Posts Tagged: 'character:+grace+hewitt'

Jan. 5th, 2016



So much for some alone time

A (heavily scratched out in some areas) Journal Entry
(backdated) January 3rd, Afternoon )

Jan. 3rd, 2016



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: January 3, evening

I'm not sure if I should be ashamed about the number of times I've watched Big Hero 6. When I wasn't collecting various chemical compounds that I could get my hands on without paying a ridiculous amount for...or it being illegal

Jan. 1st, 2016



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Early morning, 1/1

It isn't a United States custom, but mum still has us drinking wassail and eating shortbread to greet the new year. For all that I've studied traditional literature, I never quite understood these traditions outside of the idea of greeting the year with something sweet.

Does anyone else have any interesting traditions?

Dec. 30th, 2015


[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: Dec. 30, evening

I'm not the only one who sees the hypocrisy going on, right? I mean, giant posts hating on people who they say are hating on people. You can take a stand without being an asshat and stomping on other people's family.

My uncle is one of those people you're lumping in with all these accusations. My uncle who adopted a half-blood and kept my family's nose clean. Sorry that being rich somehow makes him evil. There are other things he's done that are way worse and you have no idea.

Bravo, people. Bravo.

Dec. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: December 29, evening

So apparently all this effort in staying out of trouble and hoping things would go better was a fucking joke, but you can't say I didn't try.  I'm done with keeping my head down and acting like everything is okay for the sake of obedience.  It's clear certain individuals and their families have a specific interest in what has happened, and fuck you if you don't think I'm not calling y'all out on it.  Fuck you for expecting us to overlook the tragedies and threats to spare your shitty fucking privileged feelings.  Boo hoo people are upset that your relatives are racists and are now in power.  Fucking bite me. 

You want my congratulations?  Here it is.  You purebloods can keep you goddamn shitty ass society, I want no part in this mess.  Y'all have a delightful new year, see you never, because if you think I'm returning to the school come January you're fucking mistaken.  I'm going to go live on a mountain top where I never have to see you assholes again.  Peace on earth and all that bullshit.

Oh, and thanks for the sweater, Gracie. 



[No Subject]

Type: owl
Date: December 29th, afternoon.

Owl to Gracie Hewitt )

Dec. 28th, 2015


[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: Dec. 28, morning

The amount of hate that still exists in the world is disappointing.

How's your dad? He going to be okay?

My parents, always oblivious. They were buried in a lab and had no idea any of this happened. I should be grateful they're alive, but they cut themselves off from communication so the rest of us were worried sick. I swear they need to get their heads out of their asses. It's not like this isn't the first Deatheater attack, and this was a huge one.

Dec. 27th, 2015



[No Subject]

Date: December 25th, morning
Type: Owls

Owl to Nico Sorrento )

Owl to Bella Sorrento )

Owl to Gracie Hewitt )

Dec. 26th, 2015




Type: Journal post
When: December 25th, morning

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone is having a wonderful morning so far. I can't wait for everyone to see Apollo and Artemis in the little sweaters I made them. They actually don't mind them as much as I thought they would.

Happy Birthday Nico! You will be receiving an owl from me if you haven't already. I hope you enjoy your present.

Lyra are we still going to have a party for our combined birthdays? Before or after the New Years? Is anyone have a New Years party?

I'm legal!

Dec. 25th, 2015



[No Subject]

What: Owl
When: 12/24, afternoon

Note: All presents are marked with "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL CHRISTMAS!" Also all letters contain glitter. You should expect nothing less.

Owl to Skye )

Private to Jackson )

Owl to Reiji )

Owl to Thor )

Owl to Steve )

Owl to Emrys )

Owl to Bucky )

Dec. 20th, 2015



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: 12/19, evening, after Hogsmeade trip

I am not an adult. I need a babysitter. Or someone to hold my wallet for me when I go out shopping. And also maybe someone to hold my bags. I need to find that really nice third year who helped me. And then that Slytherin who reminded me that I am, in fact, a witch, and that I can, in fact, levitate things. Listen here, Slytherfriend, I am not the smartest human being sometimes. Most of the times. I don't remember these things. You didn't have to be kind of snooty about it.

Dec. 19th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 19 December, evening

Hogsmeade was fantastic today. After not being able to go, seeing it all done up in holiday was amazing. Wizard holiday decorations have a magic that muggle decorations can only try to achieve. Unfortunately tomorrow is the train and two weeks at home. I will get to try to explain to my family what I've been studying. Hopefully it goes better than trying to explain OWLs to them this summer. I had to translate everything into A's B's and C's for them. And the P. For some reason that grade they understood.

Dec. 18th, 2015



Private to Friends

Type: Journal
When: 8pm, 12/18

It's only when I'm packing that I realize how many things I have gathered over the years. I have some things that I probably should get rid of, and some that I will donate when I get back home. My trunk is just going to get heavier with the holiday shopping I have to do in Hogsmeade tomorrow. I also rarely realize how many of you I adore, so just to have it on record- even if it doesn't always seem that way and I'm a jackass sometimes, you're all valuable to me and I love you all.

Dec. 14th, 2015


[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Dec. 14, afternoon

The worst part about it almost being the holidays is that it's NOT the holidays yet. Blah. I don't know how much focus I can keep until then.

Okay. You and me are gonna hang out Friday. If not Friday, Saturday. Deal?

[ MERU ]
Jeez, Meru. I'm starting to think that you're playing nice with me to set me up for whenever Gryffindor plays, Ravenclaw.

P.S. Gryffindor is going to win. ;)

[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Dec. 14, evening

Still a bit surprised that Hufflepuff won a quidditch match. The world never ceases to amaze me.

Don't make plans for Christmas. My dad sent me a letter saying your family would be there.




Type: Journal post
When: December 14th, Afternoon

Four more days, not including today because classes are OVER, until holidays! I can't wait. I'm heading home to spend the holiday with my dad. I think we are going to try and cook a turkey this year which might lead to a fire but we will see. We might end up ordering Chinese like we have in the past which I'm also okay with.

I'm thinking of getting another animal so Batman can have a playmate and an annoying younger sibling. Thoughts?

Private to Derek
Dad has said yes to you and Isaac coming home for the holidays if you are still wanting to do that. We have a guest room for you and Isaac can have my bed. I think my dad might actually be a little excited to have some people over for Christmas. I think he gets lonely when I'm at school.

Dec. 13th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: journal
When: 12/13, afternoon

It was a really good game. I'm glad that we won, obviously, and it's good to see that there wasn't much by way of people getting injured. Oliver, I'm more than a little annoyed at you though. You too, Thor. Be more careful!! But seriously, you all were amazing and I'm so glad you're all on my team!

Dec. 12th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: December 12, after the game

Good job, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw! I'm glad we won the game, but it was still a pretty good game anyway. I hope everyone that got injured is going to be okay.

Dec. 8th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Afternoon, 12/8

So, I have to admit I'm a little nervous about the game this weekend. After the last... Well, can anyone blame me? I mean, I know I'm going to lead my team to victory and all, but part of me wonders if it matters now. I suppose after everything I've just got a case of nerves.

Everyone has to promise not to get injured, okay?



[No Subject]

Type: journal
When: about 6:50am, 12/8

Cut for image )

I did a thing with my hair and makeup. Apparently you get a lot of extra time when you don't sleep.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: Tuesday, Dec. 8th @ 7:30am

I'm not normally one to freak out. I know that after we cream Ravenclaw this weekend, I'll be in a better frame of mind. That being said... my try-outs for the Fitchburg Finches up in Massachuetts are coming up in less than three weeks. I AM freaking out a tiny bit. This is my life's dream, my dream career... all I've thought about for my future. They only have two openings for Chasers. I have to nail this try-out.

I'm so nervous that I've actually gotten myself sick over it a few times. Ugh. Okay. Off to breakfast.

Dec. 5th, 2015



Type: Journal
When: Dec 5, 6pm

Today I am 18. Today I am legally an adult as far as both the Magical and Muggle governments are conserned. I am no longer rekuired to have a gardian to watch over me. I am no longer able to be adopted. I have no family that claims me and will give me their name.

I have never selebrated my birthday in any real way. Only looked forward to being one day closer to 18 so that I could finaly stop counting those days.

This one I will selebrate by taking a last name. I have the forms already. I just need to fill them.

But I do not know what name to pick. I admit I had been holding out hope that someone would claim me and I would not need to pick for myself. It was a stupid hope. I know.

It means I have not put much thoht into it. I supose I should figure that out before the new year.

Dec. 4th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Mid-Afternoon, 12/4

It appears that whoever is creating these pranks is getting a bit repetitive. Is it me, or was annoying music in the halls already done? Not to mention that I hate this stupid holiday and I'm pretty sure I'm just going to work through the break... Hopefully whoever caused it will tire of it soon. I'm a bit sick of cleaning up glass from musical ornaments.

Dec. 3rd, 2015



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: December 3rd, afternoon








[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: December 3, afternoon

Right now, it's the 25 Days of Christmas on ABC Family. I'm going to have to figure out if this thing will be able to play any of them...

I may have to convince Momma to record the ones worth watching.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: December 3, afternoon

I'm still trying to come to grips with the fact that it's already December.

I'm both prepared and unprepared for this reality.



[No Subject]

Type: journal
Date: December 3rd; morning

I had forgotten I had this thing until it bit me in the foot. Rude little bugger this thing is. But it did give me a chance to look at your little gossip rag.

It's rather creative. But if I'm a woman pretending to be a man doesn't that make me a drag king? And if I'm a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman does that make me a drag king queen?

Very Connie and Carla of you scribbler. I approve.

Nov. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: November 29th/ Super early. Really, it's still dark.

It's Jack.

Anyway, going to fix me a bowl of cream soda and jujubes, with a side of pixie sticks for breakfast. Duces.

[Private to Cam and Easter]

Lawl what the hell. I've heard you talk in your sleep, you must be really good with accents, East. STOP BEING SUCH A SMOOTH CRIMINAL.

I'm curious who your dad is now, Cam.



Breathe me in I'll take you higher

Type: Journal post
When: 11/29 morning, post scribbler

Ah, and people wonder why I am not out organizing social gatherings left and right. The rumor also amuses me because a number of the staff/parents of students have worked with my father.

It's tedious. On the other hand, I made a scarf.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 29 November, before the train, after the scribbler

Again my intelligence can't be my own. At least I am not seducing my professor this time. I am thankful for small graces. Or not, but still. My skills in arithmancy must be remarkable if the 'real' source of my skills is always so in question. It can't possibly be that I am just a nerd who studies this stuff for fun outside of class.

Speaking of, I wonder if a node-network model would reveal anything? It has been used to map social networks. Although it is unlikely to reveal more than trends among the rumors, of which some are obvious. And I imagine I would feel dirty should I delve too deeply into the gossip rag.




Type: Journal post
When: November 29th, Morning

I'm fine. Anyone that thinks I'm having an off couple of months has never gone through NEWTs preparation then. I'm just trying to get good marks next year so I have options because I have no clue what I want to do.

[Private to Lily]

[Private to Derek]
Did you tell someone? Speak about it out in the open? You are the only one that knows, Derek!



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: Nov. 29, Morning.

How long does it take to freeze to death? I thinking that might be a good way to go.

[Private Bella]

Do you think it true? That we might not be twins?

[Private Ophelia]

So it is true? Are you going to be finally rid of me?



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: November 29, mid-morning

I don't care what bullshit any of you think or say about me. 

But don't you dare accuse Steve of anything like that, or I will find you and break all of your fingers.  He's better than all of you assholes.

[Private to Steve]
You'd tell me if you felt that way.  Right?

I want you.  Only you.  I'm sorry if I said or did anything that made you feel like I didn't.



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: 11/29, morning, after the Scribbler

Before I go I'm going to hide glitter everywhere so you guys don't have to worry about not having enough sparkle in your life. It'll be okay. Reiji, you'll have to take over for me.

[Private to Bucky]

I know that the Scribbler is dumb but some of the rumors seem kind of true this time around and also I just like to check on you and make sure you're okay. Especially after we teased you the other day. So. Are you okay?

[Private to Steve]

I'm gonna try and find Whoever keeps writing these mean things and then I'm gonna punch them but I'm gonna need someone to make sure that they don't punch me back because I don't want to have my face broken.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: November 29, afternoon

Um. Please don't come to me for...any of that. Please don't. I don't even...

Not that I think anyone should be made to feel bad if they do have a sex addiction problem or an addiction problem in general, but I definitely don't.