Posts Tagged: 'character:+kin+tsuchi+%28dropped%29'

Nov. 26th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Time: 11/25, Afternoon.

Hey ladies, Black Friday at my room tomorrow. All clothes 100% off.

Nov. 24th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Owl to Kin
When: November 25, morning

Read more... )

Nov. 14th, 2015



How beautiful is this life

Type: Owl to abe
When: 11/14 7PM

How painful is this life )

Nov. 10th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: November 10, mid-morning

Private away from Staff
Who else can't focus in class today? Is it just me?

Private to R
King Donkey. Still. I can't.

You might need to save me from this life. Donkey Kong was never this important before.

Nov. 7th, 2015



If you take that from me I wouldn't be the same

Type: Journal post
Time: 11/7 11PM

I changed my mind, I'm starting to like this place.

Private to Zmey

So. I lost my leatherman. What'll it take ya' to get me another one? I have this itching feeling they will be watching my packages now.

Nov. 5th, 2015



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: 11/5, breakfast, after the Howler

Well I feel better now.

Nov. 3rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: November 3rd, 5 am

I woke up too early. I am dying. If I don't consume my weight in coffee soon, my life is going to be over.

Don't cry for me, Argentina.

For the record, Gif and I are on uncertain ground because waking me up by trying to eat my hair at five in the morning is cruel and unusual punishment.

Bucky, whenever you read this...I'm going to need piggyback rides to class. Please and thank you. Dad sent oreos. They will be your payment.

Edit: Bucky has betrayed me in a manner most foul. If anyone else is willing to give an adorable person piggyback rides because she is tired and also maybe crying, I am no longer giving Bucky my oreos because he, like Brutus did with Caesar, has betrayed me.

Edit 2.0: Our betrayal has been settled. I'm very sorry to my roommates for having fallen out of bed and laughing too this time of the morning. Steve...please report and tell me if it's true that Bucky has no idea what Donkey Kong is. R...hold me, I'm crying. First they misquote 'It's on like Donkey Kong' and then Bucky called it King Donkey. Jury is still out on whether my tears are from laughter or sadness. My sides hurt. SEND HELP!

[ooc: if you are a 7th year Gryffindor girl, you were probably woken up by Skye dying from laughter and falling off her bed during this post. She's hella sorry]

Nov. 2nd, 2015



I'm heading to the bar with my money out of the mattress

Type: Journal post
When: 11/2 11AM

The Magical community holds itself in such high esteem with their inbreeding to keep blood pure, robes, magic and fancy family trees but they're really no better than muggles.

Prison break, murderers being released, government trying to cover their asses. People quivering in their boots. I'd say it was boring and tedious if it wasn't the most interesting thing to happen since I was picked up. In fact, I'm liking it more here every day.

Oh, and I am not hung over so you twerps can stop flashing lights at me and making abnormally loud noises, next person who does it is getting decked in the goddamn jaw.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: November 2, afternoon

Another weekend come and the joy of making a collection of hungover children groan by talking loudly and occasionally slamming books on tables.

Seems some of you didn't recover from Halloween.

I don't feel like dealing with the news of the
Ah, but that's not that surprising. The government always thinks it has everything under control until it doesn't



[No Subject]

Type : journal
When :11/2, late morning.

So, did not one of you think of the possible consequences of at least half a dozen fools spiking the various drinks at the party? Did it somehow escape you that people could have gotten sick? We have a hemophiliac on staff and the last thing he needs is blood thinning. Not to mention that anyone recovering from addiction would've been royally fucked by your stupidity.

But carry on your normal lives. Just pray I don't find out names other than the two I have or you'll regret it until you graduate.



Witness my rebirth

Type: Owl to Abe Mazur
When: 11/2 1PM

From The Devil's churn )

Oct. 27th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: October 27, afternoon

I'm bored out of my fucking mind and can't study another minute or I'm burning this book.  What are some good hands-on hobbies that don't necessarily require two hands?

Alternatively, what are the club options?  How do I go about joining one?

[Private to Steve]

What do you want to do?  With your future.

[Private to Gracie]
Hey.  Do you get tired of people asking you questions?

[Private to Skye]
Euugh.  Thanks for poking me awake during class.

[Private to Ophelia]
Have you been okay?

[Private to Mariko]
Our eight-legged friends giving you anymore troubles?  I haven't heard your banshee wailing.

[Private to Raava]
Okay, I have sort of a stupid question.  I don't think it's your area, but I'm not sure who else to ask.

Oct. 24th, 2015



001; I'll show no repentance

Type: Journal post
When: 10/24 11AM

We'll I've had to reverse my entire sleep schedule since I got here, and the empty headed twits in my dorm spraying that shitty perfume all over themselves in the morning is not the best wakeup.

Also, fuck robes. You guys look fuckin ridiculous.

Edit: Just found someone's robes with hidden pockets. Changed my mind, I like them. I am keeping these.