Posts Tagged: 'character:+gabe+turner'

Jan. 1st, 2016



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: early afternoon, 1 January

[Private Dream Journal]
As if the nightmares about the Ministry murders the last few days weren't enough, Death decided to end the year with a full recap of a year's worth of murder and death yesterday and a preview of the upcoming year this morning. Fuck I need sleep.

Champagne hangovers suck. Fortunately New Year's Day is an acceptable day to have more champagne for breakfast, so the hangover doesn't hit until about... now...

I'm going to go puke.

Dec. 20th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When :Late night, 12/20

It's nice to be back home and in my room once more. I wanted to tell the dance club once more that I am so proud of you and what we managed to do for the winter showcase! Everyone was magnificent. James, we were especially good. Thank you for being the perfect partner. Perhaps we can continue to dance together for fun.

[Private to James.]

Perhaps we could enjoy eachother's company some time soon as well?

[Private to Alexei]

Have you seen father yet? He seems to be in quite the mood.



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: 12/19, after Hogsmeade

I may have to admit to myself that I pulled a muscle during the game. Either that or I am even more out of shape than I thought I was after being cooped up in the fucking castle for so long. Because my legs are killing me after that trip. I thought I was done buying presents but nope, looks like I wasn't. Merry Capitalismas mes amis.

Dec. 19th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 19 December, morning

[Private Dream Journal]
Last night, the ravens and crows were fighting shadows with lightsabers. I'd feel more reassured if I could tell if their lightsabers were red or blue or green since apparently those colors identify them as being good or bad. They were all white to me. I'll take it as positive, even though they are black like the villains in the movie.

I love detention on Hogsmeade Days. I'd probably bitch more but we all go home tomorrow so I can restock my cigarettes and alcohol then.

Nov. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: 11/29, morning

Hanging with Deatheaters? Me? Ha! That's like saying that the Pope is besties with the devil. I'd never turn to the dark side and neither would any of my family My mother doesn't count as family. I think they're just running out of juicy rumors.

[Private to Pietro]

Hey old man, still able to run?

(In case you're missing the teasing nature of this, it is a joke.)




Type: Journal post
When: November 29th, Morning

I'm fine. Anyone that thinks I'm having an off couple of months has never gone through NEWTs preparation then. I'm just trying to get good marks next year so I have options because I have no clue what I want to do.

[Private to Lily]

[Private to Derek]
Did you tell someone? Speak about it out in the open? You are the only one that knows, Derek!




Type: Journal post
When: November 29th, afternoon

Well my rumour continued to be about sex or boys or both. I'm not at all surprised. They need to come up with something original. I'm more concerned about the hurtful rumours that others seemed to get. Unless stated otherwise please don't believe anything that is in the Scribbler. It is full of hate and they are just looking for attention or to cause drama or something.

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Any interesting stories? Is the train ride still as long and boring as it always is as everyone returning home would be on it right now.



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: 11/29, morning, after the Scribbler

Before I go I'm going to hide glitter everywhere so you guys don't have to worry about not having enough sparkle in your life. It'll be okay. Reiji, you'll have to take over for me.

[Private to Bucky]

I know that the Scribbler is dumb but some of the rumors seem kind of true this time around and also I just like to check on you and make sure you're okay. Especially after we teased you the other day. So. Are you okay?

[Private to Steve]

I'm gonna try and find Whoever keeps writing these mean things and then I'm gonna punch them but I'm gonna need someone to make sure that they don't punch me back because I don't want to have my face broken.



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: 11/29, afternoon

Cough cough, cough cough, dying, dying, dead.

Please, I'm too shitty to die. Satan wouldn't accept me. I'm just going to have to live forever. Woe is me.

Angel, did you run out of your vegan cruelty free fair trade bullshit soap or something? You smell fine to me. Unless my nose is broken. Which it might be because I'm dead.



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: 11/29, after the Scribbler goes up

You know, I'm starting to think that people just don't like my baked goods. Or think that I don't like my students. Possibly both. I promise, my punishment methods do not involve sweets of any kind, although some of you may prefer that method to what I do have in store for you. Especially whoever writes this trash.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: November 29, afternoon

Um. Please don't come to me for...any of that. Please don't. I don't even...

Not that I think anyone should be made to feel bad if they do have a sex addiction problem or an addiction problem in general, but I definitely don't.

Nov. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: November 29; mid morning

I'm kind of offended by this months rumor. Sorry to disappoint kiddos but I have absolutely zero veela in me. My skills are finely honed and 100% me.

Also Lyra, we should set a date. I'm thinking late summer, early fall. Dad and Pops are gonna be thrilled!

Nov. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 11/29, lunchtime

Taylor Swift? Sure, I'll take it. My voice isn't all too bad, and I would make a killer back-up dancer.

Seriously though, I'm considering myself lucky after all the "sleeping with Harry Dresden" rumours that came around.

Nov. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When: 11/29, afternoon

Got something right... Suppose can't all be made up.



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When :11/29, mid morning

Yes, okay, fine. I'm sort of stupid. I still do my own work. I'm trying at least.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal.
Date: 11/29/2015, Morning following the Scribblr

Let me make sure to correct any ridiculous allegations the Scribblr might make of me; first off, the demon in question is silver-eyed, don't be so bland Scribblr. Furthermore, he hardly is used to give me any sort of 'wants'. I have never truly been without what it is I desire, and would like to think my ambitions have been quite good at helping me to obtain this.

Really, if I were to conjure a demon it would be simply to provide me amusement, and I hardly would need to attend school here.

And really, as if Catherine the Great's exploits were relegated to her encounters with a horse. It is no surprise a woman of her stature, strength, and prowess, would not be satisfied by mere mortal men. And she was one of the single greatest leaders in the long history of Russia and the world. She is hardly defined by her sexual exploits, and frankly... Russian horses are rather impressive steeds.

[Filter to Belle]

I would take offense to them, once again, objectifying you in a sexual manner. Yet, comparing you to Catherine the Great is still a rather large, and worthwhile comparison. She may have had her issues, but what great leader hadn't? She issued the Russian Empire into the Industrial age, and forced it out of the dark ages into a the beginnings of a truly great world power.

Nov. 24th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When : Around 6pm, 11/24

It's already looking to be a packed weekend. I am doing one of my auditions this weekend apparently. I wasn't really expecting it but I suppose it's good. It means I won't have to do all of my tryouts over Christmas, which will be nice since I have to portkey to London for one of them.

So. Wish me luck, I guess?



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: November 24; Evening

I'm very much looking forward to this break. It'll be nice to just relax for a few days. As usual I'll be staying at the castle but I'll have some free time to do some reading and practicing.



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Tuesday 24 November, morning

[Private Dream Journal]
I was flying on the back of a Raven like riding a horse... or a broom... flying among the clouds. It was raining and snowing but the moon was out and the clouds weren't blocking the moon from shining down.

Strange that I slept worse when the magic was wrong than I normally do.

Pie. And my sisters. And turkey. I might be more excited about my sisters, but only because we get pie here sometimes. And its good that my sisters can't read this or they'd shove my face into a pie for saying that. Fortunately smashed pies still taste good, and I wouldn't have to share.

Nov. 20th, 2015




Type: Journal post
When: November 20th, Morning

I didn't do it. Even though I did do it. We definitely fucked up Michael. What the hell are we going to do. Does any know anything?

[Private to Derek]
I might have done something... but that doesn't matter. How are you feeling?

[Private to Michael]
We fucked up big time.




Type: Journal post
When: November 20th, morning

No one in Ravenclaw can seem to do magic and the rumour in the common room it is the whole school? What is going on? Is this some sort of weird test? Artemis and Apollo are acting weird but Calcifer doesn't seem to have changed at all. Is something going on with the magic? Have the teachers said anything?

[Private to Misha]
Do you know what is going on?

Nov. 19th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: late evening 11/19

Cut for image )




[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When: 11/19, 9:30am

It's been kind of a long week, but it's almost the weekend now, which is nice. I'm considering going home to New Orleans for Thanksgiving. My parents love the holiday, so it might be pleasant. It would let me see them sooner too. So, if I'm not back in classes after just assume my mom fed me so much that they couldn't get me back on the train.

[Private to Friends of Jackson and Adrian]
Adrian is doing a bit better. Still up in the infirmary (explaining the fact that I'm still MIA) but hopefully won't be for too much longer.

Nov. 18th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Wednesday 18 November, morning

Being a champion is pretty great. I'm really proud of my team. You all did super amazing. Now we just need to be ready to take down ravenclaw and Hufflepuff! We can do it!

Now if school could just be over for the holiday. I'm ready for Christmas, but I'm not exactly sure if I'll be going home. Dad is pretty busy with everything going on at work. Anyone else thinking of sticking around for Christmas?

[Private to Pietro]

So, been a week again. Ready to race some more?

Nov. 17th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: November 17, evening

It's been quiet lately. And I felt that it might be nice to share one of my sketches. I felt like doing something different using ink this time. So I snuck out today because I needed to get outside and brought my sketchbook out to the edge of the forest and saw a mother and colt grazing together. I thought it was absolutely perfect. What does everyone else think?

Nov. 16th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When: Breakfast, 11/16

[Private to Slytherin]
Sorry I wasn't a good enough captain this time for the loss. I'll be working harder with the team to prevent it happening again.

[Private to Adrian]
Hey. Thinking of you. Let me know when I can stop in to check up on you?

[Private to Gabe]
How are you?

Nov. 15th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: November 15, lunchtime

WELL! I didn't want to scream with too much excitement and joy until I'd given myself a couple days to get most of it out of my system...

The new housing is PRETTY SWEET, though. Even if Michael does seem to be just as wacky here as he is elsewhere.

Welcome your new school queen. Aka Head Girl! Who else is as excited as I am right now? BECAUSE I AM PRETTY EXCITED!



[No Subject]

What: Journal entry
When: 11/15, afternoon





Nov. 14th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: journal
When: 11/14, after Quidditch.

I would like to tell the Slytherin team that you fought hard and strong. It was a close game and it could've gone to either of us.

Gryffindor team, as your captain I can't say how proud I am since there are no words. You did fantastic and we were able to win our first game! Let's keep the streak going! Party in Gryffindor.

[Private to Brin]

Are you alright? Want me to bring you something or are they going to let you go free yet?

[Private to Adrian]

Are you alright? Is there anything that I can do to help?

[Prviate to Stiles]

You were awesome out there. Pretty fantastic for your first game. I hoped my good luck charm helped a little.

[Private to Nico]

Told you we'd win.



[No Subject]

Type: journal
When: 11/14, about 2 hours after Quidditch.

For those of you who care, my brother will be okay. Is fine. Will be fine. is resting now. He's got some broken ribs from the bludger. He will be okay though.

Nov. 12th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Thursday 12 November, morning

[Private Dream Journal]
Death might be excited about the upcoming Quidditch match this weekend. I've had a couple Quidditch dreams with crows playing ravens, although last night one of the ravens was struck by a bludger and exploded into black glass shards that struck other birds and they exploded too until everything was black glass shards falling from the sky.

Apparently my hair is purple? I can't tell, but Carpenter mentioned it was a good color on me so it must be. Looks the same to me, but she's not much of a liar.



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: November 12th, Morning.

Oh hell no. I can deal with died hair, but not with purple. So not my color. Anyone know how to turn it pink?



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: 11/12, morning

I am very sorry to anyone I scared this morning when I screamed in the shower. I was not being murdered I promise. I was just very excited. My hair is purple!

I am also very sorry for anyone who heard me scream just now. I got excited again. I hope your eardrums are okay.

Nov. 11th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When: morning , 11/11

Well we're going into November and it's almost the end of the semester. How had this year gone by so fast? It's kind of hard to believe! I'm starting to think that I don't want the school year to end. Though Quidditch is starting this weekend and I want to tell both teams good luck. I'm sure it'll be an amazing game to watch!

Lab work has been interesting though. I have a few good experiments that I'm working hard on.

[ Violet]

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten my promise. I'm close to making a breakthrough. I might need something to test it out. No chance you can get a television, could you?


So I have an interesting experiment going on and I would be super grateful for a set of extra hands if you're willing?

[Steve - Broken charm though so public]

I still need that semen sample if you're willing?



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When: 6am, 11/11

Snake in my bed. Good morning snake.