Posts Tagged: 'character:+raava+balan+%28dropped%29'

Nov. 15th, 2015



I read the book. My sentence is complete...

Type: Journal post
When: Nov 15th, Morning

...and now another one begins. )

I can't sit in front of a piece of canvas for the allotted time I have set aside for myself to be creative, until I step outside. It is as though my own form of art blossoms from a depth that no one else can touch, and I feel so restricted when I have to confine it to this one small blank space in front of me. I don't have the exceptional talent to blend, highlight color and perfect the fine details in recreating human anatomy like Ophelia. I am often envious of her talent to effortlessly create something from life and express it through her work. If you haven't had the chance to check her out, I highly recommend it.

For me, my storyboard always needs to be bigger, on the road to nowhere when the moment strikes me. I can not pluck everyday objects from life and make them mine, but instead I have my own unique signature that I have made known in the past. Yeah, the frost murals of a forest backdrop along the castle walls last year was me! SURPRISE! It was well worth the detention, as light hearted as it was this time around because it was more of an artistic expression than vandalism, amirite!? It melted in a few days anyhow and I made a few people smile.

My point is, I tend to forget where I am. What I'm doing and just let myself go in the moment in my own special brand of therapy. Like laughter, and fun, making theatrical patterns like my natural muse of the crisp bite of frost in the air this time of year - it is my meditation. A unexplained place it can take us for a brief time away from the stress that may surround us. Some meditate through work, others, music or reading. All of which speaks in volumes to each and every individual. So tell me, what is your own personal form of meditation/Therapy?

In the meantime, I have detention to attend. A glaring contest with a canvas, yelling at me to refrain from heading outside to repeat last years impulse. A mug of candy cane flavoured hot cocoa and my visionary thoughts. Yeah, I have those once in a blue moon. Cheers!

[Private to Easter]
Ol' lady Flume sent me some chocolate for you. I may have ate it all. Just thought you should know that she was thinkin' of you. Come have some hot cocoa and muse with me.
[/Private to Easter]

Nov. 4th, 2015



Hey, the future is here

Type: Journal post
When: 11/4 Lunchtime

The weather is turning cooler, and with it I have become ill. As per usual. The country I am living in and the weather may be inconsistent, but me getting sick when the weather changes is not.

The fact that this coincides with a prison break is both amusing and unsettling. I am not concerned just yet, and I hope no one is losing sleep arming the catapults before it is necessary.

Oh, and Jackson Overland Frost as amused as I was by having my tongue stick to a frozen candy apple it was a bit painful. I have a book on meditation for you and I expect you to be coming by my office to retrieve it, I also expect a report on it and what you've gained.

Visits will be by appointment only until I am back to normal. Thank you all for your understanding.

Oct. 27th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: October 27, afternoon

I'm bored out of my fucking mind and can't study another minute or I'm burning this book.  What are some good hands-on hobbies that don't necessarily require two hands?

Alternatively, what are the club options?  How do I go about joining one?

[Private to Steve]

What do you want to do?  With your future.

[Private to Gracie]
Hey.  Do you get tired of people asking you questions?

[Private to Skye]
Euugh.  Thanks for poking me awake during class.

[Private to Ophelia]
Have you been okay?

[Private to Mariko]
Our eight-legged friends giving you anymore troubles?  I haven't heard your banshee wailing.

[Private to Raava]
Okay, I have sort of a stupid question.  I don't think it's your area, but I'm not sure who else to ask.

Oct. 24th, 2015



I think with my heart

Type: Owl to Wan
When: 10/23 4PM

I speak with my head )




Type: Journal post
When: October 23rd, Evening

Catnip? I'm not addicted to it but I do believe my cats are.

[Private to Staff]

Here is the costume list:
Esperanza - Aphrodite
Misha - Dionysus
Harry Donovan - Athena
Magnus - Hypnos
Luke - Poseidon
Harry Dresden - Hades
Derek - Hermes
Laertes - Ares
Dominic - Thanatos
Evienne - Psyche
Russell - Eros
Raava - Artemis
Tony - Zeus

As you can see we still have some staff members that still need to decide.

[Private to Hannah Barrons]

I think we need to talk about your... extra curricular actives.

Oct. 22nd, 2015



For no problems can't be solved from a mug of hot tea

Type: Owl Package To Bucky
When: 10/14 afternoon

Wonders to behold )



The eyes of the foxes are glaring at me

Type: Journal Post
When: 10/22 8AM

It's called henna everyone. Mystery solved.

 photo raava_zpsk76wdssl.jpg



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: October 22nd, morning

Wow look, I skipped breakfast.  Again.  Because I prefer getting another hour of sleep over listening to everyone bitch. 

What the hell is an eating disorder?  I didn't forget how to put food in my mouth and chew it.  It's not fucking arithmancy.

[Private to Ophelia, Skye, Gracie]
So I kissed him.  Or, he asked and I said yes. 

... What do I do now?

[Private to Steve]
Hey.  Morning. 

[Private to Raava]
Sorry.  Thanks. 



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: October 22nd; afternoon

Oh come on. If I was going to have any kind of shrine it would be to Patrick Stewart. He is the better captain. I mean I love over acting as much as the next person but Stewart has presence.

Oct. 21st, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: 10/21/2015, evening.

There are definitely days where I grow exhausted of Hogwarts; the constant pranks, the incessant whining about grades, or homework, or the everyday existence that is a school. And Hogwarts has almost become okay with it, accepting that 'that's just how kids are', but really they don't have to be.

You are in school to learn, to better yourselves, whether it's to be simply higher than a maggot on the floor, to even being the Minister himself, but you are here to better yourselves. So quit worrying about such remarkably petty things like your relationships, or if your homework is too hard, and just do it. If you fail? Good, it's the point, to weed you out.

Still, this place does sometimes feel like a home. A home invaded by far too many people, but a home nonetheless.

Oct. 19th, 2015



003; Clever girl this city, even the sky is her friend

Type: Journal post
When: 10/19 7AM


As I have now settled into my office and am more comfortable in the castle proper, this week beginning tomorrow I will be spending time in each house's common rooms. This is as much to get to know everyone and interact with you on a daily basis that I do not get. It won't be every day or at a set time as I still want to be available in my office.

No one is obligated to speak to me, and of course not expected to speak of confidential matters in front of your peers. I will have books and tea with me, along with a formidable knowledge of muggle movies, folk tales, and astronomy, so don't think I am just there to analyze everyone :)

I look forward to speaking with everyone, and seeing what the common rooms are like.

Oct. 17th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: 10/16/2015, Morning

Damn it, life sucks. Like, not 'oh poor me', but when it throws those incredibly difficult decisions at you, and makes you come to terms with your own thoughts, feelings, emotions, and you realize that you have to make this right decision. You have to. It won't completely decimate your life if you get it wrong, but it'll damage one of the few great things about your life, if you get it wrong, and that's just absolutely terrifying.

That being said, it's not all whiny posts for me today. Today, I have managed to finally finish one of my songs and when I get near a computer, I'll find someway to upload it to YouTube. Hey, Stark, maybe that's what you should invent for these journals and magical world, a magical equivalent of muggle tech. Just saying.

Also, I've eaten too many chips today.

Oct. 12th, 2015



002; Even if I hide it, I twinkle – what to do?

Type: Journal Post
When: 10/12 8AM

Well, this is exciting. I've had worse things come out of the tap in some places I've lived so this really isn't all that bad.

Is this...Normal around here then?

Oct. 11th, 2015



001; Open the doors

Type: Journal Post
When: 10/6 -- 10 AM

Greetings Hogwarts,

My name is Dr. Raava Balan, I was brought on by the Headmaster after recent events. I apologize it has taken longer than expected for me to arrive, I was held up by unforeseeable events. Starting today, I am here full time.

What you need to know about me.

- I was educated in both London and India
- I have attended both Muggle medical universities and Wizarding medical schools as well.
- I have never attended Hogwarts, I have no bias towards any of the houses.
- I am here to assist with grief counseling, conflicts between you and your peers or your professors.
- I am also available for career counseling, and overall future planning.
- I can assist with helping students who come from predominantly muggle households adjust to living in the wizarding world, and help discuss difficult topics with your families.
- I am also available if the staff need to talk as well.

It will take me a bit to get my office organized, but even with boxes everywhere I have an open door policy, and many teas for anyone who comes by. After I get settled in I plan on visiting the common rooms, all of them, I've read they are quite cozy.

So who wants to give me a tour? Studying a map is very different than the real thing! I am very excited to be here. My office is down the hall from the infirmary.