Posts Tagged: 'character:+molly+carpenter'

Oct. 3rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Saturday 3 October, nearly noon

[Private Dream Journal]
No surprise, it has been Gareth's murder this week. He is outside, it is dark... and it is sudden. It was at least fast. They did not have time for more.

I've also been dreaming - or Seeing? I'm not sure. But a flock of crows have perched around the castle all week. I've been afraid to ask if they are really there or not.

Crows mourn their dead, and remember threats. They learn the face of anyone who hurts one of their flock, and scold and heckle that individual when they see them again. And they teach others in the flock who to be aware of.

Oct. 1st, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : 10/1, around 5pm

[Hexed against Faculty]
So I've been considering, and I think we all need to gather together and do something enjoyable. Obviously we have to follow the curfew and all or one of my chasers will glare in annoyance at me, but I'm just about going crazy right now. I know we can't get muggle movies or anything at school, but there has to be something we can all do to sort of let loose. if anyone has any ideas, I'm totally open. Anything!

Sep. 30th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
Date: 9/30/2015, Early evening.

Shame about the boy.

Even greater shame that I wasn't there to see him fall. Father told me it might be 'an eventful year' but so far I haven't had a single chance to get my hands dirty. If anything, this year is monotonous.

Sep. 28th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 29 September, 2 am

I don't know what it's like to lose somebody. They told me my family is dead, but I can't remeb

I also didn't know what it was like to be the one lost, or the pain it causes.

I don't know how anyone felt when I was gone. Because I'm a muggleborn and an orphan, I assumed nobody gave much of a shit when I was dead. But I really don't know how close I was to anyone, because I convinced myself it was better not knowing. It was easier to think that I could ignore the past and move on, so I didn't even consider the other end of it.

Recent tragedy made me realize that maybe I've been an asshole. Look, I'm sorry. I'm relearning how to be a person and I know I'm doing a lot wrong.

If you were my friend before, it's... still overwhelming. I can't handle it all at once. But if you want to say hello and reintroduce yourself, I'm okay. Just don't touch me.

Sep. 27th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : Late morning 9/27

Yeah. Big fucking scary guys killing children. Fucking brave, aren't they?

Fucking ridiculous. A fifteen year old though? What the fuck are you proving by killing fucking children? Other than you're fucking sadistic.

Sep. 26th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
Date: 9/26/2015, early evening.

GUYS. Yes, shit's all getting real and stuff, BUT.... it's also Batman day. So I think we should all, in our common rooms, watch Batman on loop. If we can just figure out a way to do so....

Sep. 21st, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Midday 21 September, Monday

[Private Dream Journal]
The Dark Mark, the chaos, the screaming and the green lights... I've started over again on the World Cup killings. This time though I saw some of the masks. Masks I recognize from the older dreams, about the murder my Father was part of. I don't know whose masks they are though, but I know the masks.

Fuck, I love Hogsmeade Weekends. The first one of the year is always especially fun, seeing the ickle thirdies learning their way around. And more importantly for me, restocking the cigarettes and a couple new flavors for my ecig. Going up in time for Charms at 10 was tough today though.

Sep. 17th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : September 17, after dinner.

This is my "almost the weekend" dance. Also my "Molly is very bored" dance. They look alike. Anyone want to save me from the boredom?

Sep. 10th, 2015


[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
Date: Sept. 10, afternoon

While I've been enjoying the peace and quiet lately, it's been long enough. If you took Bob, turn him in and I'll consider not giving you detention in addition to deducting points from your house. I need him for something

Aug. 31st, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: Monday 31 August, Afternoon

[Private to Ophelia]
Your first painting has sold.

It has often been questioned whether my spot on the team was legitimately earned or not, although the rumor used to be that it was because of my relationship to Wallace Battye. Gabe was the one who slept his way onto the team.

Jackson... if you are going to wear a wig, why would you choose to wear a birds nest on your head and your face.

...Stop throwing paper at me.

Sissy, something I should know? How anyone would notice that you were eating MORE than usual when you already eat as much as a whole Quidditch team though... Seems a little unrealistic.




Type: Journal post
When: August 31st, Afternoon

Such a ferocious dog. Who on his best days still has issues with stairs. It is a good thing the Slytherin common room isn't in a tower.

You're an idiot if you believe those rumours.

[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
Date: August 31st, morning

Where do people come up with this stuff? Really. I'm curious. Is there a big wheel that the people at the Scribbler spin and then wherever it stops they decide to print. Pretty sure when I was a student, people said the same thing about Michael Meru they said about me. Gossip never fails to be completely bizarre and wrong.

You would think after all this time people would think of something new to say.

Aug. 30th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Midday Sunday 30 August

[Private Dream Journal]
Quidditch and masks and hoods and magic and chaos and confusion. Panic and fear and shock. Seven nights, seven people. Eleven died. Will I have four more nights of this? I hope it is just four more and that the dreams don't decide to repeat. Four more means I will actually sleep Thursday night and only have to get through two days of classes like I am now.

Cramming as much clubbing and sleeping in as I possibly can before the train on Tuesday. I wonder if I'll get a detention for showing up to the train hung-over? Fuck, I might be hung-over when classes actually start on Wednesday.

Aug. 25th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: 8/25/2015, evening.

So I've been doing two things all day, or well maybe more than two. Whatever. Two main things. I've been listening to an insane amount of Epica's version of The Pirates of the Caribbean. While I do this, I've also been playing Assassin's Creed: Black Flag. The amount of bad assery involved with doing those two things at once, is quite possibly the most bad ass of all bad ass to have ever bad asseryed.

The second thing I've been doing today, is running through the halls in gym shorts and socks, after having waxed the floors to see how far I could slide, and I slid all the way to the stairs and totally jumped off, flipped through the air, and landed almost perfectly on the bottom. Actually not perfectly at all, which is why I have been sitting around playing Assassin's Creed all day.

...I need to somehow make this game better. And perhaps a place where I don't get yelled at for using so much wax...

I also bought a new shirt today. You're welcome.

Image of shirt beneath )




Type: Journal post
When: August 25, Morning

It took my a couple of days and a lot of greasing palms but I found out the names of who died in the attack. I won't list them out of respect to the families but I knew my fellow staff members and students would like to know that no one from Hogwarts was killed.

The majority of deaths were adults. There was someone from Merlin Academy. ...and two young souls that hadn't reach the age of eleven yet.

I know there is a memorial site that started yesterday at the quidditch pitch that is in Marble City due to the one that the Quidditch World Cup is still off limits because investigations. You can go there to pay your respects if you feel like you need to.

Aug. 24th, 2015




Type: Journal post
When: August 24th, Afternoon

I'm alive and kicking. Well I can kick one leg. The other is sprained. The ankle is sprained. Not the leg. Which magic really can't fix so I'm off of my leg for a couple of days. Something my dad is glad for hear. Apparently every time I leave his sight I get into trouble and I am no longer allowed to leave his sight. This will make school a lot more interesting.

Nico. Keara. Sound off that you are alright before I hobble over to your houses to see if you're okay.

Aug. 23rd, 2015



[No Subject]

What: Journal post
When: Sunday, August 23rd, afternoon

Okay, I've heard from some of you but everyone who's safe please sound off. If you know of someone who is safe but can't respond feel free to respond for them. Please and thank you.



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When : August 23, around 6am

I really hope everyone is safe and has found all their loved ones by now. Things being what they are, I'm hoping that there was minimal real damage to those who were at the World Cup. even though I know that's unlikely.

[Private to Harry]
Can you let my mom and dad know I'll get home tomorrow? I may have possibly apparated too many times and made myself sick from it. I'm at a friend's house.

Aug. 19th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: Late Wednesday 19 August

Party at our tent after the French loss Saturday. You don't need tickets to the Match to come to the party. Just be in the area.

[Private to Friends]
And also Friday night before the match for anyone who wants to hang out.



[No Subject]

Type : Journal
When: August 19, 5pm

Well, since I'm moving out after this year most likely my parents finally said I could get a pet. It's no Mouse, but it's mine. Sadly no pictures of Mouse in comparison yet but look up a Caucasian shepherd for a size comparison.

Cut for image )

Aug. 13th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: Thursday 13 August, late

Everyone is talking about being ready to go back to school. I for one, am enjoying my summer. Sera's party was fun, and it is only one of the many pleasures of the summer. I mean school is great and all, and I'm glad not to be graduated yet since then I would need to actually work instead of hitting the clubs whenever I want - which is often - and sleeping late into the day.

Aug. 12th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: August 11th, 5PM

Stiles, because I know you will come knock my door down if I don't tell you something about him: your dog made a friend.

Please note how he looks healthy and well-fed and is not on fire or otherwise injured.

Aug. 9th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal
When: 8 August early afternoon

USA is looking good for the Finals of the Quidditch World Cup. It's only a couple weeks away. Dad's secured our tickets and hotel already. Is anyone else planning on going? If so, it would be nice to have a party or something before the match.

[Private to Narissa]
There is no way Wallace isn't going to be there. The only question is she going to stay with us or just show up at the hotel whenever she feels like being social?



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Entry
When: Sunday August 9, 10 am

I don't think I ever realized that waking up could happen in a nearly silent location. Usually I'm hearing a hundred different things at once and one of them wakes me.

Anyway, I got to trek out to Marble City twice this week, which was fun. I might head out again sometime next week to check out the new brooms that are supposed to be coming out. I love Chicago but there's not nearly as much when it comes to Wizarding shopping areas out here.

Aug. 8th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Entry
When: August 8th, afternoon

It's always a good day when my mother and I can sit on the porch and talk while drinking iced tea. We put on our kimonos and just relaxed in the sun. It has been so long since I wore mine, I'm surprised it still fits. But it does! Our neighbors were staring at us, but mother said that didn't matter. It's been ages since my mom and I talked so much, too. She... doesn't always understand the magical side of my life. She sees it more as something I should be able to turn off and does not understand why I don't.

School starts soon. I think I'm going to make a trip out to get my books soon. Anyone else going? Maybe can do a lunch date?




Type: Journal post
When: August 8th, Evening

Dad finally brought me my journal so it won't change into beast mode and I can keep in touch with the world because hospital rooms are so damn boring.

Yes... there might have been a tiny explosion in Meru's lab that I was a part of. You're okay right, Meru? The nurses said you received a minor injury? I'm so sorry.

I'm fine but I gotta stay in here for a couple of days as they make sure everything is okay.

[Private to Derek Hale]
Will you take care of Batman? He is driving my dad nuts and dad has a lot on his plate already between me and work.

Please? I know you will take good care of him and Batman likes you.

[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
Date: Aug. 8, late morning (10ish)

Is it bad that I miss the muggles already? Not to say that the wizarding world isn't very exciting, but I guess I've gotten used to being around muggles all the time.

Also, if any of you end up in my office, ignore the skull. Bob has a lot to say and it's seldom of any actual use.

Aug. 6th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Entry
Date: noon, Thursday 6 August

[Private Dream Journal]
I don't know who the woman was, but she had brown hair. She fought back - disarmed one of the Deatheaters attacking her. Father. He didn't need his wand though; his hands were around her neck and then all I see are the shadows and the ravens.

I've had this dream before. I saw nothing new this time. Just the same scene, the same faces. And always the shadows.

Day two of not smoking. I've already chewed two packs of gum. Not the nicotine kind. Those taste like ass. Not that what I've been chewing tastes much better at this point. Someone remind me why I'm quitting again?




Type: Journal post
When: August 6th, Morning

I'm going to be that guy that posts nothing on here but pictures of his dog. But it is better than knowing my most inner most thoughts right? Like you really don't need to know that I've already taken my morning poop. Or I've jacked off already.

So I seemed to really impress Molly yesterday with my kick ass flying skills or she really liked cuddling and playing with Batman. I think it was all Batman. So I got him a little something on my way home yesterday. He doesn't actually seemed to mind wearing clothes.

So I'm going to be that guy that dresses my dog up and posts pictures of him too.

Now I must go see a wizard about a potion that I need help on.

Aug. 2nd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Owl
When: August 2nd, Afternoon

Dear Molly,

Is dear too formal? I don't know what I should put. Hello Molly? Salutations Molly? I'm use to emails and texts, you know current muggle gadgets.

Anyways I'm writing this because I know you are the Slytherin Quidditch Captain and well I want on the team. Or try out for the team. I know you have a chaser spot open and I want to be your chaser. A chaser. Slytherin chaser. Whatever.

So can I try out? I'm pretty good and you need a player so let me try out, okay?


Aug. 1st, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Entry
When: August 1, around 1

[Private to Self]
I still can't believe I did that. Harry told me over and over that I was not to use what I can do on anyone who couldn't defend themselves. I was doing the right thing though! I was trying to make them better! It wasn't like I was trying to make them do bad things. They were hurting themselves and I just wanted it to stop! I mean, they were my friends, and they were doing things that could kill them. Like, literally kill them! Why wouldn’t that be good, making them stop and doing so in a way that really didn’t even hurt?


Summer is more than halfway over. I took the jawas to the pool today, since that's the only thing we don't seem to have in the yard. Relocated to the treehouse after because mother has taken to yelling at me (again) about my nose ring. I'd consider a silencing hex but that might end badly and I'm still stuck there until at least next summer.

Anyone want to save me?

Jul. 26th, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal Post
When: 3am, 7/26
NOTE: italics are in French

Well, the good news is that I am officially unemployed! The better news is that I can now spend my time hanging out at the lake house of a very pretty, very nice girl! The not so great news is that I am sunburned. I didn't know I could get sunburned. This is good information to know, I suppose, but still, it is painfully gained information.

And the possibly not so great news is that Papa is coming home earlier than I thought so I may have to leave early and go get yelled at.

Anyway, the worst news of all is that my sleeping schedule is even more fucked up than normal and I can't sleep. Someone want to come knock me out and put me out of my misery?

Private to Enjolras
Angel, can I come see you for a few days? Not related to my father at all, I just haven't gotten to see you in the last week and I am going to go into withdrawal. (Okay maybe it has a little to do with my father because I do not want to be locked in a house with him but mostly because I do miss you.)

Jul. 24th, 2015




Type: Journal post
When: July 24th, 10am

So I know all of you have been waiting with baited breath to see what I would get as a pet. Well you don't have to wait any longer! Here he is!

Meet Batman! I fell in love the moment I saw him and I knew I had to have him. I think dad is a little impressed that I went with a dog and not say a cat or toad.

I got a copy of the rules and guide for school and there is nothing in there that says I can't have a dog. I guess it is just uncommon because they can be a lot of work but I'm up for the challenge!

Jul. 23rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Type: Journal post
When: July 23rd. 12pm

So the summer is getting closer and closer to ending, and that means a brand new school year and a brand new quidditch season. So Gryffindors, I would like to talk to you all about joining the quidditch team. We're on a mission to keep the winning streak going into this year.

As team captain, I think it's important that we get things going. So I'm going to be holding a couple open workshops in the coming weeks. So anyone interested in playing, or any previous members interested in helping me out, hit me up!