Posts Tagged: 'character:+mariko+mimasaka+%28dropped%29'

Dec. 15th, 2015



The twinkling sound of a bell rings

Type: Owl post
When 12/15 after classes

I can’t hold it in I scream, You scream Gimme that, Gimme that Ice Cream )

Nov. 29th, 2015



What in the world, what does your company take me for?

Type: Journal post
When: 11/29 morning

Let me say on the record that what the Scribbler said is true...

I would not crawl that far down on the social ladder for romantic prospects. I mean look at me as if scraping the bottom of the barrel would be necessary.

That being said if anyone repeats the false rumors about Skye, Bucky and Rogers around me I will be most displeased.

Private to KDT

Well this is a terrible beginning to the week if I do say so. Apparently Bucky is a drug addict, Skye is after Bucky's retriever puff and said Puff is abusing our Bucky. Learning new things every day apparently.

If I was prone to violence I would be so inclined to indulge now. For the record, I do not believe anything about the both of you. I know drug addicts when I see them, Bucky is not one, Skye is too busy squealing over Steve and Bucky to make any sort of romantic overtures and Steve Rogers is not capable of abusing anyone.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: November 29, mid-morning

I don't care what bullshit any of you think or say about me. 

But don't you dare accuse Steve of anything like that, or I will find you and break all of your fingers.  He's better than all of you assholes.

[Private to Steve]
You'd tell me if you felt that way.  Right?

I want you.  Only you.  I'm sorry if I said or did anything that made you feel like I didn't.

Nov. 27th, 2015



I know a girl

Type: Owl to Mariko
Time: November 27th/Early evening

and she is as sweet as candy. )

Nov. 23rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
Date: November 23, ass o' clock in the morning as per usual.

I just can't help it, I love this time of year. Sue me. Skye, got them in! )

Nov. 15th, 2015



I read the book. My sentence is complete...

Type: Journal post
When: Nov 15th, Morning

...and now another one begins. )

I can't sit in front of a piece of canvas for the allotted time I have set aside for myself to be creative, until I step outside. It is as though my own form of art blossoms from a depth that no one else can touch, and I feel so restricted when I have to confine it to this one small blank space in front of me. I don't have the exceptional talent to blend, highlight color and perfect the fine details in recreating human anatomy like Ophelia. I am often envious of her talent to effortlessly create something from life and express it through her work. If you haven't had the chance to check her out, I highly recommend it.

For me, my storyboard always needs to be bigger, on the road to nowhere when the moment strikes me. I can not pluck everyday objects from life and make them mine, but instead I have my own unique signature that I have made known in the past. Yeah, the frost murals of a forest backdrop along the castle walls last year was me! SURPRISE! It was well worth the detention, as light hearted as it was this time around because it was more of an artistic expression than vandalism, amirite!? It melted in a few days anyhow and I made a few people smile.

My point is, I tend to forget where I am. What I'm doing and just let myself go in the moment in my own special brand of therapy. Like laughter, and fun, making theatrical patterns like my natural muse of the crisp bite of frost in the air this time of year - it is my meditation. A unexplained place it can take us for a brief time away from the stress that may surround us. Some meditate through work, others, music or reading. All of which speaks in volumes to each and every individual. So tell me, what is your own personal form of meditation/Therapy?

In the meantime, I have detention to attend. A glaring contest with a canvas, yelling at me to refrain from heading outside to repeat last years impulse. A mug of candy cane flavoured hot cocoa and my visionary thoughts. Yeah, I have those once in a blue moon. Cheers!

[Private to Easter]
Ol' lady Flume sent me some chocolate for you. I may have ate it all. Just thought you should know that she was thinkin' of you. Come have some hot cocoa and muse with me.
[/Private to Easter]

Nov. 14th, 2015



Your eyes take my breath away and confuse me

Type: Owl to Jack
When: 11/14 8PM

The normal pink parchment is now scented to smell like strawberry with a peppermint undertone


Picnic tomorrow afternoon at the lake. I shall see you then, 1PM.




Private to Bucky & Mariko

Type: Journal post
When: November 13, after classes



Nov. 13th, 2015



I'm your only friend, I'm not your only friend

Type: Owl to Skye
When: 11/12 8AM

But I'm a little glowing friend )

Type: Owl Package to Jack
When: 11/12 8AM

But really I'm not actually your friend )
Type: Owl to R
When: 11/12 lunch time

But I am )

Nov. 12th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: November 11, morning

I feel like there is a song I could sing about this, but I'm not even sure where to start. I'll get back to you about it.

[Private to Mariko]
How are you fairing this morning? Did you avoid the purple hair or not?

Nov. 10th, 2015



The rainbow after the rain

Type: Journal post
Date 11/10 9AM
It has been too long!
Let's make it all pink )

Nov. 9th, 2015



Will you listen? I’m softly singing this song for you

Type: Owl to Jack
When: 11/9 7:30PM

[OOC: Like the previous owl, this message is written on soft pink parchment, strawberry scented with large swirly letters, and only signed with the initials MM]


Will you join me tomorrow at 7:30 in the astronomy tower?

Nov. 6th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal entry
Time: Nov 6, after classes

So, just in case anyone was still wondering... Yes, Bucky Barnes is my boyfriend. I am his. We are together, and we've got each others backs. So, if you have a problem with him, you have a problem with me.

(Private - Steve/Bucky)

Although it feels a bit weird to say that when you've been avoiding me for the last two days, Buck. Where the hell are you?



Dear authorities,

Type: Journal entry
Time: Nov 6, Afternoon

Like Sisyphus I am bound to hell.

This one's for you, Skye.

Nov. 5th, 2015



I want someone provocative and talkative

Type: Owl to Jackson
When: 11/5 2AM

but it's so hard when I'm shallow as a shower )



I want candy for breakfast.

Type: Journal Post
Time: November 5, Morning

It's 3 am and another restless night of drool soaked pillows and rabbit foot in my eye, because some how Bunnymund has it in his head that it's alright to share said pillow while he's happily off to lala land. A subconscious place in between sleep and awake called limbo, where I am touched by a vague voidness because of my constant shifting during the evening that stops me from dreaming. Where is the Sandman when you need him the most? My contorted limbs would be forever grateful if I didn't wake from that state in an awkward position, like I've been possessed, every single time. I'm starting to scare my roomie. Sorry pal~

The moon spilling through the window pane next to my bed pulls me from this state of mind, giving me a firm place to plant my feet back in reality and I am awake yet again. But I love this time of year, Autumn is the seasonal bridge to the coming Winter. Is it possible to feel an odd sense of 'home' during a particular season? The ol' gal at the shoppe said she thinks so, if there is a feeling of familiarity, content and calmness in my heart for it. But I'm wondering if I should even take advice from a woman that has a nest in her hair that houses a family birds. I heard them chirping, I swear. She hasn't shown me yet, but I'm positive they are hiding in there somewhere. I'm just lucky she learned to speak Jack early on.

Just in time, I can sit on the window sill and watch as the cool air creep along the pane of glass in the form of a thin sheen of frost. The invisible paintbrush creating a free hand pattern at time laps speed, it calms me to watch. When the silver light of the moon is now filtered by the crystallized canvas that enhances it's appeal. I want to show someone, but I am pretty sure no one would appreciate being woken abruptly (because I can't be gentle about it) for something that only I seem to take a deeper notice. And when evening transitions with the rise of the sun over the trees, natures natural painting takes on a glow that reflects the face of morning. Reds, pinks and orange it reminds me a little of Monet. Maybe it fascinates me that with one beautiful backdrop, it can have two completely different sides. All their own unique beauty, but I can not help but believe that it wouldn't be quite as awesome if it did not have the face that it started with. Otherwise, the morning and evening faces against the frosted pane wouldn't exist.

3 am rambling, I should have probably spent this time doing that paper. I'm still calling shenanigans on this. Can't I just bang erasers together or write lines on the chalk/white board? Or even clean the Hippogriff pen?

Nov. 4th, 2015



Got a secret, can you keep it?

Type: Owl to Skye
When: 11/4 5AM

swear this one you'll save )

Nov. 3rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: November 3, evening

If anyone was upset, injured, or otherwise negatively impacted by the alcohol in the drinks at the Halloween party, feel free to blame me.  We all make choices we regret, but the important thing is taking responsibility over them. 

Unfortunately those consequences involve listening to Stark talk about how much money he has.  He truly is the people's hero.

[Private to Steve]
How do you put up with my stupidity?

[Private to Ophelia]
I need to know where you stand.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: November 3rd, 5 am

I woke up too early. I am dying. If I don't consume my weight in coffee soon, my life is going to be over.

Don't cry for me, Argentina.

For the record, Gif and I are on uncertain ground because waking me up by trying to eat my hair at five in the morning is cruel and unusual punishment.

Bucky, whenever you read this...I'm going to need piggyback rides to class. Please and thank you. Dad sent oreos. They will be your payment.

Edit: Bucky has betrayed me in a manner most foul. If anyone else is willing to give an adorable person piggyback rides because she is tired and also maybe crying, I am no longer giving Bucky my oreos because he, like Brutus did with Caesar, has betrayed me.

Edit 2.0: Our betrayal has been settled. I'm very sorry to my roommates for having fallen out of bed and laughing too this time of the morning. Steve...please report and tell me if it's true that Bucky has no idea what Donkey Kong is. R...hold me, I'm crying. First they misquote 'It's on like Donkey Kong' and then Bucky called it King Donkey. Jury is still out on whether my tears are from laughter or sadness. My sides hurt. SEND HELP!

[ooc: if you are a 7th year Gryffindor girl, you were probably woken up by Skye dying from laughter and falling off her bed during this post. She's hella sorry]

Nov. 2nd, 2015



Ashes, ashes, time to go down

Type: Journal post
When: 11/2 lunch time

Maybe I should have stayed home this year after all. I have grown rather fond of this country but I do not think these troubles will reach the estate in Osaka, just like they did not before. But I do not want to give my parents the satisfaction of fleeing home just yet.

I suppose this also means Hogsmeade will be canceled again? Danger or not, I am far too cute to be caged up here. If I am staying I might as well live in the process.



[No Subject]

Type : journal
When :11/2, late morning.

So, did not one of you think of the possible consequences of at least half a dozen fools spiking the various drinks at the party? Did it somehow escape you that people could have gotten sick? We have a hemophiliac on staff and the last thing he needs is blood thinning. Not to mention that anyone recovering from addiction would've been royally fucked by your stupidity.

But carry on your normal lives. Just pray I don't find out names other than the two I have or you'll regret it until you graduate.

Oct. 26th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : 9am, 10/26

It is the privilege of men to be wanted and prized for what they can do, create, achieve. Women, through time, are prized for being pretty, petite, pliable, and submissive. We are recognized not for who we are, how smart we are, how powerful we are, but for what designers we wear and who we have married. It is enough to make me wonder sometimes how I, and those around me, will fit in the world where intelligent and capable women are so often put down, negated, spoken over and ignored. The top of the chain is white, male, heterosexual and cisgender. Where is the place for the rest of us, and when will intelligence be enough?

In the same vein, when will it be okay for males to be weak? Why can they not show real emotion without being labeled and ignored? Why can we just not all find an accord?

Sexy Halloween costumes just continue this oppression - seeking attention for our bodies and not our minds. I hope some outside of me will seek out more unique and interesting themes than sexy animals and such. We are so much more.

Oct. 25th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 10/25, afternoon

So Halloween is officially a week away. Has everyone managed to figured out their costumes? I'm still trying to decide on mine. Does anyone have any suggestions for things? I was thinking maybe a viking?

[Private to Brinley]

Hey. I wanted to ask you something if you've got a minute.

Oct. 22nd, 2015



All the best to women

Type: Owl to Skye
When: October 19th 10AM

Rise, morning sun )



[No Subject]

Type: Owl
When: Sunday, October 18th @ 9am

Owl to Mariko Mimasaka )



‘Cause they know I’m so hot hot

Type: Journal post
When: 10/22 6:30AM

Look at how upset I am! )



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: October 22nd; mid-morning

Is pink such a shocking color? I rather like some of the tones of it.

I would rather love a weekly pedicure though, if that was true I would be very happy.

[Private to Alec]

Are you alright? Come by my office if you need to.

Oct. 18th, 2015



[No Subject]

What: Message board post
When: 10/18/15, sometime after dinner but before curfew

Guys, since Halloween wasn't really anything my family did (or at least, not something my parents did with me; not sure if they ever went to a Halloween party hosted by a business associate of theirs or not), I really need some help figuring out this whole costume thing. Any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Oct. 17th, 2015



003; A girl with more desires than others

Type: Journal post
When: 10/17 7AM

One of these is what I would have worn to Hogsmeade had we been allowed to go.
A girl who hates to lose more than anything else )

Oct. 16th, 2015



Johnny boy kissed the girls

Type: Owl to Skye
When: 10/16 2AM

and made them cry, made them cry )

Oct. 14th, 2015



Hexed Against Staff

Type: Journal Post
When: Oct 14, During Lunch

What is some thing good to talk to a woman about? So that I do not bore her?



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : Around noon, 10/14

I would like to thank everyone here for the lovely welcome I have had to American culture. I am gathering anyone who is interested in healing for a club and hope to see some of you there. Also, I am still working on learning and perfecting my English, so if anyone is interested in trading some time working on that for lessons in Spanish, I would be glad to offer instruction.

Oct. 11th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : Around Noon, 10/11

So, since it's national coming out day and all, I figure I should make a confession. I'm totally into girls.

That is all. Carry on.

Oct. 10th, 2015



002; Oh my dears, oh my darlings

Type: Journal post!!!
When: 10/10 7AM

[Private to Slytherin Students Only]

Guys, I just woke up to get ready for the day and I realized something; we have not planned anything for Halloween. What is this nonsense? Do you have your costumes yet? We are Slytherin, we cannot just dress cheap clothes and sneak in firewhiskey like a couple of muggle college students. I have seen how those turn out, and for one I do not want vomit all over the common room floor, or worse still; trashily dressed snakes parading the halls.

I have already found my costume. I bought it for my birthday which was almost a costume party, and then it was not. I am only showing you to prevent anyone from dressing the same. Though I highly doubt magical bunny girl is being sought after by anyone else in our house.

I can acquire sake, if anyone has the palette for it.

Oct. 9th, 2015



001; Like a butterfly with beautiful flapping wings

Type: Journal post
When: 10/9 12:30 PM

Anyone who thinks that muggles are useless have obviously not discovered Selfies.

 photo selfie2_zpsmrn8p8jl.jpg

Look at this face, this was a face born for selfies.

Where have these things been hiding all my life? Beautiful. I will have to play around with the camera timer, I know what I'm doing this weekend.