at least.  Sure is fun to read about when it's not yourself.

It's not wrong though, Rhi really does eat too much cake.  The other things, I shall not comment upon.

Oct. 4th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : Late afternoon, 10/4

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[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Morning Sunday 4 October

It felt good to be back in classes, even if I missed my favorite classes of the week. It was worth it to be part of the memorials, but I am really looking forward to actually going to Arithmancy this week. I do a lot of my own studies, but still, Professor Stark always manages to illustrate things I hadn't yet found in my own researches, but then, he is Professor Stark.

Since we are all with early curfews now, it means I can't stay as late in the library reading up on things. I think I am going to run games in the Ravenclaw Common after dinner. I was thinking gobstones Monday, dice on Tuesday, snap on Wednesday and chess Thursday if anyone in Ravenclaw is interested in playing.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Saturday 3 October, afternoon

While I'm all for keeping students indoors so I have more of you to prank, it's getting a bit boring to only have so many areas. There's also more people who catch me setting up and not all of them are willing to join in as Dom.

On the plus side, tag was pretty awesome. Gotta do it again and soon guys!

Sep. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: 9/29/2015, Evening.

The news about Gareth is terrible, and I realize that there's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said; we all were impacted by him in some way, this Castle is a close-knit community, a family really, the degree of separation between people is slim and so we all knew him in some level whether only by name, or by personal connection.

Regardless, this affects everyone of us, and I am sorry to all of you that this happened. Further, I'm sorry that we weren't able to protect Gareth, and that you were all put through such fear and confusion before anything was told to any of you. I assure you, next time, I hope there's better communication to you as a student body.

You all deserve to feel safe and protected in this castle, so that you can focus on learning and growing and unfortunately the Death Eaters have chosen to not allow this. Hogwarts is a symbol of the growth and expansion of the Wizarding world; what's more, Hogwarts stands as a proud, shared achievement among so many in this world. So it's no wonder why they targeted us, and it would seem that we as Teachers and TAs have grown complacent in their absence and we failed to be ready. I hope next time, and I pray there is no next time, but should there be I hope we can do better by you.

All of that being said, should any one of you require someone to talk to my door's always opened.

Sep. 27th, 2015



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: Sunday, 9/27, afternoon

I had just seen Gar The news about last night is tragic. Who could have done it, and when? I had only seen Gareth earlier that evening. We had crossed paths and chatted for a few minutes.

How close had I come to it being me? If they had just seen me first by the magical creature pens, I would've been the one who di

I think it's a good reminder that Something could always happen to us at any known moment.